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Featured How Pakistan Is Preparing to Kill India’s New Aircraft Carriers

You can ask any military expert the carriers are pretty much a bygone era and you can eliminate them almost at will with So many different methods and options without breaking a sweat..
Lol! Ask the Iranians they conducted a test to simulate sinking of a US carrier and designed a flattop carrier lookalike, fired barrage of antiship missiles at it but then they landed seamen on it and the flattop still didn't sink. The US tried to sink it's own AC a decommissioned one and it took them nearly 4 weeks after intense firing both from underwater and air. So, no, it's not a tugboat you can sink and it's not of bygone era. If that was the case China wouldn't be building more of these.
Lol! Ask the Iranians they conducted a test to simulate sinking of a US carrier and designed a flattop carrier lookalike, fired barrage of antiship missiles at it but then they landed seamen on it and the flattop still didn't sink. The US tried to sink it's own AC a decommissioned one and it took them nearly 4 weeks after intense firing both from underwater and air. So, no, it's not a tugboat you can sink and it's not of bygone era. If that was the case China wouldn't be building more of these.
Saturation attacks from different directions will sinks aircraft carrier easily kid
Lol! Ask the Iranians they conducted a test to simulate sinking of a US carrier and designed a flattop carrier lookalike, fired barrage of antiship missiles at it but then they landed seamen on it and the flattop still didn't sink. The US tried to sink it's own AC a decommissioned one and it took them nearly 4 weeks after intense firing both from underwater and air. So, no, it's not a tugboat you can sink and it's not of bygone era. If that was the case China wouldn't be building more of these.
we iranians wont sink carriers we will seize them so yes we land on top of it and we hijack it after we totally took it out of comission because we arent stupid to sink such a poisonous mess in our own southern waters
Ok... General sb from Armchair in moms basement.
look at it carefully this is how plasma looks like in the middle of a metal casket even lack of oxygen cant stop it even if you pump in liquid helium you wont stop it you talk about some dinosaur weapons here which are laughable at best when you think such carrier makes you mighty please show us how mighty you are and sail it somewhere near china because you cant annoy anyone else with it anyway and the chinese arent much of a fight compared to us muslims and look what they will do to you
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That's not the point though. The point is you can't easily Sink a Carrier just by firing a missile or two.
i point out that pakistan is nuclear armed even if it cant do a thing it can still fire 2 missiles and blow up everything in its path but we iranians are on the sea like wolves and foxes we wont behave like stupid dinosaurs if iran builds something huge for the sea you can be sure it will be a kind of supply base ship or mother base ship as americans call them but certainly not something stupid like huge carrier fleets
most iranian ships are going to have stealth and speed and deadliness combined in them but they will be smaller than traditional ships
even if iran seizes an american carrier it would basically scrap it or sell it because its useless scrap metal at the end of the day
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You guys seem to forget that 1 US carrier and escorts =/= 1 Chinese carrier and escorts =/= 1 Indian carrier and escorts.

US carriers are highly effective tools of war to project power and make war anywhere on earth they please. China does not have this power in military tools. India has much much less of this ability than even China which is already low. At best both India and China can project military power to region.

1 US carrier is effective in a way China's is not yet. India's is much less simply because it does not have SSN that is not simply rented Akula class from Soviet times. Then there is domestic large ships and weapon and electronic systems. Even the radar is Israeli. China's doesn't have the numbers the Americans have and doesn't have the bases everywhere on earth. USA has hundreds of bases with whatever they want to put on them. China has half a base in Africa. Power projection is much less necessary for China and India at this point.

However China is developing carriers and building its carrier technology and skills and industry. This is important not for what it produces today but what can be done years from today. The same applies with India. Our carriers are not the same in operation as American carriers. However Indian carrier I would say seems much less secure than even China's CV-16 simply because India's Barak missile systems cannot perform as well as HHQ-16B + HHQ-9B systems and their AESA cannot perform as well as even old Type 346 not to count Type 346A or newer dual band on 055 destroyers. Nowhere near as many destroyers and frigates as PLAN and nowhere near as many AIP SSK or PWR SSN. Of course there are also HGV antiship weapons and land launched maneuverable warheads from anti ship ballistic missiles of different ranges. I think on area denial, China's ability greatly exceed India's for surface fleet attack. For example if PLAN can withstand 10 hours fighting with USN before overwhelmed, India could stand 1 hour. Of course India has no HGV weapon in service unlike China's several types and India has no AShBM at all and no network of sensors for their guidance in HALE and in space. I don't think India has China's underwater acoustic network on the ocean floor or autonomous drones.

As for carrier used against neighbours, Pakistan has the ability to destroy India's two carriers and fleet with ease if it has air superiority. The problem is Pakistan cannot gain air superiority against India's airforce which is much larger and overall about equal in ability except new Rafale is a great boost to IAF's ability. If Pakistan can control the air near Indian carriers, they can overwhelm them simply because Indian navy just doesn't have enough good escorts that can perform interception of attack swarms and attack aircraft at the same time. Barak-8 is not enough to attack aircraft. However IAF will make sure PAF does not gain this range to attack.

Pakistan has no HGV and no AShBM. It has no stealth fighter, no stealth bomber, no stealth strike drones. If the question is important for Pakistan to be able to sink India's carriers, it would buy these weapons from China but J-20 is not available for export, neither is GJ-11 or any other more sensitive Chinese drone that is not yet revealed. AShBM and HGV is a different story and purely defensive weapons so in secret like China sold ballistic missile to Turkey and UAE in the past, perhaps is possible and if it is ever done, will never be revealed in public. Iran has its own AShBM and neither Russia or China would respond to US invasion of Iran without strong response. Simply no way it would be allowed to have US install government into Iran, so close and strategically important for both Russia and China.

India's carriers allow India to engage Pakistan airforce is more directions and it would be more a job for Pakistan's navy, particularly the submarines to engage. Luckily the space is small and SSK can wait in position. Depending how good India's submarine warfare is at, they will struggle with making sure their carrier are not sunk by a torpedo from PN submarine. One single torpedo and one single SSK that is missed by IN is all it will take. How well is India protecting this asset and developing definite security in submarine warfare?
You guys seem to forget that 1 US carrier and escorts =/= 1 Chinese carrier and escorts =/= 1 Indian carrier and escorts.

US carriers are highly effective tools of war to project power and make war anywhere on earth they please. China does not have this power in military tools. India has much much less of this ability than even China which is already low. At best both India and China can project military power to region.

1 US carrier is effective in a way China's is not yet. India's is much less simply because it does not have SSN that is not simply rented Akula class from Soviet times. Then there is domestic large ships and weapon and electronic systems. Even the radar is Israeli. China's doesn't have the numbers the Americans have and doesn't have the bases everywhere on earth. USA has hundreds of bases with whatever they want to put on them. China has half a base in Africa. Power projection is much less necessary for China and India at this point.

However China is developing carriers and building its carrier technology and skills and industry. This is important not for what it produces today but what can be done years from today. The same applies with India. Our carriers are not the same in operation as American carriers. However Indian carrier I would say seems much less secure than even China's CV-16 simply because India's Barak missile systems cannot perform as well as HHQ-16B + HHQ-9B systems and their AESA cannot perform as well as even old Type 346 not to count Type 346A or newer dual band on 055 destroyers. Nowhere near as many destroyers and frigates as PLAN and nowhere near as many AIP SSK or PWR SSN. Of course there are also HGV antiship weapons and land launched maneuverable warheads from anti ship ballistic missiles of different ranges. I think on area denial, China's ability greatly exceed India's for surface fleet attack. For example if PLAN can withstand 10 hours fighting with USN before overwhelmed, India could stand 1 hour. Of course India has no HGV weapon in service unlike China's several types and India has no AShBM at all and no network of sensors for their guidance in HALE and in space. I don't think India has China's underwater acoustic network on the ocean floor or autonomous drones.

As for carrier used against neighbours, Pakistan has the ability to destroy India's two carriers and fleet with ease if it has air superiority. The problem is Pakistan cannot gain air superiority against India's airforce which is much larger and overall about equal in ability except new Rafale is a great boost to IAF's ability. If Pakistan can control the air near Indian carriers, they can overwhelm them simply because Indian navy just doesn't have enough good escorts that can perform interception of attack swarms and attack aircraft at the same time. Barak-8 is not enough to attack aircraft. However IAF will make sure PAF does not gain this range to attack.

Pakistan has no HGV and no AShBM. It has no stealth fighter, no stealth bomber, no stealth strike drones. If the question is important for Pakistan to be able to sink India's carriers, it would buy these weapons from China but J-20 is not available for export, neither is GJ-11 or any other more sensitive Chinese drone that is not yet revealed. AShBM and HGV is a different story and purely defensive weapons so in secret like China sold ballistic missile to Turkey and UAE in the past, perhaps is possible and if it is ever done, will never be revealed in public. Iran has its own AShBM and neither Russia or China would respond to US invasion of Iran without strong response. Simply no way it would be allowed to have US install government into Iran, so close and strategically important for both Russia and China.

India's carriers allow India to engage Pakistan airforce is more directions and it would be more a job for Pakistan's navy, particularly the submarines to engage. Luckily the space is small and SSK can wait in position. Depending how good India's submarine warfare is at, they will struggle with making sure their carrier are not sunk by a torpedo from PN submarine. One single torpedo and one single SSK that is missed by IN is all it will take. How well is India protecting this asset and developing definite security in submarine warfare?
you cant compare india to china or america and you cant claim that india will have a similar escort as those two because it is not capable to and i repeat this kind of concept is a dinosaur concept now talk about it being efficient i still call you a dinosaur and your concept i call dying and useless
You guys seem to forget that 1 US carrier and escorts =/= 1 Chinese carrier and escorts =/= 1 Indian carrier and escorts.

US carriers are highly effective tools of war to project power and make war anywhere on earth they please. China does not have this power in military tools. India has much much less of this ability than even China which is already low. At best both India and China can project military power to region.

1 US carrier is effective in a way China's is not yet. India's is much less simply because it does not have SSN that is not simply rented Akula class from Soviet times. Then there is domestic large ships and weapon and electronic systems. Even the radar is Israeli. China's doesn't have the numbers the Americans have and doesn't have the bases everywhere on earth. USA has hundreds of bases with whatever they want to put on them. China has half a base in Africa. Power projection is much less necessary for China and India at this point.

However China is developing carriers and building its carrier technology and skills and industry. This is important not for what it produces today but what can be done years from today. The same applies with India. Our carriers are not the same in operation as American carriers. However Indian carrier I would say seems much less secure than even China's CV-16 simply because India's Barak missile systems cannot perform as well as HHQ-16B + HHQ-9B systems and their AESA cannot perform as well as even old Type 346 not to count Type 346A or newer dual band on 055 destroyers. Nowhere near as many destroyers and frigates as PLAN and nowhere near as many AIP SSK or PWR SSN. Of course there are also HGV antiship weapons and land launched maneuverable warheads from anti ship ballistic missiles of different ranges. I think on area denial, China's ability greatly exceed India's for surface fleet attack. For example if PLAN can withstand 10 hours fighting with USN before overwhelmed, India could stand 1 hour. Of course India has no HGV weapon in service unlike China's several types and India has no AShBM at all and no network of sensors for their guidance in HALE and in space. I don't think India has China's underwater acoustic network on the ocean floor or autonomous drones.

As for carrier used against neighbours, Pakistan has the ability to destroy India's two carriers and fleet with ease if it has air superiority. The problem is Pakistan cannot gain air superiority against India's airforce which is much larger and overall about equal in ability except new Rafale is a great boost to IAF's ability. If Pakistan can control the air near Indian carriers, they can overwhelm them simply because Indian navy just doesn't have enough good escorts that can perform interception of attack swarms and attack aircraft at the same time. Barak-8 is not enough to attack aircraft. However IAF will make sure PAF does not gain this range to attack.

Pakistan has no HGV and no AShBM. It has no stealth fighter, no stealth bomber, no stealth strike drones. If the question is important for Pakistan to be able to sink India's carriers, it would buy these weapons from China but J-20 is not available for export, neither is GJ-11 or any other more sensitive Chinese drone that is not yet revealed. AShBM and HGV is a different story and purely defensive weapons so in secret like China sold ballistic missile to Turkey and UAE in the past, perhaps is possible and if it is ever done, will never be revealed in public. Iran has its own AShBM and neither Russia or China would respond to US invasion of Iran without strong response. Simply no way it would be allowed to have US install government into Iran, so close and strategically important for both Russia and China.

India's carriers allow India to engage Pakistan airforce is more directions and it would be more a job for Pakistan's navy, particularly the submarines to engage. Luckily the space is small and SSK can wait in position. Depending how good India's submarine warfare is at, they will struggle with making sure their carrier are not sunk by a torpedo from PN submarine. One single torpedo and one single SSK that is missed by IN is all it will take. How well is India protecting this asset and developing definite security in submarine warfare?
what good is a whole fleet when it takes 2 nuclear tipped missiles for pakistan to wipe it all away the issue here is that an attack by india against pakistan sounds by some people as if it was something easy to do and let me tell you everything else is easy but taking on us muslims be it in pakistan or any other place and if you dont understand that much than maybe learn a little bit about who pakistan is and look at how well others do these days against muslims in warfare
the factionalism in global islam is basically today becoming more and more a strength where it was a weakness in the past and we have many strengths these days so what does india have anyway they can be even more armed than america and they will still be defenseless infront of us and that is the fate of these polytheists and others like them who curse islam and seek to fight islam
look at how we wrecked the uss bonhomme which unlike american suggestion was hit with a certain plasma weapon and ask yourself if you want to have the same images at home because if you challenge muslims continuesly you will be happy if you dont burn the same way your nuclear facilities your military facilities it can all together burn and who do you point at when that happens because you cant point at anyone since you will not have a chance to know where it comes from
1. USS Bonhomme fire started due to one its sailors in the weapons' storage area while maintenance of area was ongoing.

2. We don't challenge Muslims because India houses one of the largest Muslim population, even more than twice that of Iran. These Muslims contribute to the nation building by many ways and are loyal to motherland. And by the way India has friendly relations with Iran. Just to mention, even I do have three to four friends from Iran since 2007 (we studies in same institute at Pune India).

3. Obviously attacks can come from any side and any domain (physical or cyber), and one has to be prepared with it. But when someone invests billions in something, it also ensures its safety to a certain level (permissible by cost and technology).

Don't get blind by religious faith..
the factionalism in global islam is basically today becoming more and more a strength where it was a weakness in the past and we have many strengths these days so what does india have anyway they can be even more armed than america and they will still be defenseless infront of us and that is the fate of these polytheists and others like them who curse islam and seek to fight islam
I cant understand your hate against India?? Has India or its government issued any statements or done anything against Iran??

india will have no reach at all if it continues to mess with musllims india will even at home suffer a huge humiliation so forget power projection
What messing we have done, could you care to elaborate please.
1. USS Bonhomme fire started due to one its sailors in the weapons' storage area while maintenance of area was ongoing.

2. We don't challenge Muslims because India houses one of the largest Muslim population, even more than twice that of Iran. These Muslims contribute to the nation building by many ways and are loyal to motherland. And by the way India has friendly relations with Iran. Just to mention, even I do have three to four friends from Iran since 2007 (we studies in same institute at Pune India).

3. Obviously attacks can come from any side and any domain (physical or cyber), and one has to be prepared with it. But when someone invests billions in something, it also ensures its safety to a certain level (permissible by cost and technology).

Don't get blind by religious faith..
if you say so but maybe dont be suprised if it will repeat itself
1. USS Bonhomme fire started due to one its sailors in the weapons' storage area while maintenance of area was ongoing.

2. We don't challenge Muslims because India houses one of the largest Muslim population, even more than twice that of Iran. These Muslims contribute to the nation building by many ways and are loyal to motherland. And by the way India has friendly relations with Iran. Just to mention, even I do have three to four friends from Iran since 2007 (we studies in same institute at Pune India).

3. Obviously attacks can come from any side and any domain (physical or cyber), and one has to be prepared with it. But when someone invests billions in something, it also ensures its safety to a certain level (permissible by cost and technology).

Don't get blind by religious faith..

I cant understand your hate against India?? Has India or its government issued any statements or done anything against Iran??

What messing we have done, could you care to elaborate please.
america threatened iran in 2019 with something they continuesly called #hotsummer and iran gave the year 2020 a #hotsummer back to america and i dont care if you are ignorant about it but america actually sustained quite some damage specially their radar installations they had to multiple times repair and replace in multiple locations
they still all blame russia and china for cyberwarfare against them all the time and never name iran only maybe as third actor they say even in the zionist usurper entity they started to adopt this anti china hysteria policy which is fake to begin with since china seeks peace its kind of their mantra power through peaceful development
1. USS Bonhomme fire started due to one its sailors in the weapons' storage area while maintenance of area was ongoing.

2. We don't challenge Muslims because India houses one of the largest Muslim population, even more than twice that of Iran. These Muslims contribute to the nation building by many ways and are loyal to motherland. And by the way India has friendly relations with Iran. Just to mention, even I do have three to four friends from Iran since 2007 (we studies in same institute at Pune India).

3. Obviously attacks can come from any side and any domain (physical or cyber), and one has to be prepared with it. But when someone invests billions in something, it also ensures its safety to a certain level (permissible by cost and technology).

Don't get blind by religious faith..

I cant understand your hate against India?? Has India or its government issued any statements or done anything against Iran??

What messing we have done, could you care to elaborate please.
when we killed a mossad headquarter in erbil the americans called the reason for their dead officer an heart attack and this is just a few months old news really weeks which is seriously absurd so please listen to those who ran like cowards from afghanistan because on them you can depend
i point out that pakistan is nuclear armed even if it cant do a thing it can still fire 2 missiles and blow up everything in its path but we iranians are on the sea like wolves and foxes we wont behave like stupid dinosaurs if iran builds something huge for the sea you can be sure it will be a kind of supply base ship or mother base ship as americans call them but certainly not something stupid like huge carrier fleets
most iranian ships are going to have stealth and speed and deadliness combined in them but they will be smaller than traditional ships
even if iran seizes an american carrier it would basically scrap it or sell it because its useless scrap metal at the end of the day
Well, good luck to you then. As for Nuclear bombs well let's see if they actually fire one. N switch is really not an option unless you want to suffer the same fate
Well, good luck to you then. As for Nuclear bombs well let's see if they actually fire one. N switch is really not an option unless you want to suffer the same fate
nuclear weapon use on sea has different rules and when it comes to india attacking pakistan like that expect to be nuked specially your cowbelt population expect to become less than 1 million after such a war
why does india not mess with pakistan anymore because pakistan has warned "we have our fingers on the nuclear button" and this is pretty much the truth pakistan will not mess around with india for long but nuke it to bits if attacked this reality should be obvious to you
india is a filthy overpopulated mess so maybe you want to solve your problems by getting nuked clean
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