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Trump's statements towards the integrity of the election SHOULD be dismissed, because it has no basis in logic.
There is. Why are voter id and photo and not needed in some state? Why isn't there inedible ink to mark the voters? Why should vote counting stopped halfway? Trump is attempting to coup, but these problem existed never been fixed to prevent that coup. If these were in other countries, US were quick to point out, so prepare to be judged. Remember Bolivia?
Nope, I dont think so. All of his policy is great according to many white American, the reason of his downfall is Covid 19 pandemic measure by his administration.

The damage was already done during the trade war, and the COVID-19 was just the last straw that broken the camel's back.

No way that a mere pandemic can badly hurt Uncle Sam in its prime, since the trade war with China had already hurt them badly.

China was also affected by both trade war and pandemic, yet China can recover quickly like it never happened before.

This proves that China is de facto a stronger country than the current US, and no wonder Biden is now touting about how he is going to re-fortify a stronger alliance with his fellow allies.
there is nothing there.
Wait for it, the Trump fightback hasn't even begun yet. He'd been talking about the likelihood of mail in ballot fraud for months so there's probably an army of lawyers who are probably going to drag this to their supreme court. The Bush v Gore verdict only came out in December.

There is also a mainstream media onslaught pushing a Biden win and massive social media censoring around any talk of election irregularities. It is beyond disgraceful the way twitter has been stamping their BS all over Trump's and other prominent folks' tweets calling any of that out.

It's not over yet but Trump will accept what the court eventually rules and there will be a peaceful transfer of power if it comes to that.
There is. Why are voter id and photo and not needed in some state? Why isn't there inedible ink to mark the voters? Why should vote counting stopped halfway? Trump is attempting to coup, but these problem existed never been fixed to prevent that coup. If these were in other countries, US were quick to point out, so prepare to be judged. Remember Bolivia?
Name the states, and we can go through them together. We can check what the rules are, and why they were made in that particular way.

Bolivia is a highly corrupt nation, with a election system that's easy to rig. The US election system is extremely difficult to do so.
Wait for it, the Trump fightback hasn't even begun yet. He'd been talking about the likelihood of mail in ballot fraud for months so there's probably an army of lawyers who are probably going to drag this to their supreme court. The Bush v Gore verdict only came out in December.

There is also a mainstream media onslaught pushing a Biden win and massive social media censoring around any talk of election irregularities. It is beyond disgraceful the way twitter has been stamping their BS all over Trump's and other prominent folks' tweets calling any of that out.

It's not over yet but Trump will accept what the court eventually rules and there will be a peaceful transfer of power if it comes to that.
He's made multiple attempts at the courts, and he's lost all of them so far.

He cannot just go to the supreme court, he has to go through state courts before hand, and so far his attempts are failing.

Bush vs Gore is NOTHING like the current situation, and it is highly disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

There is ZERO evidence of election irregularities, and it is Twitter's duty to stop the spread of misinformation on its platform. We live in a world of fake news and misinformation, so it's the responsibility of the platform holders to make sure their platforms aren't being misused for such malicious purposes.

There is nothing disgraceful about it.

If you're talking about Bannon getting banned, as your example of censorship, he was literally advocating murdering people.

Its over for Trump. He has nothing left to fight back with. His idiot son, Eric Trump, and that buffoon Rudy Giuliani are just making it worse for him.
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So for the last 2 days there is no electrol votes changed. Something wrong with American system. No way in the world there is so much delay in any other country of the world and looks like it will take further days to reach a conclusive result.
So for the last 2 days there is no electrol votes changed. Something wrong with American system. No way in the world there is so much delay in any other country of the world and looks like it will take further days to reach a conclusive result.
Nah, it's normal. The official results are not even going to be certified until end of November/early December in practically all states.

This time is also different because there are so many mail-in ballots due to COVID and those take longer to count because they need to open the envelope, verify the ID with their database, count, etc. They check the validity of each vote multiple times to ensure no one can cheat as much as possible. Now multiply that by several hundred thousand to millions.

On top of that, states like Pennsylvania for example were not allowed to preemptively start counting mail-ins that already arrived before Election Day/Night like Florida. And the ones that blocked these states from starting early were the republican legistlatures in those states.

As for why mail-ins skew heavily to Biden, the entire Summer Trump repeatedly claimed that they are not safe and tried to deligitimize them before the election even began. He told his voters to vote in person. Biden told his voters that COVID is serious and asked his voters to vote by mail. So it was no surprise that in the battleground states, because in person votes are counted before mail-ins, it initially looked like Trump was winning by a decent margin before flipping when the mail-ins are counted.

Before anyone say, "if I were a voter, I would just pick whatever method is most comfortable for me and I wouldn't care what the candidates tell me", keep in mind that Democrats are consistently far more worried about COVID than Republicans. Add the fact, that not everyone is going to think like you.

If you add all those points together and you paid attention, the plans of the Trump campaign was clear from the start:
  1. Steal the SCOTUS nomination and ensure heavy conservative lean in SCOTUS
  2. Say mail-in is not safe, try to deligitimize it as much as possible despite all historical evidence saying otherwise
  3. Republicans mostly vote in person, Democrats mostly vote by-mail
  4. In election night, because in person is generally counted first, he will look like he's winning
  5. Claim victory
  6. Mail-ins start to get counted, some states flip
  7. Claim cheating is happening, despite not having any solid proof
  8. Lawsuits all over, hope some of them land, and maybe some end up in the conservative-leaning SCOTUS
  9. Profits
Now, because the race is pretty close, most states are counting very slowly to ensure that they do everything right the first time as to not give Trump anymore amunition to delegitimize the american system any further. Imagine what Trump would do if they rush and make mistakes. But of course Trump is using that slowness to do it anyway.

Media is also not calling races yet because they are tight and probably will go to recount. They've learned from the mistake of calling Arizona too early. They don't want to give Trump anymore excuse to deligitimize them. They'll probably call the races when Biden has a decisive advantage or the recounts are over.

Plus, the "results" in the previous years were always only quick counts based on projections by news outlets anyway. So nothing is really out of the ordinary.
When one side is so dominant to the extent that the other party which wins 70 million votes had to resort to B-Grade newspapers like NY Post and Has-been celebrities like Kirstie Alley to buttress it's position then something is indeed yellow journalism!!!

There was nothing Trump could have done right ever in most source of media in America. No redeeming quality. That much now I see being a paid subscriber to the mightiest newspaper in the world in NY Times. That is yellow journalism!!! Beneath the dignity of a towering newspaper which truly has the power of 'pen is mightier than the sword'.

In the same vein, I will never forget how even Trump's few minutes from leaving the hospital after Covid to his brief appearance in the White House was portrayed. The guy has many many faults but the overall hounding of him during those few minutes was too partisan to be called 'journalism'. True journalism must give credit when it's due. Or just shut up. To me, the 74 year old man had just survived Covid, came out with a vigor to launch a crazed last few days of reaching out to the people and all I saw was was not admiration. None at all. But of disparagement.

You could say that while I will remain a 'liberal' for lifetime but will probably never be a Democrat again. And neither will I ever trust most of the news sources unless and until I vet them out with my new understanding of the media.

"Freedom of speech", have we not been lectured about it recently? Why look the other way when foot is on the other side?

Its seems the sitting president of America is not allowed to exercise his right of freedom of speech when he was cut off from majority of news channel.
"Freedom of speech", have we not been lectured about it recently? Why look the other way when foot is on the other side?

Its seems the sitting president of America is not allowed to exercise his right of freedom of speech when he was cut off from majority of news channel.

He’s had enough free air time the last 4 years. The last thing people need to hear is his bullshit to be quite honest.
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Donald Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon has been banned from Twitter after he called for the beheading of Dr Anthony Fauci and the FBI director Christopher Wray.

a person wearing a suit and tie: Steve Bannon says his beheading calls were 'meant metaphorically''meant metaphorically'
© Sky News Screen Grab Steve Bannon says his beheading calls were 'meant metaphorically'
The action comes as Donald Trump supporters - some of them armed with rifles and handguns - descended on election counting centres after the president made unsubstantiated allegations that the vote is being stolen from him.

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Mr Bannon, who is currently on bail after pleading not guilty to charges of fraud and money laundering, made the comments during an online show in which he criticised the men for not supporting the president enough.

Dr Fauci, who is the head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has warned that the US government's strategy for tackling COVID-19 needs an "abrupt change".

Bannon has previously criticised Mr Wray for allegedly failing to investigate a hard drive allegedly owned by Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, the contents of which were leaked to the New York Post in "highly suspicious" circumstances.

After initially calling for Dr Fauci and Mr Wray to be fired, Mr Bannon added: "I'd actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England. I'd put their heads on pikes.

"I'd put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats. You either get with the program or you're gone."

The conversation with his co-host, Jack Maxey, continued with Maxey stating: "Just yesterday there was the anniversary of the hanging of two Tories in Philadelphia.

"These were Quaker businessmen who had cohabitated, if you will, with the British while they were occupying Philadelphia. These people were hung. This is what we used to do to traitors."

Bannon responded: "That's how you won the revolution. No one wants to talk about it. The revolution wasn't some sort of garden party, right? It was a civil war. It was a civil war."

Following these comments, Twitter permanently banned the Steve Bannon's War Room account, while YouTube and Facebook also deleted the video, all saying it violated their policies on inciting violence.

A spokesperson for Mr Bannon said Mr Bannon "did not, would not and has never called for violence of any kind", adding that his "commentary was clearly meant metaphorically".

The former chief strategist had been arrested on a yacht in relation to fundraising for the controversial Mexico border wall earlier this year.

The US Department of Justice said the charges relate to We Build The Wall, a fundraising campaign to support the building of a border wall between the US and Mexico.

Federal prosecutors alleged that Bannon, along with three others, "orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors" in connection with the online crowdfunding campaign, which raised more than $25m (£19m).

The charges against Bannon, 66, and three others, Brian Kolfage, 38, Andrew Badolato, 56, and Timothy Shea, 49, were contained in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court.

According to the indictment, Bannon promised that 100% of the money donated would be used for the project, but the defendants allegedly used hundreds of thousands of dollars in a manner inconsistent with the organisation's public representations.

They allegedly faked invoices and sham "vendor" arrangements in a bid to hide what was really happening, the indictment added.

Steve Bannon can get bent.
Name the states, and we can go through them together. We can check what the rules are, and why they were made in that particular way.

Bolivia is a highly corrupt nation, with a election system that's easy to rig. The US election system is extremely difficult to do so.

He's made multiple attempts at the courts, and he's lost all of them so far.

He cannot just go to the supreme court, he has to go through state courts before hand, and so far his attempts are failing.

Bush vs Gore is NOTHING like the current situation, and it is highly disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

There is ZERO evidence of election irregularities, and it is Twitter's duty to stop the spread of misinformation on its platform. We live in a world of fake news and misinformation, so it's the responsibility of the platform holders to make sure their platforms aren't being misused for such malicious purposes.

There is nothing disgraceful about it.

If you're talking about Bannon getting banned, as your example of censorship, he was literally advocating murdering people.

Its over for Trump. He has nothing left to fight back with. His idiot son, Eric Trump, and that buffoon Rudy Giuliani are just making it worse for him.
it’s over. This drama will string out for a few more weeks but even trump knows it’s over.

Joe Biden’s Religion & Faith: What Does He Believe?
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Joe Biden's Faith and Religion's Faith and Religion

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s faith is often the subject of discussion as he runs for President of the United States. As the presumed candidate for the Democratic Party, he has sometimes exchanged jabs with President Donald Trump about topics like faith and religion. Biden was raised in an Irish-Catholic family and he has said that his beliefs are still very important to him.
1. Biden Said His Faith Helped Get Him Through Tragedies, But He Nearly Lost His Faith When His First Wife & Daughter Were Killed


Biden is a practicing Catholic. During an interview with Stephen Colbert, Biden said that his faith and his Catholic rituals helped him deal with tragedies in his life, such as losing his son, Beau Biden, to brain cancer in 2015, the Christian Post reported. The rituals gave him an enormous sense of solace, he said.
But in 2012 he has also admitted that he struggled with anger at God after his first wife and his daughter were killed in a car wreck in 1972, Christian Today reported. He said he would get angry at God and think there was just no way that God could possibly be good. He said that he understood why some people turned to suicide, not because they were crazy, but because “they had been to the top of the mountain, and they just knew in their heart they would never get there again.”
Biden’s wife, Jill Biden, also struggled with faith — for her it was following her stepson Beau Biden’s death, People reported. She said that up until he died, she always had believed he would somehow make it. Beau Biden was only 46 when he died.
Jill Biden wrote in her memoir: “Where I once felt that peace that surpasses understanding, I now feel hollow silence. One day, I hope I can salvage my faith.”
She later said that she did find her faith again. She said a woman came up to her in South Carolina at church when she and Biden were campaigning and asked to be her prayer partner. She said that woman helped give her back her faith.
2. After Trump Accused Him of Being ‘Against God,’ Biden Shared that His Faith Is the Foundation of His Life


In August, Trump accused Biden of being “against God,” The Hill reported. Trump said during a speech about Biden: “Take away your guns, take away your Second Amendment. No religion, no anything. Hurt the Bible. Hurt God. He’s against God. He’s against guns. He’s against energy.”

Biden said Trump’s comments were beneath his office. He told The Hill: “it’s beneath the dignity the American people so rightly expect and deserve from their leaders… However, like the words of so many other insecure bullies, President Trump’s comments reveal more about him than they do about anyone else. They show us a man willing to stoop to any low for political gain, and someone whose actions are completely at odds with the values and teachings that he professes to believe in.”
Biden went on to share that his faith kept him grounded “and humbled in times of triumph and joy.” He said his faith provided him comfort and taught him to love his neighbors.
“My faith teaches me to care for the least among us,” he told The Hill.
3. In 2012 He Said that He Doesn’t Believe in Using the Law to Impose His Religious Beliefs on Others


During the vice-presidential debates in 2012, he said that his religion “defines who I am,” National Review reported. He said:

He also said that he does not believe in using the law to force people of different faiths to conform to his beliefs. He also said during the debates:

4. Biden Once Considered Becoming a Priest


When Biden was young, he briefly considered becoming a priest, Pew Forum reported. He was a student at Holy Rosary parochial school and Archmere Academy. He started developing an interest in politics in 10th grade when he studied John F. Kennedy, who was also a Catholic.
Biden usually attends Mass at St. Joseph on the Brandywine Church or St. Patrick’s Church in the Diocese of Wilmington, Pew Forum reported. If elected, he would be only the second Catholic president, following John F. Kennedy.
Politico reported that Biden is known to carry rosary beads in his pocket on the campaign trail.
5. His Wife Is a Big Encourager of His Faith


Two of Biden’s children married into Jewish families. His daughter, Ashley Biden, married Howard Krein, a Jewish doctor, in 2012. They were married in an interfaith Jewish-Catholic ceremony, Haaretz reported.
His son who passed away, Beau Biden, was married to Hallie Biden, who also comes from a Jewish family. She was raised in both the Christian and Catholic faiths, and her mother is Jewish, Times of Israel reported.
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, began dating Hallie Biden after Beau’s death. Joe Biden said that he and his wife Jill were standing by them. Hunter and Hallie are no longer together and Hunter married Melissa Cohen after divorcing Kathleen Biden in 2017.
Biden has said that meeting and marrying Jill Biden helped pull him back from the brink after his first wife and his daughter died. She still encourages his faith, he told Stephen Colbert during an interview in 2015. For example, he said that Jill will often leave him inspirational notes. One of them was a quote that simply read: “Faith sees best in the dark.”
You can see Biden’s full interview with Colbert in the two videos below.
Vice President Joe Biden Interview, Part 1Part one of Vice President Joe Biden's full interview with Stephen Colbert. Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more content from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", click HERE: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Watch full episodes of "The Late Show" HERE: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Download the Colbert App HERE: http://apple.co/1Qqgwk4 Like "The Late Show" on Facebook HERE:…2015-09-11T07:35:00Z
Vice President Joe Biden Interview, Part 2Part two of Vice President Joe Biden's full interview with Stephen Colbert.2015-09-11T07:35:00Z
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His real name is Jamshed Bashir , he is secretly a Moslem like Obama :D he will bring Shariah Law to United States of America , Allah Ho Akbar :D
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