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Breaking News : Huge Explosion at Kabul Airport

Let's get your conspiracy theories aside! The whole withdrawal has been a huge fiasco, even if I am with Biden that this couldn't have been a smooth one. Two things were totally unexpected: The rapid capitulation of the ANA to the Taliban onslaught AND the UNPLANNED exodus of Ashraf Ghani. Those two have caught EVERYONE, even the Taliban leadership, by surprise!

But for someone to imply that Americans would put their 'boys' in harm's way at the tailend of a war, where there is broad support to withdraw, is simply not analyzing enough, to say the least. A '3rd grade burglary' cost Nixon his Presidency and you expect the President of the US or the CIA to get away with Americans soldiers killed today?? Such things can't stay hidden for long. Not anymore. That may have been possible decades ago but not anymore.

Biden/Democrats 'electability' in 2022 and 2024 is at stake and THAT'S what matters to most in America--for both parties. You don't know how divided this country is since Trump came to power in 2016!! The 'nose' for political opportunism is more acute than a grey wolf's sense of smell!
That's WHY Taliban was pushing so hard for the west to leave asap...they knew it is hard to secure "Kabul Airport" when it is not under their control...
Let's get your conspiracy theories aside! The whole withdrawal has been a huge fiasco, even if I am with Biden that this couldn't have been a smooth one. Two things were totally unexpected: The rapid capitulation of the ANA to the Taliban onslaught AND the UNPLANNED exodus of Ashraf Ghani. Those two have caught EVERYONE, even the Taliban leadership, by surprise!

But for someone to imply that Americans would put their 'boys' in harm's way at the tailend of a war, where there is broad support to withdraw, is simply not analyzing enough, to say the least. A '3rd grade burglary' cost Nixon his Presidency and you expect the President of the US or the CIA to get away with Americans soldiers killed today?? Such things can't stay hidden for long. Not anymore. That may have been possible decades ago but not anymore.

Biden/Democrats 'electability' in 2022 and 2024 is at stake and THAT'S what matters to most in America--for both parties. You don't know how divided this country is since Trump came to power in 2016!! The 'nose' for political opportunism is more acute than a grey wolf's sense of smell!

I put the blame squarely on the media due to the hue and cry, they created this chaotic atmosphere. The crap they started spewing the very next minute lead to the scenes we are seeing then and now and those Afghans who become opportunist to jump on the evac band wagon.
I wouldn't be surprised if ISIS has links with the CIA.. They have already supported them in Syria.
Sure, bro.

It might be helpful to understand how security agencies operate in general and attempt to combat terrorism. Example below:

Like that.

Al-Qaeda Network and ISIS are cut from the same ideological cloth. These people act as 'spoilers' in any region because they want to mould Pan-Islamic politics as per their worldview. Conspiracy theories seem to provide COVER to 'activities' of these people.

Al-Qaeda Network was the ultimate cause of war in our region as well. Stakeholders were busy blaming each other however. Osama Bin Laden would be laughing in his grave...
With keeping this event in point; is there a possibility that US and NATO will start a new Afghan War and decide to NOT LEAVE its troops from Afghanistan for a foreseeable future...
With keeping this event in point; is there a possibility that US and NATO will start a new Afghan War and decide to NOT LEAVE its troops from Afghanistan for a foreseeable future...

No that wouldn't be possible any longer -- they can try and be stuck another 20 years if they like. Right now they have the Red Dragon breathing down their neck.
What we know about the attack

If you are just joining us, here's the latest on the blasts.

  • Twin bomb blasts have struck civilians trying to flee Afghanistan at Kabul airport
  • The Taliban say at least 13 people were killed, with videos from the scene appearing to show piles of bodies
  • Bombs targeted the Abbey Gate area - where US troops are stationed helping to process evacuees
  • Four US Marines were killed in the attack, US media report
  • A local hospital says it has received 60 injured so far, with at least six patients dead on arrival
  • The bomb blasts came hours after warnings an attack by an Islamist group may be imminent
  • It came on the same day that several countries ended their evacuation efforts
  • Britain will continue evacuations for now, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said after an emergency meeting with security advisers
No that wouldn't be possible any longer -- they can try and be stuck another 20 years if they like. Right now they have the Red Dragon breathing down their neck.

So what is the strategic gain (IF ANY)? since Taliban if left alone to their devices will eventually "wipe out" ALL non-state actors from Afghanistan...keeping the context of Taliban being seen as least favorable stakeholders by the west.
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