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Featured US greenlights Turkey-made attack helicopter sale to Philippines but not for Pakistan?

Erdogan s big mouth cost PAK this deal.
Up till now Reis has come good on 80% of his mega objectives! The other Muslim leaders don’t have the Iman and Ihlas even to dream about them!!! Reaching 100% is against the Divine Design.....

By the by, the Pak authorities can’t be that much naive to know a priori the US stance! They have out maneuvered the Pentagon, not the Turkish General Staffs!! And, it’s great they have been playing with the Pentagon....

Amreeka's typcial harami nature costed us this deal

just like it costed us our F16s and made us receive soya bean
Turkey Insha’Allah will compensate with a 10 ton Apache class chopper with the Ukranian engine, test flight in 2023, this time instead of Soybean....

By the by Soy products are bad for manhood.....
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They can delay the inevitable but not stop it. If anything it has and will make us more determined. What will the US do once Turks come up with their own engine? Than the Americans can shove it up where the sun does not shine.
Yes in 3021 when glorious pakturk ottoman empire led by sultan Erdogan Halima Baji Ertugul will make its own engines, fcs, airframe, stealth coating, UFOs, etc to finally compete with ancient vedic technology of endia and launch ghazwa e hind in 4021 when glorious pakturk empire will also have 36000000000000000000 AZM, TFX (along with their carrier variants for the glorious fleet of 900000000 antimatter carriers) and inter galatic dark matter ballistic missiles we may finally get a single paint can of this attack helicopter (paint brush not included)
Yes in 3021 when glorious pakturk ottoman empire led by sultan Erdogan Halima Baji Ertugul will make its own engines, fcs, airframe, stealth coating, UFOs, etc to finally compete with ancient vedic technology of endia and launch ghazwa e hind in 4021 when glorious pakturk empire will also have 36000000000000000000 AZM, TFX (along with their carrier variants for the glorious fleet of 900000000 antimatter carriers) and inter galatic dark matter ballistic missiles we may finally get a single paint can of this attack helicopter (paint brush not included)
Imagination is more important than knowledge.....

Your post was a standard joke though.....
I mean, it's not surprising in the least.

I've said it before, the US is trying to punish Pakistan for both increasing ties with China, and scapegoat it for US failures in Afghanistan. From the failed Jordanian f-16 transfers, to the AH-1Z order cancelation, to refusing to hand over Pakistan's money that the US owes Pakistan...etc.

The US is in the midst of a geopolitical shift towards the Asia pacific. To the US, Pakistan is no longer useful, so the US is throwing Pakistan away once again. it was quite clear that the US for the last 20 years does not know what its doing, and is once again making the same mistakes it made in the past. It continues to be run by idiots that do more to harm American influence on global politics. The president himself has aids and advisers that have zero clue as to how the world outside of Europe and the Americas works.

Meanwhile, the Great Game continues, and global powers continue their cold wars. Meanwhile, poor countries like Pakistan end up being a casualty of these imperialist nations.
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Yes in 3021 when glorious pakturk ottoman empire led by sultan Erdogan Halima Baji Ertugul will make its own engines, fcs, airframe, stealth coating, UFOs, etc to finally compete with ancient vedic technology of endia and launch ghazwa e hind in 4021 when glorious pakturk empire will also have 36000000000000000000 AZM, TFX (along with their carrier variants for the glorious fleet of 900000000 antimatter carriers) and inter galatic dark matter ballistic missiles we may finally get a single paint can of this attack helicopter (paint brush not included)
See a therapist
However, 10 ton ATAK -II with the Ukrainian engine -1st flight in 2023 - might be the replacement....


We must continue to work with our brothers in faith in Turkey and our committed ally China in overcoming this American challenge to our security and interests.

What will the US do once Turks come up with their own engine?

Hopefully it'll be sooner than later:
Turkey successfully tests 2nd prototype of indigenous helicopter engine

Would love to see Pakistan and Turkey cooperate together on the production of a hypersonic ICBM.

Who on earth buys attack helicopters anymore? Drones the future.

What you've seen to far are drones being used against poorly equipped and funded armed forces around the world they won't have the kind of impact against the US army they did against Armenia's.

Drones have their own limitations and they may be the future but that future is a long ways away at least until they're operated by fully autonomous self contained AI and even then that may never happen as foreign nations step up their cyber attack capabilities.

Erdogan s big mouth cost PAK this deal.

I'm proud of Erdogan and Turkey.

This deal wouldn't have been possible without Erdogan.

No one in Europe wants to sell Pakistan any weapon platform of any worth. Just look at France refusing to upgrade our Mirage fighter jets and Germany refusing to modernize our submarines.

Turkey's weapons development programs are all thanks to Erdogan's massive spending on their defense industry since coming into power in 2002. The country's economic growth is thanks to the AKP party prior to his ascension the nation was a total mess.

The deal isn't over, this is merely a setback and Turkey is making the right moves.

Something which they should have done 4 years back atleast. But still they wont. Keep flogging the dead horse.

Drop the deal now.

No, they should continue on with the deal.

This partnership will be instrumental for Turkey and Pakistan.
Yes in 3021 when glorious pakturk ottoman empire led by sultan Erdogan Halima Baji Ertugul will make its own engines, fcs, airframe, stealth coating, UFOs, etc to finally compete with ancient vedic technology of endia and launch ghazwa e hind in 4021 when glorious pakturk empire will also have 36000000000000000000 AZM, TFX (along with their carrier variants for the glorious fleet of 900000000 antimatter carriers) and inter galatic dark matter ballistic missiles we may finally get a single paint can of this attack helicopter (paint brush not included)
People made fun of our nuclear program as well hoping till the last day that it will fail until we exploded them and shove it right back to their faces.
Pakistan knew all along that hiccups will come, yet we pursued it because unlike us fanboys who can only think up till tomorrow, those who understand see the bigger picture. F16s were embargoed, today we have our own fighter program, working towards a 5th generation. Imagine if the F16s would never have been embargoed, would we have come up with our own fighter?
Have patience. Turks will deliver.
Erdogan s big mouth cost PAK this deal.
Its not Erdogan big mouth because if that would had been the case than how come the same Erdogan is allowed to sell it to Philippines?
Infact its us and we all know why. Expect more twisting in the future once yanks are out.

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