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Russia offers Bangladesh Sputnik V jabs for $9.95 each

And all this time they could not give go-ahead to Globe Biotech to start human trial.....they have been ready for nearly six months.

This is the biggest criminal act this government has done during the pandemic.

Although, even with a home grown vaccine, BD will still be somewhat reliant on equipment and raw material suppliers but not only will it help with self-sufficiency it will also help develop the pharma industry.
This is the biggest criminal act this government has done during the pandemic.

Although, even with a home grown vaccine, BD will still be somewhat reliant on equipment and raw material suppliers but not only will it help with self-sufficiency it will also help develop the pharma industry.
See this is why I say go for all available sources of vaccine. Raw material supply will hinder supply from every source at some point.
See this is why I say go for all available sources of vaccine. Raw material supply will hinder supply from every source at some point.

Fair point but there is administration and public confidence issues.

We know that AstraZeneca and probably Sputnik are highly effective and so you will not see much difference between people that get either vaccines.

With what has happened in Chile and now in Turkey, most probably the Chinese vaccines are less effective although you cannot say they are not decent at least. I guess that they stop severe disease in maybe 90% of people as opposed to 95%+ in the Western ones.

AstraZeneca gives almost 100% protection from death in all known variants so far, as long as the around 5% hospitalised with severe disease have proper medical attention which did not happen in India. Hence, why lots of AstraZeneca jabbed in India have been dying but that is not a vaccine efficacy issue but one of lack of medical treatment to those few vaccinated that still got severe disease.

Now imagine a scenario where 10 million people in BD ended up jabbed with the less effective Chinese vaccine and they were the only ones sometimes dying from the virus and not any with AstraZeneca and Sputnik. It would create a massive public confidence issue not just for the Chinese vaccine but vaccines in general.

I think it is better for BD to have stuck to AstraZeneca, Sputnik and its own homegrown vaccine and then focused on building as reliable supply chains for these 3 as it could. Like military equipment there are also hassles of logistics from having too many suppliers of systems.
The efficacy of the Chinese vaccines is highly questionable. Look at Chile which has inoculated its entire population with chinese vaccines and is still having problems.

Chinese vaccines may not cause problems, but it does not provide much protection either..

In the case of Pakistan, they should look to try and get licenses to make Sputnik and AstraZeneca in Pakistan, which are the most accessbile vaccines and provide the best protection out of all of the options available to her.
The efficacy of the Chinese vaccines is highly questionable. Look at Chile which has inoculated its entire population with chinese vaccines and is still having problems.

Chinese vaccines may not cause problems, but it does not provide much protection either..

In the case of Pakistan, they should look to try and get licenses to make Sputnik and AstraZeneca in Pakistan, which are the most accessbile vaccines and provide the best protection out of all of the options available to her.

Also Turkey innoculated with 20 million Chinese jabs by May and had to go into lockdown last week with 350 deaths a day.

I am not trying to upset or worry Pakistanis here as they would naturally want the Chinese vaccines that their parents and elders have received to be good but it is never a good idea to rely on just one source.

BD has been using AstraZeneca, will introduce Sputnik after the stupid "haggling" which will not reduce the price 1 cent I would imagine and has finally given go-ahead to human trials of its own mRNA vaccine.

For Pakistan, Sputnik may now be the best option to quickly buy millions of doses and set up a local production line. 10 US dollars a shot is not cheap but still cheaper than all others bar AstraZeneca which is not being sold for profit.
I get the feeling that AstraZeneca will not licence its vaccine to anyone else apart from India to produce.
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Also Turkey innoculated with 20 million Chinese jabs by May and had to into lockdown last week with 350 deaths a day.

I am not trying to upset or worry Pakistanis here as they would naturally want the Chinese vaccines that their parents and elders have received to be good but it is never a good idea to rely on just one source.

BD has been using AstraZeneca, will introduce Sputnik after the stupid "haggling" which will not reduce the price 1 cent I would imagine and has finally given go-ahead to human trials of its own mRNA vaccine.

For Pakistan, Sputnik may now be the best option to quickly buy millions of doses and set up a local production line. 10 US dollars a shot is not cheap but still cheaper than all others bar AstraZeneca which is not being sold for profit.

BD made a wise decision going with AstraZeneca and they should grab the offer of Sputnik as well because there are many countries in queue which will definitely affect the deliverables. We in India are also getting 8 million of Sputnik by the end of this month and currently we are going with home made vaccine.
BD made a wise decision going with AstraZeneca and they should grab the offer of Sputnik as well because there are many countries in queue which will definitely affect the deliverables. We in India are also getting 8 million of Sputnik by the end of this month and currently we are going with home made vaccine.

We have some pretty stupid idiots in our government.

Russia made the same price offer of 10 US dollars a shot to everyone for its excellent vaccine and the cheapskates in BD want to haggle at this time?!

BD needs these vaccines now and while they are trying to get the price down which Russia will not deviate from I am sure, other countries are getting their orders in. This will further delay when BD can get the 4 million emergency doses it wants.
BD will probably be getting up to 4 million doses from the 60 million spare doses that US is giving away this month. This should allow the AstraZeneca vaccination programme to continue as the current stocks run out in the latter half of this month.

If the cheapskate BD government had said yes to Russia's 10 US dollars price for each Sputnik dose, then the sought 4 million doses could have arrived later this month.

With new variants spreading, especially the massive risk from the new Indian ones, BD needs to try to get its most vulnerable 20-25% with at least a first dose by end of August. Once these groups have effective protection then BD can relax a little as lockdowns cannot last too long in a country like BD and even in rich countries it causes a lot of mental health issues for people.

Take good vaccines you get from everywhere. The longer you avoid it the more the risk of mutation
We have some pretty stupid idiots in our government.

Russia made the same price offer of 10 US dollars a shot to everyone for its excellent vaccine and the cheapskates in BD want to haggle at this time?!

BD needs these vaccines now and while they are trying to get the price down which Russia will not deviate from I am sure, other countries are getting their orders in. This will further delay when BD can get the 4 million emergency doses it wants.

Since the cases in BD are not that high so GOB is taking it lightly and bargaining on it but you never know when the surge is starting to pick up. This has happened with us and Poor Modi & government of states along with bureaucracy caught with their pants down. Now they are running like headless chicken and trying to do round the clock whatever they can do to get rid of this second wave. BD should look at us and start taking things seriously else you will be caught off guard.
Since the cases in BD are not that high so GOB is taking it lightly and bargaining on it but you never know when the surge is starting to pick up. This has happened with us and Poor Modi & government of states along with bureaucracy caught with their pants down. Now they are running like headless chicken and trying to do round the clock whatever they can do to get rid of this second wave. BD should look at us and start taking things seriously else you will be caught off guard.

BD needs to jab around 40 million of the most vulnerable as soon as possible as otherwise it will risk a sudden surge with "freak' variant that could kill thousands a day that may get imported or develop within BD.

That is 80 million doses - BD has only given 9 million so far.

Medical capacity is pathetic with less than 1000 ICU beds for 165 million people. Even 10,000 would not be enough with massive surge like what happened in India, although I think that is unlikely.

It needs Sputnik 4 million emergency doses now and set up local production asap. There is no time to waste.
BD needs to jab around 40 million of the most vulnerable as soon as possible as otherwise it will risk a sudden surge with "freak' variant that could kill thousands a day that may get imported or develop within BD.

That is 80 million doses - BD has only given 9 million so far.

Medical capacity is pathetic with less than 1000 ICU beds for 165 million people. Even 10,000 would not be enough with massive surge like what happened in India, although I think that is unlikely.

It needs Sputnik 4 million emergency doses now and set up local production asap. There is no time to waste.

Realistically...you have no time for local production. Now your job is to get the vaccines wherever you get. Even India became a net importer of vaccines to manage the situation. We have no time for increasing capacity.
I hope it does not happen but i am fairly certain BD will be making what is going on india currently look ordinary within the next few weeks.

BALs criminal negligance will kill millions.... BA better be ready to take charge and hang hasina and the current mafia cabinet.
Also Turkey innoculated with 20 million Chinese jabs by May and had to go into lockdown last week with 350 deaths a day.

I am not trying to upset or worry Pakistanis here as they would naturally want the Chinese vaccines that their parents and elders have received to be good but it is never a good idea to rely on just one source.

BD has been using AstraZeneca, will introduce Sputnik after the stupid "haggling" which will not reduce the price 1 cent I would imagine and has finally given go-ahead to human trials of its own mRNA vaccine.

For Pakistan, Sputnik may now be the best option to quickly buy millions of doses and set up a local production line. 10 US dollars a shot is not cheap but still cheaper than all others bar AstraZeneca which is not being sold for profit.
I get the feeling that AstraZeneca will not licence its vaccine to anyone else apart from India to produce.

Population fully vaccinated.

Germany 9.1% New Cases +17,550 New Deaths +245

France 11.2% New Cases +19,124 New Deaths +235

Italy 11.7% New Cases +10,554 New Deaths +207

Turkey 12.5% New cases +20,107 New Deaths +278

The numbers and data from yesterday with the European countries look pretty close to me compared to Turkey. It strange that you only single out Turkey because it use Chinese Vaccine. The only country I see doing much better was UK with 25.2% of the Population fully vaccinated and only +2,613 new cases and +13 New Deaths.
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