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So what is your story? Why joined PDF?

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Nov 10, 2012
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United Kingdom
My story is, I would watch alot of videos online about pak military, successful operations, prophecies and conspiracies. Plus i was interested in military engineering, can pakistan make quality products? etc. I came across pdf in google search and would read interesting debate and trolling amongst members. So i decided to join but it took me long time to think of a name, then i came up with azad kashmir.
I choose this name because i thought it would make me popular on the forum.

I also realized the forum has had members leave due to abuse or heated debates on such topics etc. Sometimes mods would not intervene or would intervene too much. My experience has been good but also bad at times as British Pakistanis have bad reputation as thugs and backward community and due to this, i got into conflicts leading to ethnic racism on both sides.
However i stood firm to back my community as there were times i wanted to leave pdf. Overall you got to grow thick skin.
There were good mods who would intervene and bring peace.

So what is your story, why did you join pdf?
My story is, I would watch alot of videos online about pak military, successful operations, prophecies and conspiracies. Plus i was interested in military engineering, can pakistan make quality products? etc. I came across pdf in google search and would read interesting debate and trolling amongst members. So i decided to join but it took me long time to think of a name, then i came up with azad kashmir.
I choose this name because i thought it would make me popular on the forum.

I also realized the forum has had members leave due to abuse or heated debates on such topics etc. Sometimes mods would not intervene or would intervene too much. My experience has been good but also bad at times as British Pakistanis have bad reputation as thugs and backward community and due to this, i got into conflicts leading to ethnic racism on both sides.
However i stood firm to back my community as there were times i wanted to leave pdf. Overall you got to grow thick skin.
There were good mods who would intervene and bring peace.

So what is your story, why did you join pdf?
I was only 12 or 13 when I realized I seriously don't like Indians. My love for Army started because of my dislike for Indians plus I loved weapons and armies and reading about security matters and these kind of issues. So first I joined another Pakistani forum and was member of that forum for sometime then I came across this forum. Therefore I joined this one. On 28th April 2011. Since then I am member of this forum and in fact love to spend time here more then I do on twitter and Facebook.
I probably been occasionally visiting this forum over the course of a decade prior joining, I never planned on ever joining to be honest as I thought it might become a bad habit as with all social networking sites, however when the Bharti Nazi pigs desecrated sacred Kashmir almost 2 years ago that all changed..
Curious -

  • you don't like Indians including Indian Muslims?
  • you don't like Hindus including Nepali, Indian, Bali or even Pakistani Hindus?
  • you don't like only Indian Hindus?
  • what comes first for you the Muslim Ummah or Pakistan?
Many thanks in advance.
My problem is Indians. I try my best not to dislike Indian Muslims but the moment they try to suck their Government balls and abuse Pakistan just to prove their patriotism is what pisses me off. My problem is not Hindus but Indians. For every Muslim it's Islam and Islam only. In Islam if your nation comes for you first then that is big problem.
My problem is Indians. I try my best not to dislike Indian Muslims but the moment they try to suck their Government balls and abuse Pakistan just to prove their patriotism is what pisses me off. My problem is not Hindus but Indians. For every Muslim it's Islam and Islam only. In Islam if your nation comes for you first then that is big problem.

i started to dislike them when i found out how fake they are infront of goray and use their position of power to screw you mentally. The Muslim Indian i find conjuse who will suck the community dry but wont give back. i cant stand wealthy ppl who are so conjuse they dont even brush thier teeth to save money on tooth paste and brush. Some Pakistanis are not exempt especially these harami cash n carry types who abuse their workers and pay pittance right here in uk.
In Islam if your nation comes for you first then that is big problem.
My friend this means your a liability to Pakistan and a asset to Islam. You see what I am going to say is very specfic, subtle but very important point to note. Nations states are legal constructs. That is they are man made and always are premised on land and defined borders. The soveirgnty of that state only covers the land or geography within those borders.

This concept of nation state places it at direct confrontation with Islam which is a global faith and it's loyalty is to the brotherhood of Muslims and not territorial limit of geography. It knows no borders. Your Muslim brotherhood trumps all other aspects. So a Pakistani, Lahori Sikh is second to you then a Bosnian Muslim on other side of the world.

When Muslims come under attack on other side of the world you would be required to go defend them. Pakistan therefore becomes a napak. Pakistan Army thus merely a tool of the state of Pakistan and not Islam.

A great example was 2001 when USA demanded Taliban to hand over OBL. They refused. He was a Muslim brother. That was all there was to it and this led to US invasion and rest of it. However what did Pakistan do? If Pakistan placed Muslim brotherhood first it would have stood by the Taliban but instead Pakistan Army become a instrument of the Americans.

Can you see my point?
i cant stand wealthy ppl
You sound like a communist.
My friend this means your a liability to Pakistan and a asset to Islam. You see what I am going to say is very specfic, subtle but very important point to note. Nations states are legal constructs. That is they are man made and always are premised on land and defined borders. The soveirgnty of that state only covers the land or geography within those borders.

This concept of nation state places it at direct confrontation with Islam which is a global faith and it's loyalty is to the brotherhood of Muslims and not territorial limit of geography. It knows no borders. Your Muslim brotherhood trumps all other aspects. So a Pakistani, Lahori Sikh is second to you then a Bosnian Muslim on other side of the world.

When Muslims come under attack on other side of the world you would be required to go defend them. Pakistan therefore becomes a napak. Pakistan Army thus merely a tool of the state of Pakistan and not Islam.

A great example was 2001 when USA demanded Taliban to hand over OBL. They refused. He was a Muslim brother. That was all there was to it and this led to US invasion and rest of it. However what did Pakistan do? If Pakistan placed Muslim brotherhood first it would have stood by the Taliban but instead Pakistan Army become a instrument of the Americans.

Can you see my point?
You sound like a communist.

conjuse stingy types like never brush thier teeth, wear ripped socks etc yet brag bout their wealth. Wont even buy take out even if they are starving. i swear i know fiflthy rich ppl who are just so stingy that other ppl in the community make jokes about them. Communist atleast brush thier teeth and eat something.
My friend this means your a liability to Pakistan and a asset to Islam. You see what I am going to say is very specfic, subtle but very important point to note. Nations states are legal constructs. That is they are man made and always are premised on land and defined borders. The soveirgnty of that state only covers the land or geography within those borders.

This concept of nation state places it at direct confrontation with Islam which is a global faith and it's loyalty is to the brotherhood of Muslims and not territorial limit of geography. It knows no borders. Your Muslim brotherhood trumps all other aspects. So a Pakistani, Lahori Sikh is second to you then a Bosnian Muslim on other side of the world.

When Muslims come under attack on other side of the world you would be required to go defend them. Pakistan therefore becomes a napak. Pakistan Army thus merely a tool of the state of Pakistan and not Islam.

A great example was 2001 when USA demanded Taliban to hand over OBL. They refused. He was a Muslim brother. That was all there was to it and this led to US invasion and rest of it. However what did Pakistan do? If Pakistan placed Muslim brotherhood first it would have stood by the Taliban but instead Pakistan Army become a instrument of the Americans.

Can you see my point?
You sound like a communist.
First of all Muslims loyalty is only towards Islam. No Muslim will tell you that his nations come first for him and Islam is second. It seems you are a liability not me. Secondly Islam is there from day one of humanity when no nation existed and Islam will be there until day of judgement. So how about you decide where you stand. Because if you chosen to leave Islam then that is your problem not mine. I am a Muslim and will always remain one INSHALLAH.
First of all Muslims loyalty is only towards Islam. No Muslim will tell you that his nations come first for him and Islam is second. It seems you are a liability not me. Secondly Islam is there from day one of humanity when no nation existed and Islam will be there until day of judgement. So how about you decide where you stand. Because if you chosen to leave Islam then that is your problem not mine. I am a Muslim and will always remain one INSHALLAH.
Your actions in practice place Pakistan first and Islam second. My thoughts place Pakistan first and then Muslim brotherhood. There is no differance between me and you only that you make big claims which don';t stand up.

If you really stood by Islam first you would have long gone of to fight a jihad in Gaza against the zionist occupiers and oppressors of Muslims. Talk is easy. Practice is difficult.

Get my point?
@Indus Pakistan joined this forum because he is a racist and also an islamophobe who needed a platform to propagate his evil and sick ideology
Should you not be trying to remove Bajwa instead and start a civil war in Sindh?
No Muslim will tell you that his nations come first for him and Islam is second.
Facing truth is a right b*atch. Hypocracy is easy way out.
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