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Turkey warns Israel against attacks


Oct 6, 2010
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Turkish prime minister says he will not "stay silent" if Israel attacks Gaza or Lebanon.


Erdogan made the comments as he met with Saad al-Hariri, the Lebanese prime minister (left)

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, has said his country will not stay silent if Israel attacks Lebanon or Gaza.

Erdogan made the comments at a conference in the Lebanese capital on Thursday, at a time when ties between Turkey and Israel are at an all-time low.

"Does [Israel] think it can enter Lebanon with the most modern aircraft and tanks to kill women and children, and destroy schools and hospitals, and then expect us to remain silent?" he said as he met Saad al-Hariri, his Lebanese counterpart.

"Does it think it can use the most modern weapons, phosphorus munitions and cluster bombs to kill children in Gaza and then expect us to remain silent?

"We will not be silent and we will support justice by all means available."

Israel used cluster bombs in its month-long conflict against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon in 2006.

Strained ties

Relations between the two countries first soured when Turkey criticised Israel's offensive against Gaza in early 2009.

They took a further turn for the worse in May this year when Israeli naval commandos stormed the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish-registered protest ship, which was part of a flotilla attempting break the Israeli blockade of Gaza to deliver aid to the region.

Erdogan has said his country will not begin to restore relations with Israel until it apologises for its "savage attack" on the vessel.

The prime minister has been on a two-day visit to Lebanon, during which he also called on all sides to find solutions over the international tribunal on the murder of Rafiq al-Hariri, the country's fomer prime minister.

His visit has sparked protests in the capital by Lebanese people of Armenian descent, who still harbour deep animosity towards Turkey over the 1915 killing of up to 1.5 million Armenians.

Protesters on Thursday tore up a large poster of Erdogan and pelted troops with rocks. Security forces responded by beating up a number of them, but there were no reports of major injuries.
If u want to gain popularity among the Arabs u should curse USA and Israel. Thats what Ahmadinejad is doing. Erdogan did not grow balls for USA yet, so he curses only Israel.

Why not change your behavior and rob Ahmadinejad and Erdogan of their ammunition?? The arrogance of Israelis and their sponsors seems to know no boundaries. As if it was their God given right to war upon all who will not submit to them.

Israelis and their sponsors (US) might want to reconsider their behavior (policies) sooner or later, they will run into those who will not bend and who may inflict a injury that would not have been necessary, if only Israel was a more mature player and realized that it is no longer acceptable to behave in the manner it has behaved before.

All who complain of Israeli or US policies are not foes, unless of course the Israeli insist that is the only thing it understands.
If u want to gain popularity among the Arabs u should curse USA and Israel. Thats what Ahmadinejad is doing. Erdogan did not grow balls for USA yet, so he curses only Israel.

To be fair PM Edogan has criticized US on specific matters. Like "double standards" over Israel and Kurdish issue in N Iraq. That is more criticism than any Arab leader.

Erdogan criticizes U.S. "Double Standards" over Israel--actions against Israel being readied in Turkey. - Free Online Library


VOA | Turkey's Erdogan Criticizes US on Iraqi Kurds | News | English
Thats just complain. He often complains about EU as well. But he never called US mudrerers and stuff, although they killed much more than Israel.

Why not change your behavior and rob Ahmadinejad and Erdogan of their ammunition?? The arrogance of Israelis and their sponsors seems to know no boundaries. As if it was their God given right to war upon all who will not submit to them.

Israelis and their sponsors (US) might want to reconsider their behavior (policies) sooner or later, they will run into those who will not bend and who may inflict a injury that would not have been necessary, if only Israel was a more mature player and realized that it is no longer acceptable to behave in the manner it has behaved before.

All who complain of Israeli or US policies are not foes, unless of course the Israeli insist that is the only thing it understands.
What do u mean by changing behaviour? for example before attacking Lebanon in 2006 Israel did not answer at repeated attacks by Hezbollah for 6 years. Once we retaliated and attacks stopped. Now border is calm and no one is dying anymore.
Why is Mr Erdogan so eager to defend these Arabs who give two hoots about Turkey? Has he forgotten that the Arabs betrayed the Turks in the past? He'll end up making more enemies for his nation rather than friends.:tdown::frown:
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Why even put up these feeble arguments? Why? what do you hope to change ?

You only want to offer justification for that which is unjustified. The widespread perception is that innocents are bearing the brunt - why not play smarter, why give them ammunition?

Yes, I think we all understand that isolated, Israeli decisions have been without benefit of counsel of it's neighbors and others -- playing cowboy in these Indian reserves has simply stopped being acceptable -- whether it's Erdogan or Ahamdinejad or Islamicans in Pakistan, they do not need ot appeal to the populace, the populace is already there, these people are just catching up to the population.

In Israel there is a similar sentiment on the opposite side - in the long run, it's not something Israel can get away with -- Just look to the US, has it been allowed to get away with this behavior, look at it's ravaged standing, must that also be Israel's fate? US will go away, it lives thousands of miles away, Israel does not!

Why even put up these feeble arguments? Why? what do you hope to change ?

You only want to offer justification for that which is unjustified. The widespread perception is that innocents are bearing the brunt - why not play smarter, why give them ammunition?

Yes, I think we all understand that isolated, Israeli decisions have been without benefit of counsel of it's neighbors and others -- playing cowboy in these Indian reserves has simply stopped being acceptable -- whether it's Erdogan or Ahamdinejad or Islamicans in Pakistan, they do not need ot appeal to the populace, the populace is already there, these people are just catching up to the population.

In Israel there is a similar sentiment on the opposite side - in the long run, it's not something Israel can get away with -- Just look to the US, has it been allowed to get away with this behavior, look at it's ravaged standing, must that also be Israel's fate? US will go away, it lives thousands of miles away, Israel does not!
As I said, from 2000-2006 Hezbollah constantlly attacked Israel. Israel did not retaliate. In 2006 we retaliated in resulted in 1 month war. And since then the border is calm.

well said 500 but Israel is also arming PKK against turkey isnt it?
Pakistan nation should not forget the advise Erdogan given them in his recent visit Pakistan.He is a true inspiration.He will be inshallah one of the successful leaders of our time.My prayers for Erdogan...
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