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World Exclusive JF-17 and Rafale in Joint Exercise

These exercises are always a gold mine of lesson, experience, skills and building tactics. There's no sort of conclusion that who performed good or bad against others. That's just childish.

Even though we had the experience through learnings from exercises in past, this time is different and more advance given the nature of threat and advancement of EW, Weaponry, detection, evading, locking, far sight and how to dominate battlefield. It's just more wanted and highly needed in view of platform in use of adversary. No doubt brothers did a lot for each other especially Thunder in arena against advanced vipers and Rafale.

Personally, I have no interest as who won or lost because, that's not the purpose of such exercises. It warrants to learn, learn fast and learn everything. Brothers must be thanked for such an opportunity, occasion and idea. Does anyone remember the times when PAF Chief and others been visiting Qatar beside their Turkey visits? It 5akes time but it surely bear fruits. In'Sha'ALLAH.

For the rival operating same platform as a Frontline jet; it will hurt, it will hurt a lot. Imagine GD Bakhshi's style anger against France.

Thanks - these are the pictures i have been waiting for - will pull them out everytime i want to cause some butt hurt to the Indians. Good job getting / finding them and posting them here!

Much appreciated! I must buy you some cake one of these days!!!
There is Twin seat Rafale may be one of the Pakistani pilot occupies it soon

That is gonna be the next set of pictures that WindJammer drops on us i reckon !!!
120 Million per unit of non upgradable jets for them! Free comparison exercise for us, notes would have been taken for block 4/ benchmark for future inductions.
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