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Opinion: Musharraf could've been a caliph but chose to be a jackal.

It was in response to developments in Siachen and similar incidents.
what with Pakistanis and Indians fighting with each other in such a difficult train? we really hate each other this much or our ruling elite does
people are fine with each other.
It was in response to developments in Siachen and similar incidents.

Nonetheless, the misadventure was illegal, planned with scant attention to logistics, or the inevitable political aftermath, which haunts Pakistan to this day, and achieved nothing of significance.
what with Pakistanis and Indians fighting with each other in such a difficult train? we really hate each other this much or our ruling elite does
people are fine with each other
Nope they really hate us, it's not a rulling class thing
7 pages on some major nonsense by someone who is evidently not even a teenager yet!

The admins are slipping.....should have closed the nonsense thread with a warning to the op.
To the western media it would seem like saddam but in the Muslim world the masses would be gathering to confront the war ahead. Die in the cause of Allah would reach the other Muslim nations, they would have no choice but to prepare for the Jihad. General Hamid Gul said Pakistan can create world war 3 and he was right. You guys are selling Pakistan short. Where's your pride

I sincerely doubt any Muslims outside of Pakistan would have supported us in this war, seriously.

Want a small example? Other than Turkey, no muslim nation has had the balls to stand up to muslim oppression, even through dialogue.

It is all about money, and everyone is sadly super absorbed in $$$

Also, this has nothing to do with my pride, I don't have the habit of showcasing to other people of how proud I am of my associations or accomplishments, the feeling is completely private and that is enough for me.
To the western media it would seem like saddam but in the Muslim world the masses would be gathering to confront the war ahead. Die in the cause of Allah would reach the other Muslim nations, they would have no choice but to prepare for the Jihad. General Hamid Gul said Pakistan can create world war 3 and he was right. You guys are selling Pakistan short. Where's your pride

Thing is,only Pakistani Muslims believe in the above. Non-Pakistani Muslims will just laugh at the above post. The ONLY country with the slightest REMOTEST chance of helping Pakistan would be China. But most of the Chinese don't believe in God and are indifferent to religion.

PS I once had the chance to be the caliph of London but I was refused as black lives matter (blm) don't like me.
USA threatened to bomb Pakistan back to the Stone age.

Dude, I would not make a judgement back in 2001. That was when USA had the upper hand in almost everything.

Now it is 2021. The world has changed. back then China was no where in sight. Russia was still recovering from the breakup of USSR.

Saudi Arabia was still heavily reliant on USA for many things.

Now the world has changed.
Musharraf may not have taken the "principled" option, but took the "practical option."
Musharraf said in his book that at that time it was better to save our homeland than be destroyed in some madman's crusade.
People don't understand,,, bombing back to the stone age doesn't mean they will physically bomb the country. But they were in a position to literally do economic arm twisting which is worst than the bombing. Where all international financial institutions are influenced by the US and still. A nation that doesn't pay tax and talking about the principal stand,... sounds funny to me.
7 pages on some major nonsense by someone who is evidently not even a teenager yet!

The admins are slipping.....should have closed the nonsense thread with a warning to the op.
Post #91 say GoP should follow courts order about traitors and terrorists.


his family is in Iran. will Iran now hand them over?
I didn't know that. Yes, if Osama's wife and children were also responsible of 9/11.
To the western media it would seem like saddam but in the Muslim world the masses would be gathering to confront the war ahead. Die in the cause of Allah would reach the other Muslim nations, they would have no choice but to prepare for the Jihad. General Hamid Gul said Pakistan can create world war 3 and he was right. You guys are selling Pakistan short. Where's your pride

I actually rang up the non-Pakistani Muslim world yesterday and asked them if they would fight against the indians with us. They said "Nah, we are too busy accepting Israel and progressing in all fields and increasing the living standards of our people". They then told me to "F**K OFF" and put the phone down.
What are the islamic instructions regarding a situation which we faced back in 2001?? The instructions are crystal clear as mentioned in Quran i.e. support the oppressed and not the oppressor. Fear Allah and no one else and have faith in Him and He will surely help you. In Quran Allah says that He will test those who call themselves as muslims by hunger, fear of enemy, economic losses and loss of life.
There are people who are commenting that Taliban were defeated and afghsnistan was sent to stone age. We couldnt afford that. Such muslims should know that there have been Prophets who were killed in the way of Allah. Some had very few followers even after decades of struggle. So whether they lost? No they did what they were ordered to do and will have the reward in the next life. In surah Maida it is noted in Quran that when the Prophet of Bani Israel told them to to enter into the Holy city they replied to him there are strong and tough people living there so we won't go there and Allah says don't be afraid of them have faith in your Lord.
So as per the Quran our actions in 2001 were totally unislamic and no muslim can justify those actions. There is no doubt in it. We showed the same coward attitude of bani israel and used our "logic" against the faith in Allah and we paid for it heavily by facing worst natural disasters in human history, having worst kind of human beings as our leaders, corruption and injustice rampant in our society and despite our boot licking of the west our economy is in tatters.
Having said that it is important to mention here that defending islam and other muslims is the responsibility of all the muslims and not only of Pakistan. That's why unity among muslims is so much stressed in Quran. A single group or country may put up a heroic stand but they wont cause much trouble to our enemies.
What should be our attitude now towards our actions in the past. We should condemn what we did and should not defend our wrong actions. What we did was out of fear , lack of unity, lack of faith in Allah and for the love of this world. Now if we try to find excuses to defend our misdeeds we will do more harm to us. At least by admitting to our mistakes and feeling ashamed about it we may qualify for the third level of faith that we disliked our unislamic acts at least in our hearts. But by defending those misdeeds will surely lead us down to the level of Kuffar.
This is my first and last post in this thread. It is for the muslims only and I referred to Quran for explaining my point of view which is the ultimate source of guidance. Now even after this if someone thinks that he is more logical then Quran then my Salam to him.
What are the islamic instructions regarding a situation which we faced back in 2001?? The instructions are crystal clear as mentioned in Quran i.e. support the oppressed and not the oppressor. Fear Allah and no one else and have faith in Him and He will surely help you. In Quran Allah says that He will test those who call themselves as muslims by hunger, fear of enemy, economic losses and loss of life.
There are people who are commenting that Taliban were defeated and afghsnistan was sent to stone age. We couldnt afford that. Such muslims should know that there have been Prophets who were killed in the way of Allah. Some had very few followers even after decades of struggle. So whether they lost? No they did what they were ordered to do and will have the reward in the next life. In surah Maida it is noted in Quran that when the Prophet of Bani Israel told them to to enter into the Holy city they replied to him there are strong and tough people living there so we won't go there and Allah says don't be afraid of them have faith in your Lord.
So as per the Quran our actions in 2001 were totally unislamic and no muslim can justify those actions. There is no doubt in it. We showed the same coward attitude of bani israel and used our "logic" against the faith in Allah and we paid for it heavily by facing worst natural disasters in human history, having worst kind of human beings as our leaders, corruption and injustice rampant in our society and despite our boot licking of the west our economy is in tatters.
Having said that it is important to mention here that defending islam and other muslims is the responsibility of all the muslims and not only of Pakistan. That's why unity among muslims is so much stressed in Quran. A single group or country may put up a heroic stand but they wont cause much trouble to our enemies.
What should be our attitude now towards our actions in the past. We should condemn what we did and should not defend our wrong actions. What we did was out of fear , lack of unity, lack of faith in Allah and for the love of this world. Now if we try to find excuses to defend our misdeeds we will do more harm to us. At least by admitting to our mistakes and feeling ashamed about it we may qualify for the third level of faith that we disliked our unislamic acts at least in our hearts. But by defending those misdeeds will surely lead us down to the level of Kuffar.
This is my first and last post in this thread. It is for the muslims only and I referred to Quran for explaining my point of view which is the ultimate source of guidance. Now even after this if someone thinks that he is more logical then Quran then my Salam to him.

Agreed, What you wrote is the absolute truth.
Nonetheless, the misadventure was illegal, planned with scant attention to logistics, or the inevitable political aftermath, which haunts Pakistan to this day, and achieved nothing of significance.
Could not agree more. An idiotic ill thought out plan which Zia had Vetoed 10yrs before for the same reasons. How was he hoping to provide top cover to the Soldiers he had sent on wiyhout crossing the international boundary. We had no international narrative, no rhyme or reason, no legitimacy, no way of providing rations and ammo to our men. The AF had not been told and there was severe shortage of spares for the 16s due to embargo. Essentially his only answer was"what about soldiers dying. People join the army so they can die for their land". Most idiotic step ever.
As an administrator hefound himself alone and unsupported and single handedly gave in to the US. While no one denies the fact that he had no other choice but to give in for literally no gain for Pakistan without a fight was catastrophic.
I have no love for Nawaz Shareef but to be blamed for Musharraf's fiasco was an insult to his already nonexistent intellect.
Could not agree more. An idiotic ill thought out plan which Zia had Vetoed 10yrs before for the same reasons. How was he hoping to provide top cover to the Soldiers he had sent on wiyhout crossing the international boundary. We had no international narrative, no rhyme or reason, no legitimacy, no way of providing rations and ammo to our men. The AF had not been told and there was severe shortage of spares for the 16s due to embargo. Essentially his only answer was"what about soldiers dying. People join the army so they can die for their land". Most idiotic step ever.
As an administrator hefound himself alone and unsupported and single handedly gave in to the US. While no one denies the fact that he had no other choice but to give in for literally no gain for Pakistan without a fight was catastrophic.
I have no love for Nawaz Shareef but to be blamed for Musharraf's fiasco was an insult to his already nonexistent intellect.

And yet, we have lines like this from the OP:

All he had to do was say that America has threatened war against Pakistan if Pakistan doesn't cooperate with them on Afghanistan. He should've said I have held my ground and put my trust in Allah, armed forces, and Muslims to repel the crusade and gain victory which Allah has promised to its believers.

That is some pretty potent national hashish with a side of LSD, it seems to me. That is the scary part, getting worse by the day.
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