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Afganistan civil war updates; 8 provinical capitals fallen


this is what the Taliban did to the uniform of the so called & self proclaimed "field marshall" dostum and that too, in front of the dostum palace that they have seized, ye tau ana aur ghani regime ki auqaat hay. :lol:
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LoL on paper the afgoon army is over 300,000 strong, with the insurgents at around 70,000 something does not add up.

Plus our armed forces budget can support tanks fighters nuclear weapons and theirs is about half ours, can't support poorly trained militia men with aks, again something does not add up.
5b budget without navy..
Something is wrong
They also have 5lac police officers

As i said before the 3 lac army is ghost army who will disapear on first sound of bullet

The actual army is special forces or "commandoes" which number around 50-70k. So its a 1:1 fight

The reason why they are holding herat lashkargah and kandahar is the air pounding those commandoes were taught how to call air support and airsupport can be very deadly with laser guided and precision bombing

A single b52 can devastate a taliban regiment ..hence the hit and run/shadow govt strategy till now
But now talis are coming onto open
This Indian trained army is falling like a houss of cards.
the attack on three southern capitals was a diversionary tactic . it was meant to over stretch ANA units

simultaneously, IEA launched pincers in north and captured zaranj and kunduz
LoL on paper the afgoon army is over 300,000 strong, with the insurgents at around 70,000 something does not add up.

Plus our armed forces budget can support tanks fighters nuclear weapons and theirs is about half ours, can't support poorly trained militia men with aks, again something does not add up.

afGOON divisions are ghost divisions... yes on paper exisiting but in reality they dont even have one functioning modern division.

their special forces are compartively better but again these are shock troops they cant hold land.
Looks like Farah and Pul e khumri are next, mazar e sharif (will be alot easier if atta noor flips) to follow depending on Afghan Taliban strategy. God speed to them, we have enough of communist and pajeets scums pollution.
They are hitting shaheen corps hard in pul e khumri, same as maiwand corps in lashkargah. Very important cities.

If mohib can reach a deal with Taliban, central Afghanistan will become easier. Depends how Iran plays its cards.
To reach kabul Taliban have to conquer tougher regions of Panjishir ( Masood junior 2nd resistance forces) and central Afghanistan. Not to forget the Pakistani border belt of communists proxies has to be neutralized extending from Paktia to Nangarhar where CIA run KPF mikitia, mercenaries and ISKP is present, a daunting task.
Or they can approach kabul from south
"Grand field marshall" dostum is coming

All will be good

If a Decapitation strike took him out, what kind of effect would that have on his militia? Would they still fight on? Are these militias just a paid cult of personality that would collapse if their main leader(s) are taken out aka tribal chieftain(s)?
If a Decapitation strike took him out, what kind of effect would that have on his militia? Would they still fight on? Are these militias just a paid cult of personality that would collapse if their main leader(s) are taken out aka tribal chieftain(s)?
No they have tribal affliation

Whats happening is central govt is collapsing soon some of talis cities will be recaptured by militas and we will see a truely fractured afgh

The Taliban captured Faizabad overnight, making it the ninth city to be overrun since Friday.
9th city faizabad falls
USA predicts a fall within a month

central bank and finanace ministers sacked and replaced today. The purpose is to mint last money out of the central bank before collapse

So collapse ia coming followed by civil war

Talis cant hold all afghanistan without foreign support
I think the most signficant city is kandahar followed by herat

If kandahar falls thst gain will bw bigger then these 11 cities combined
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