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America abandoned India in Afghanistan?

Any one can hit anyone anywhere but at what cost?..last i check USA even deescalted to Iran at fear of cost of war

U must living in india if u think tax payers will tolerate another war

Pakistan is not going to war with USA if US Navy blockades Chinese cargo vessels to/from Gwadar
Not with a hostile India to the east
It’s not that easy at all

Touching Gawadar will be treated as full scale war and Pakistan have means to make life in Middle East very difficult for Americans

plus usa is not foolish to touch something which will upset the whole region and this whole area will become no go area for them
Pakistani knows who is holding the super power and they will never try to touch Pakistan directly which will become first target

if US Navy blockades Chinese ships bound for Gwadar what will Pakistan do ?
Brilliant! And good examples of BD and Vietnam.
Pakistan must guard against joining any camp. What is the need for that? The economy? Pakistan is not like countries without industry, agriculture, human capital, and entrepreneur history. Pakistani nation, if they really decide to, can survive on their own in a sort of replication of North Korea's Juche ideology.

you know pakistanis better. Pakistani elite and Juche ideology are poles apart
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you know pakistanis better. Pakistani elite and Juche ideology are poles apart

Unfortunately, I have to agree with that.

But without economic independence---which Pakistan is quite capable of achieving unlike some countries of the world--Pakistan will remain at the mercy of foreign 'donors' and of 'Free Trade Agreements' which often come with hidden cost, of 'investments' which are often made as quid pro quo.

But if you look at Pakistan's climate, the amount of arable land, the business expertise, the availability of English language, the industrial and agriculture base, the large young population, and that most Pakistanis, unlike spoiled countries like Greece, wouldn't be missing too much of 'amenities of life' anyway if there is tightening of belt; so Pakistan is quite capable of not only surviving but also perhaps thriving even in face of harsh economic sanctions. What's needed is a vision and a will to prepare the nation.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with that.

But without economic independence---which Pakistan is quite capable of achieving unlike some countries of the world--Pakistan will remain at the mercy of foreign 'donors' and of 'Free Trade Agreements' which often come with hidden cost, of 'investments' which are often made as quid pro quo.

But if you look at Pakistan's climate, the amount of arable land, the business expertise, the availability of English language, the industrial and agriculture base, the large young population, and that most Pakistanis, unlike spoiled countries like Greece, wouldn't be missing too much of 'amenities of life' anyway if there is tightening of belt; so Pakistan is quite capable of not only surviving but also perhaps thriving even in face of harsh economic sanctions. What's needed is a vision and a will to prepare the nation.

I agree Pakistan has the land mass and population to be an important player in the world. you need to control the population growth rate and have a working relationship with all neighbors
Holy shit, the man literally and openly said it that Indo-US naxis attacked the Chinese Engineers. If this is true, there are really hard times for Pakistan in near future, cause the combine force of CIA+RAW+MOSSAD will be at work and they will attack Chinese in Pakistan.
One thing that no one seems to be talking about is India’s use of fundamentalist Hindus instead of career thinkers when making foreign and defense policy. This has resulted in myths being created in place of well thought out policy.

Where was it good policy to conduct air strikes in Pakistan when every air chief in India knows Pakistani capability.

why did the Indians think it was ok to conduct terrorism in Pakistan and kill 700000 Pakistani’s now India has lost all its moral authority when Pakistan Takes the fight in Kashmir with the mujahideen! They were successful with the policy in Bangalore’s but Bangladesh was separated from Pakistan by 2000 kms of Indian occupied territory.

This is a sensless policy

I personally believe that Allah has provided yet another miracle to help Pakistan.

if US Navy blockades Chinese ships bound for Gwadar what will Pakistan do ?

you know pakistanis better. Pakistani elite and Juche ideology are poles apart

You have the answer in your question. They are blocking "Chinese ships". The Chinese should do something not just us. Gawadar is suppose to be an alternative to the malacca strait. The Americans don't have the capacity to block both simultaneously and not trigger a wider conflict. A wider conflict with the Chinese will not end well for either one. MAD based deterrence literally means Mutually Assured Destruction. I didn't involved the russians, the iranians in this conflict. Ultimately the next war after this would be with sticks and stones.
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BJP/RAW has 100s of fake Twitter accounts, Twitter bots, YouTubes channels to spread fake stories.
Rancor and racket by Indians is simply misplaced.
Indians had a free ride on U.S. largesse furthering formers agenda in the neighborhood without their own sweat, blood and treasure. They however should not forget that they were a junior partner in this equation. This free ride lasted this long in part because of all the apprehensions of Indians and their Afghan partners... all of whom had a vested interest in not only showing a rosy picture but also a winning paradigm coming true in due time.
If India however owned up to it's own as parroted, interests, it needed an uplift from it's somewhat benign role to an active one.

India cannot and could not use American shoulder nor dime for it's own purposes in perpetuity ... call it a minor miracle that it did for as long as it did.
So, a big old shut up call to the ruckus in the media and Afghans who actually plummeted to their deaths in hopes and dreams ... dealing with power of propaganda, wishful thinking and mere deception.
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You have the answer in your question. They are blocking "Chinese ships". The Chinese should do something not just us. Gawadar is suppose to be an alternative to the malacca strait.

What is the point of Gwadar if you are not going to protect Chinese cargo ?
What is the point of Gwadar if you are not going to protect Chinese cargo ?
Lol why would we be the ones protecting Chinese cargo. They will protect their own cargo. Every country is responsible for its own self interests. If our interests align with Chinese to protect their cargo coming into Gwadar then of course we will take appropriate actions.

By the way this notion of protecting straits have become antiquated with respect to Chinese and americans as Chinese have enough diplomatic and military clout now to prevent closure of passages without triggering a wider conflict. And in any wider conflict there will be no winners as both Chinese and americans are fully capable of inflicting misery on each other. At this point Gwadar for Chinese just represents a shorter alternative route and a way to have presence in the region and to have more clout on global stage.
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Lol why would we be the ones protecting Chinese cargo. They will protect their own cargo. Every country is responsible for its own self interests. If our interests align with Chinese to protect their cargo coming into Gwadar then of course we will take appropriate actions.

By the way this notion of protecting straits have become antiquated with respect to Chinese and americans as Chinese have enough diplomatic and military clout now to prevent closure of passages without triggering a wider conflict. And in any wider conflict there will be no winners as both Chinese and americans are fully capable of inflicting misery on each other. At this point Gwadar for Chinese just represents a shorter alternative route and a way to have presence in the region and to have more clout on global stage.

if you are not protecting chinese trade why bother sending it through Gwadar ? it might as well as flow through the Malacca Straits
if you are not protecting chinese trade why bother sending it through Gwadar ? it might as well as flow through the Malacca Straits

Oh I am not sure why I am wasting time answering as it seems like there is brick wall that is reading it.

As I said before Gwadar provides a alternate and a shorter route for the Chinese. It is mutually beneficial for us (financially) and for them(alternate shorter route, diplomatic clout etc). We are not responsible for protecting their trade routes they are responsible for securing their own trade routes. And furthermore any blockade of Chinese freedom of movement will mean war which I don't think US affords (also vice versa) so this topic of whether we will be protecting Chinese sea lanes is useless.
You have the answer in your question. They are blocking "Chinese ships". The Chinese should do something not just us. Gawadar is suppose to be an alternative to the malacca strait. The Americans don't have the capacity to block both simultaneously and not trigger a wider conflict. A wider conflict with the Chinese will not end well for either one. MAD based deterrence literally means Mutually Assured Destruction. I didn't involved the russians, the iranians in this conflict. Ultimately the next war after this would be with sticks and stones.

Blocking someone ports militarily is an act of war and Pakistan can simply take few oil tankers and sink them in the mouth of the gulf. Then sit and relax on the beech with their feet up under the stars light, sip cola and see the world go round. US or no US, elephant can be brought down to her knees with a needle, our sovereignty is not a game or debateable for an Indian to worry about. Sorry Sal29 its not aimed at you.

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