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Obesity in children ‘alarmingly’ on rise in Bangladesh

It's always the butthurt people hijacking thread.. one of their favourite pastimes, aside from making IEDs obviously
tough times for them , financially speaking

we should extend a helping hand to those that need it most , not loans but in the form of aid
biradar mulq afterall

You are talking about rural food habit not of city dwellers who are middle class, higher middle class and above. Do you have any idea why so many restaurants are in Bangladesh specially in big cities if people are just eating rice as you are saying? Truth is city dweller's food habit has changed and there are many reason for that. They try to taste different food, rising income level, less time for cooking, lack of space for socialization and many more.

Go check out this Food Blogger group of Bangladesh which has close to million follower and see their food habit and try to compare it with what you have said.

Now counting on these there are so many food vlogger and making good fortune out of it .
The news covered the country and not newly rich kids of Dhaka. The internet sources pinpoint the following as the causes of obesity. It does not say kids are obese because they eat three meals a day in the KFCs or in the hifi restaurants.

By the way, the following list forgot to say that BD restaurant foods are all cooked in thick oil. It is so much that the fishes or meats float/ swim on it.

9 most common causes of obesity
  • Genetics. ...
  • Physical inactivity. ...
  • Diet high in simple carbohydrates. ...
  • Overeating. ...
  • Frequency of eating. ...
  • Medications. ...
  • Psychological factors. ...
  • Diseases: Diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, and Cushing's syndrome are also contributors to obesity.
Please make another survey of rich kids starting from yourself and send the data for us the poor to see.
tough times for them , financially speaking

we should extend a helping hand to those that need it most , not loans but in the form of aid
biradar mulq afterall

Send some kfc
The news covered the country and not newly rich kids of Dhaka. The internet sources pinpoint the following as the causes of obesity. It does not say kids are obese because they eat three meals a day in the KFCs or in the hifi restaurants.

By the way, the following list forgot to say that BD restaurant foods are all cooked in thick oil. It is so much that the fishes or meats float/ swim on it.

9 most common causes of obesity
  • Genetics. ...
  • Physical inactivity. ...
  • Diet high in simple carbohydrates. ...
  • Overeating. ...
  • Frequency of eating. ...
  • Medications. ...
  • Psychological factors. ...
  • Diseases: Diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, and Cushing's syndrome are also contributors to obesity.
Please make another survey of rich kids starting from yourself and send the data for us the poor to see.
Instead of arguing please re read the news article again. What I mentioned clearly indicated at the middle part of the article.

Yes it’s for whole Bangladesh but around 20% of the children are obese and most of them are city dwellers. In village hardly you will see obese children as they are skinny, malnourished or stunned there.
The news covered the country and not newly rich kids of Dhaka. The internet sources pinpoint the following as the causes of obesity. It does not say kids are obese because they eat three meals a day in the KFCs or in the hifi restaurants.

By the way, the following list forgot to say that BD restaurant foods are all cooked in thick oil. It is so much that the fishes or meats float/ swim on it.

9 most common causes of obesity
  • Genetics. ...
  • Physical inactivity. ...
  • Diet high in simple carbohydrates. ...
  • Overeating. ...
  • Frequency of eating. ...
  • Medications. ...
  • Psychological factors. ...
  • Diseases: Diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, and Cushing's syndrome are also contributors to obesity.
Please make another survey of rich kids starting from yourself and send the data for us the poor to see.

Please opine on my post# 32.
Yes it’s for whole Bangladesh but around 20% of the children are obese and most of them are city dwellers. In village hardly you will see obese children as they are skinny, malnourished or stunned there.
This is the first time someone implying that city dwellers go to KFCs for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You guys are here writ in a way that falsifies data and reality. This is how think the prestige of the country rises. All bloody false pretentions.
This is the first time someone implying that city dwellers go to KFCs for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You guys are here writ in a way that falsifies data and reality. This is how think the prestige of the country rises. All bloody false pretentions.

I am posting the news again. Please read the highlighted part. Now please don’t say that the news agency and doctors are falsifying data.

Obesity in children ‘alarmingly’ on rise in Bangladesh​

March 6, 2022, 2:12 pm
  • health-obesity-anadolu.jpg
DHAKA, Bangladesh – Obesity and overweight are alarmingly on the rise in Bangladesh, particularly among children and adolescents, owing to the rapid spread of fast-food culture and changing lifestyles, experts and guardians viewed on the eve of World Obesity Day observed globally on Friday.

According to a joint study published in 2014 by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), obesity affects 1.4 percent of children under the age of five in Bangladesh.

Besides, 17.9 percent of children in the South Asian delta nation of nearly 170 million people are obese, while the same problem among adolescents is 23.6 percent.

As per the country's law, citizens aged 18 years and below are considered children, whereas youths aged 10 to 19 are considered adolescents.

Dr Khurshid Jahan, professor at the prestigious Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, told Anadolu Agency that the number of bulky children in the country has been significantly increasing in recent years.

"Nowadays, children and adolescents suffering from obesity are visible everywhere, including schools, shopping malls, hospitals, and other places," Dr Jahan remarked, adding that dietary habits, particularly in urban areas, have changed dramatically.

She believes that, as a result of urbanization and other socioeconomic factors, most parents are overburdened with professional responsibilities and have little time to prepare food at home for their children.

"The simplest approach is to purchase prepacked fast food or buy frozen fast food products to easily cook at home to save time," she added.

"Children, as well as people of all ages, have so been adapted to the western lifestyle of consuming fast food at random in Bangladesh," she noted.

According to a World Health Organization (WHO) research published in June 2021, worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975.

“In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Over 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-9 were overweight or obese in 2016,” the report said, adding that 39 million children under the age of five were overweight or obese in 2020.

Risk factors of obesity

Dr. Jahan has warned that rising obesity among Bangladeshi children and youths is putting them at risk for a number of ailments, including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

"There has also been a very concerning situation among many children in recent times. They have knee and groin pain, which is primarily caused by obesity. We have never seen such a problem in our lives," she said, underlining that children spend most of their free time playing mobile games and have no opportunity to engage in physical activities in open playgrounds.

"Children and adolescents eat excessive amounts of food, and the calories they consume mostly go unburned due to a lack of physical activity," she said, urging the government to implement a mega plan to restructure all major cities, particularly Dhaka, to provide opportunities for children, adolescents, and youths to play in open playgrounds in naturalistic environments.

Many children are becoming mentally unwell as a result of their obesity and bulky body shape, she said, explaining that "most of them don't like friends, and they're even bored when relatives visit."

No sign of progress

Shahida Arabi Irin, a lawyer by profession and a resident of Dhaka's upscale Segunbagicha neighborhood, observed that not only the children and adolescents but also the majority of the women are addicted to the fast-food culture.

"I don't think there is a quick fix for this situation. I believe it will worsen day by day as people become busier in order to manage their modern and urban lifestyles. Most working women feel at ease buying fast food for their children and themselves," she said.

She commented on the general environment of megacity Dhaka, saying that tens of thousands of people, particularly mothers, frequent the city's shopping malls or super shops for shopping and entertainment because there are few parks to visit.

"Fast food provided in well-decorated restaurant outlets in those shopping malls attracts them. So, I, like my school-age son, have become addicted to fast food, particularly burgers and pizza, and we are both now obese," Irin added.

Amir Faisal Mohammad Zakaria, the head of IT at a renowned Islamic life insurance firm in the city, told Anadolu Agency that the government should take a major initiative to curb fast-food culture and raise public awareness.

“The majority of the children dislike vegetables and other homemade hygienic foods. They eat a lot of chicken meat and other fast food," Zakaria observed, adding that obesity is causing millions of children in the country to lose physical fitness, which could have harmful consequences.

In other regions of the country, she warned that the fast-food culture is rapidly spreading, even in remote regions.

She suggested that all parents monitor their children's eating habits and encourage the development of healthy eating habits.(Anadolu)

This is pretty serious, there are plenty of long term consequences of childhood obesity. Government should really invest into promoting more sports activity for children and not just cricket. Maybe even encourage the use of brown rice over the normal white rice. There's not a single country that managed to reduce their obesity rate as far as I know, so it's best to address this problem as soon as possible.
Bless the wonders of "western" foot outlets all over South Asia. People take pride in eating at these and gorging themselves with processed food. Sweetened fizzy drinks and high fat content add to obesity statistics. Also, in South Asia, not only is consuming fast food considered a sign of "progress", but also of upward mobility. Another inferiority complex, among many others, that bless our region.
@bluesky are you ready for 7000 calorie challenge within 25 min?

Watch the video and see what people are eating and trying out.

OK this guy will stay constipated for about three months. Lower colon completely blocked....:lol:

Cholostomy, Enema and high colonic treatment will be needed....

here in England, in my town, bengolis be cooking fish early morning, the stench god damn biological killer. they probably grill the shit out of the fish with a blow torch.

Is it public housing you live in?

What grade of people are your neighbors? Fish in morning? Wow.....
OK this guy will stay constipated for about three months. Lower colon completely blocked....:lol:

Cholostomy, Enema and high colonic treatment will be needed....

Is it public housing you live in?

What grade of people are your neighbors? Fish in morning? Wow.....

I think he got exposed to people eating Shutki (dried fish) lol...but who eats Shutki or even fish in the morning!
here in England, in my town, bengolis be cooking fish early morning, the stench god damn biological killer. they probably grill the shit out of the fish with a blow torch.
This reminds me of South Indian neighbors in NYC, every f-ing night
I mean every night

Some really smelly, Stinky,spicy curry food they used to make, I swear Hitler could use that smell to torture jews and they'd probably prefer the gas than that smell

Thank God I stayed in NYC for just a year, after that got a house so I don't have to smell that wierd crap

Bangladeshi food outside of fish is not as smelly or spicy compared to other SC region, if anything it can be a little bit too much on the sweeter side
But yeah fish can be bad

OK this guy will stay constipated for about three months. Lower colon completely blocked....:lol:

Cholostomy, Enema and high colonic treatment will be needed....

Is it public housing you live in?

What grade of people are your neighbors? Fish in morning? Wow.....
It's bad in big cities cause of apartment culture
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One of the fish I tried was very very tasty it's called Rahu or something.. very yummy but unfortunately it's not available in Canada it comes from BD.

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