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22 Afghan Eilte Soldier excuted by Tailban video comes to light. (They called for special help but no one came to help)

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انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
may Allah burn taliban in hell amen

I'd be doubtful of believing something like this fully. The fact is a lot of ground the Taliban are capturing is being done without fighting. People are surrendering to even a handful of them.

It doesn't make sense for the Taliban to start executing surrendering soldiers when there is so much work left. Just to make things harder for themselves.

This sort of thing would, on the other hand, really help the ANA have their soldiers put up a serious resistance.

It could still be true - it could be a local commander's decision or even policy in certain situations but it would make more sense if they just didn't.
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I'd be doubtful of believing something like this fully. The fact is a lot of ground the Taliban are capturing is being done without fighting. People are surrendering to even a handful of them.

It doesn't make sense for the Taliban to start executing surrendering soldiers when there is so much work left. Just to make things harder for themselves.
Sir the video is available on funker350. The video was first uploaded by pro taliban channels in telegram.

Sir the video is available on funker350. The video was first uploaded by pro taliban channels in telegram.

I may be wrong. I have edited the post to clarify.

I just think it would have been better if they didn't. They may have and I can see this being used by the ANA leadership to motivate the lower ranks to put upna better fight.

I also think this will dash a lot of ANA hopes of getting some sort of deal and they'd likely make plans to flee the country sooner than later.

I may be wrong. I have edited the post to clarify.

I just think it would have been better if they didn't. They may have and I can see this being used by the ANA leadership to motivate the lower ranks to put upna better fight.

I also think this will dash a lot of ANA hopes of getting some sort of deal and they'd likely make plans to flee the country sooner than later.

If you think about the environment in which these fighters have literally grown up in, you can easily see why they’ve gone loose.

ANA is demoralized. US won’t be coming back, at least not for a while.

The beasts can have their form of “fun” in the mean time.

Pakistan must secure the border.
No one should be killed once he/she surrenders. Terrible news.
I think it looks like they have been given a chance to surrender at first but they prefer to fight and shown loyalty to their American and indian masters till the last drop of their impure blood. So those who betray the afghan motherland that much have no right to live.
Good job taliban .
Killing of someone who surrender is not justifiable.

That said, the real reason, what can be deduce from the event, is hidden in the sentence
"How that you were Pushtoon and Killing Pushtoon".

I think the Taliban are working on this philosophy. Perhaps, they think, rightly or wrongly that the Government forces should not be fighting with them, rather than truce should happen.

I am just guessing their thinking based on what said in the report. This is not the justification of their actions.
Killing of someone who surrender is not justifiable.

That said, the real reason, what can be deduce from the event, is hidden in the sentence
"How that you were Pushtoon and Killing Pushtoon".

I think the Taliban are working on this philosophy. Perhaps, they think, rightly or wrongly that the Government forces should not be fighting with them, rather than truce should happen.

I am just guessing their thinking based on what said in the report. This is not the justification of their actions.

These people are all broken in the mind. They do not operate like people who have not experienced war.

It happens in all militaries throughout history.

Even here in the US inner cities people kill each other for no reason other than bloodlust.
Pakistan is in for an amazing next few decades with this new Taliban regime. F*cking makes me shiver to even think that a soldier, that has surrendered, and is not in a position to fight, is mercilessly executed by a man who has an IQ of a toaster.

What will Taliban do when they run out of men to execute? How will they spend their time? They will sure turn on themselves for a while....then what? How will we meet their demand to execute and murder mercilessly?
Killing of someone who surrender is not justifiable.

That said, the real reason, what can be deduce from the event, is hidden in the sentence
"How that you were Pushtoon and Killing Pushtoon".

I think the Taliban are working on this philosophy. Perhaps, they think, rightly or wrongly that the Government forces should not be fighting with them, rather than truce should happen.

I am just guessing their thinking based on what said in the report. This is not the justification of their actions.

if you execute surrendering opponents word is going spread out and your opponent will start fighting harder
The differences is only political differences that should be solved through non violence means.

that statement is one of the most naive ones made on PDF
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Pakistan is in for an amazing next few decades with this new Taliban regime. F*cking makes me shiver to even think that a soldier, that has surrendered, and is not in a position to fight, is mercilessly executed by a man who has an IQ of a toaster.

What will Taliban do when they run out of men to execute? How will they spend their time? They will sure turn on themselves for a while....then what? How will we meet their demand to execute and murder mercilessly?

Don't believe the CNN news report in the OP. How do we know that it was ACTUALLY the Taliban that carried out the execution? It could have been the american created ISIS. Remember, CNN also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins.
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