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Featured Erdogan: Sending international force to protect Palestinians viable idea

Until you stop recognizing Israel's existence, your words are nothing but hollow garbage.

old photos before 2009

after 2009 DAVOS ..... ERDOGAN was under attack by zionists in İsrael ,Europe and The US
because of in 2009 ERDOGAN criticized İsrael for killing Palestinians

and Turkish Economy lost over $500 billion

since 2018 , there is no Turkish ambassador to Israel ... because of İsraeli attacks on Palestinians and holy sites of İslam

İran , The US and İsrael only attacks muslims .... no difference
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You have no idea how NATO works, or what it even is. Don't go calling other people names, when you have little knowledge of what you speak.
You have little knowledge about anything. The destruction of Israel would prompt a western response. How can you be so ignorant after all these years. You heard it from the goats mouth like Nancy Pelosi and you choose to deny it. I don't care that is it a defensive pact, THEY CAN ALSO BE OFFENSIVE, get that through your thick skull. They on numerous occasions have shipped massive amounts of arms to them during their wars and they won't allow Israel to be wiped off the map.
What land?
There is nothing left

Practically two state solution is dead
Everyone knows that

Its simply not possible..because settlers occupy
80% of west bank. The expansion mostly happened in last 20yrs

The best palestine can hope for is gaza..that will be left alone because its 10x50km jail
That is the approach they preached to Indians - and they are trying to apply it in Kashmir.
t is not about destroying the Jewish presence in Palestine but more about stopping the Palestinians getting bullied when the Jews feel the need.
You make some valid points but by that time Palestine will have been moreorless rubbed out. Also as China rises the West will go in over drive to secure West Asia as part of the Greater West. In the American schema Europe, Anatolia, North Africa, Middle East are part of the "white" and wider Western civilization. And they will co-opt this region so that China does not get a hold in this strategic region.

My feeling is Arabs will mostly throw their lot with America and the West. They are more angled towards the West. Even the Iranians have a crush for the West despite being kicked in the teeth many times. You already know where the Turks stand.

In fact the far pavilion of America used to be Egypt/Israel but now has moved 1500 miles east to Djibuti. That is where the great powers are now layin g the new lines of influence.
In fact the far pavilion of America used to be Egypt/Israel but now has moved 1500 miles east to Djibuti. That is where the great powers are now layin g the new lines of influence.
You might have noticed Americans, Europeans, Turks and Chinese are all gunning for the Horn of Africa. And that is not because they like the twerking African girls with huge wobbly posteriors.

@MMM-E Most of us here and particulary me are very pro Turkey. So you should not get offended. We can have differant outlooks and interpretations.
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@MMM-E Most of us here and particulary me are very pro Turkey. So you should not get offended. We can have differant outlooks and interpretations.

I remind you that Iran and Pakistan helped USA against Taliban in Afganistan
and Pakistan is a global partner of the NATO

so what ?
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I'm interested in knowing what would Putin's interests be in containing isreal...Russia has strategic interests in Syria but what is there interest with the palestinians that Erdogan would reach out to Putin?
I'm interested in knowing what would Putin's interests be in containing isreal...Russia has strategic interests in Syria but what is there interest with the palestinians that Erdogan would reach out to Putin?

all about gas issue in the Eastern Mediterranean

between 5 and 7 may , Turkish delagation was in Egypt to reset ties between Egypt and Turkey after 8 years of enmity

and another Turkish delagation with the foreign minister in S.Arabia

İsrael is so angry and same day İsrael attacked Al Aqsa mosque without a reason
İsrael wants to use Egypt,S.Arabia,The Uae as pawns against Turkey

and Turkey additionally has also withdrawn an invitation for Israel's Energy Minister to attend the Antalya Diplomacy Forum on June 18-20.
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all about gas issue in the Eastern Mediterranean

between 5 and 7 may , Turkish delagation was in Egypt to reset ties between Egypt and Turkey after 8 years of enmity

and another Turkish delagation with the foreign minister in S.Arabia

İsrael is so angry and same day İsrael attacked Al Aqsa mosque without a reason
İsrael wants to use Egypt,S.Arabia,The Uae as pawns against Turkey

and Turkey additionally has also withdrawn an invitation for Israel's Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz to attend the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in the southern coastal city on June 18-20.
well right but what is Russia's interest in all this? Russia has plenty of gas and oil of its own...
Again I say it , the only nation that suppose to act for Palestine is Egypt .. Palestinians want the Egyptians to interfere and we want to interfere but the scumbag who rules us is a traitor .. Erdogan demand to send international troops to Palestine is wrong , it should be Islamic troops .. we all saw what happened to the bosnians when they international troops reached there , they let the serb do massacares ( dutch troops allowed them).

Erdogan , think before you talk.
well right but what is Russia's interest in all this? Russia has plenty of gas and oil of its own...

not to lose European market to İsrael-Egypt-Greece
Russia sells gas to Germany and Europe

Do you know what about EASTMED gas pipeline project from İsrael-Egypt to Europe through Greece

even Russia İran entered Syria to block possible gas-oil pipelines from Qatar-S.Arabia to Turkey--Europe through Syria
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not to lose European market to İsrael-Egypt-Greece
Russia sells gas to Germany and Europe

Do you know what about EASTMED gas pipeline project from İsrael-EEgypt to Europe through Greece
oh, yeah forgot about that project...honestly, I think Turkey needs to ditch nato and fully join the SCO camp.
we all saw what happened to the bosnians when they international troops reached there , they let the serb do massacares ( dutch troops allowed them).

Erdogan , think before you talk.

The US , NATO and Turkey fought Serbs and saved Bosnia , Kosovo

and Turkish forces were in Bosnia , Kosovo for peace keeper mission

yes as you said muslim forces should be in Palestine
but Egypt,Saudi Arabia,The Uae will do it ?
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