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Breaking News : Huge Explosion at Kabul Airport

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called on President Biden to take "decisive action to protect our troops, our citizens, and our allies without regard for an arbitrary deadline.”

Here you go US Troops will going to remain in Afghanistan ... now August 31st deadline will have NO value it seems....another round of covert War to start...
I just hope and pray that this very incident does not become the initiator of events which will undermine the peace process Pakistan have worked so hard to achieve in Afghanistan....ANY prolong chaos will directly benefit Pakistan's enemies.

Inshallah, Pakistan will be alright in the long run. We've gone through far worse in the past we will get through this, just make dua for our nation after every namaz and never forget your namaz brother.
The focus will be on getting those personnel there at the moment out. There is already a deadline of 31 August, the question this attack prompts is 'Will that drawdown be speeded up?'.

A withdrawal brings greater risk: you have fewer troops on the ground, the worries will be over whether there will be another attack like this.

A US president has lots of tools at his disposal - drones, jets, B52 bombers - making sure that the US controls the skies over the airport to allow those last troops to leave. But this does raise questions as to whether they will speed up this exit. It was already on a fast track, it may now even be on a faster track because of what has happened.
Sure, bro.

It might be helpful to understand how security agencies operate in general and attempt to combat terrorism. Example below:

Like that.

Al-Qaeda Network and ISIS are cut from the same ideological cloth. These people act as 'spoilers' in any region because they want to mould Pan-Islamic politics as per their worldview. Conspiracy theories seem to provide COVER to 'activities' of these people.

Al-Qaeda Network was the ultimate cause of war in our region as well. Stakeholders were busy blaming each other however. Osama Bin Laden would be laughing in his grave...
I'll give these a read and come back to you on this.
I have a question thought didn't US support Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during the Soviet era ?
Israel and India nexus will be my first guess. If this is the case West will back this after the withdrawal.
Please remember an Ambassador was killed in a crash as well.
Inshallah, Pakistan will be alright in the long run. We've gone through far worse in the past we will get through this, just make dua for our nation after every namaz and never forget your namaz brother.

I try my best...Insha Allah "Bohat nek logo ka saaya hey Pakistan pe"
WASHINGTON, Aug 26 (Reuters) - Four U.S. Marines were killed and three wounded in Thursday's explosions at Kabul airport, U.S. sources told Reuters, in what the Pentagon said was a "complex attack" during its evacuation mission from Afghanistan.
Actually, IF and ONLY IF the Taliban have the resources, then this is the PERFECT TIME to take out Massoud Jr and take the Panjshir Valley!! This is the Fog of War!
Sir the killing of massoud would make him a martyr in the eyes of resistance movement... Why would they kill the only person that they can negotiate with ? Whose going to control the multiple factions that would disintegrate from them ?
Let's see what the Talibs do
Can anyone give proof of so called IS-K ? Who are they, what are there aims , and who they are made up of? They seem like the ISIS which attack Egyptian military whenever Egypt opens commercial border crossing with Gaza and gives convenient excuse to close the border on Palestinians. Now there is suspicious assault to wreak havoc on Taliban, suddenly Iran will delploy militias in Afghanistan with coalition support. This is work of global jewry and Iran-al-Dajjal who are hell bent on genociding Muslims and preventing any pro-God govt.
There was no indication from the White House on Thursday that President Joe Biden plans to change the Aug. 31 U.S. withdrawal target after twin explosions at the Kabul airport, a source familiar with the situation told Reuters.
Now 10 US soldiers announced killed by US govt sources. US deep state, global jewry and Iran-al-Dajjal want to force Americans into war and to remain in Afghanistan. Muslims need to do coalition and declare war on global jewry and Iran-al-Dajjal. Or continue facing indefinte genocide and instability

Muslims have no clue what they are doing. Iran and Israel are preventing security in the region.
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