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A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

This one of the few times I would agree with an Indian, the teacher was stupid to bring this up in the first place and can't they teach in other ways instead of insulting religious figures? Their is always a limit to speech you can't go around and insulting and not expect a blow back.

This teacher had it coming for being this stupid, an educated idiot, sadly he/she fell in the realm of Darwin Theory so in essence a stupid was eliminated from the gene pool.
or maybe the follwers of religion of peace shouldnt act like savages when someone mock their religion
You are not helping.

OP has created another thread to flame Muslims.

Report that thread and tag the Mods. Contacts mods and staff in private in GHQ, tag them too there

look today the caricatures have been published in several media. Just because one dumb muslim guy killed one person.

if he had a brain, if Muslims had a brain, a discussion could have started about the “freedom of speech” and respect with rational and logical reasoning which could have helped us more.
Anyone notice how France stands more and more isolated during these attacks? Not even their traditional allies such as the Europeans openly support the French stance regarding freedom of speech. It seems like an internal struggle. France has struggled with the farcical freedom to hate on minority groups of a long time. The mindset within France is now changing regarding freedom of speech:

Samuel Paty: Beheading of teacher deepens divisions over France's secular identity

There was something hidden by the crowds that gathered across France over the weekend.

The dramatic show of national unity - after the decapitation of teacher Samuel Paty outside Paris - hid growing dissent in some parts of the country over the nation's view of secularism and freedom of speech.

State secularism - or laïcité - is central to France's national identity. It's as important as the concepts of "liberty, equality, fraternity" that make up its post-Revolutionary motto.

Laïcité decrees that the public space - whether classrooms, workplaces or ministries - should be free of religion. Curbing freedom of expression to protect the feelings of one particular community, the state says, undermines the country's unity.

But there is evidence that a growing number of people in France are uncomfortable with this argument and want the boundaries around secularism and free speech to change.

People are obviously questioning what the motive is to draw cartoons and single out a group of people. This freedom of speech argument held on for a few decades. Not anymore in this day and age. Everyone demands respect.
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It is quite probably that this was another false flag operation. The British government has a long history of working with radical Salafi and Wahhabi figures, which it protects and manipulates in order to achieve its political objectives.
Well, the world is waking up. We utterly condemn the attack. Any human would. We also condemn Charlie Hebdo's freedom to hate Muslims and minorities in France.
It's a crime of passion. He loved the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and this man disrespected someone he loved. In a fit of anger he took his revenge for the offence. If someone shared fake naked images of your mother or your daughter, or someone you loved - you might be inclined to lash out in anger too.

Let France keep provoking people and let angry young men react to said provocation. Lets see how fruitful that is for French society.
It is quite probably that this was another false flag operation. The British government has a long history of working with radical Salafi and Wahhabi figures, which it protects and manipulates in order to achieve its political objectives.
It doesn’t change the fact that Muslims supported the killing of the teacher
It's a crime of passion. He loved the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and this man disrespected someone he loved. In a fit of anger he took his revenge for the offence. If someone shared fake naked images of your mother or your daughter, or someone you loved - you might be inclined to lash out in anger too.

Let France keep provoking people and let angry young men react to said provocation. Lets see how fruitful that is for French society.
It’s simple ship every scumbag of them to the land of taliban or isis they live in France while they carry a taliban Isis mentality they shouldn’t be in France to begin with also after the attack there are more people on YouTube and in Paris are mocking Muhammad because of this terrorism fuker
In Syria and Iraq, the vast majority of deaths are Arabs killing other Arabs.
False claims about proxies does not change that.

Do you know of cause and effect? What caused destabilization of Iraq? What caused destabilization of Libya? What caused destabilization of entire Middle East or Latin America or North Africa or West Africa? Then look at the effects of all these destabilizations which happens to include refugees and mass migration.
In Syria and Iraq, the vast majority of deaths are Arabs killing other Arabs.
False claims about proxies does not change that.

So you think Daesh are Arabs? Quite an interesting conspiracy theory you have right there.
It is quite probably that this was another false flag operation. The British government has a long history of working with radical Salafi and Wahhabi figures, which it protects and manipulates in order to achieve its political objectives.

Welcome back brother, good to see you.
Re: hope you have life insurance....

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It doesn’t change the fact that Muslims supported the killing of the teacher

It’s simple ship every scumbag of them to the land of taliban or isis they live in France while they carry a taliban Isis mentality they shouldn’t be in France to begin with also after the attack there are more people on YouTube and in Paris are mocking Muhammad because of this terrorism fuker

Over a million innocent Iraqis were genocided by white christian americans. NO ONE blamed all white christians for that. Why should we therefore condemn over 2 billion Muslims for one sole Muslim taking the barnet off the shoulders of some french anti-Muslim racist? It doesn't make sense. Seems like you are supporting white supremacy.
Why does the west and liberals dont understand that offending and disrespecting other people's belief is not freedom of speech. Freedom does not mean u are free to hurt or offend others. The west have constantly targetted and offended Muslims, why? Why do they provoke us by our sensitivities? Do they do it intentionally and call it freedom? There will always be reaction from offending others and there are certain people who then react violently.
Report that thread and tag the Mods. Contacts mods and staff in private in GHQ, tag them too there

look today the caricatures have been published in several media. Just because one dumb muslim guy killed one person.

if he had a brain, if Muslims had a brain, a discussion could have started about the “freedom of speech” and respect with rational and logical reasoning which could have helped us more.

So let us recount, shall we.

A Hindu troll and known Islamophobe opens a thread on a controversial topic. Myriad of Indian members come to abuse and harass Muslims and Pakistanis.

When we report him and he faces pressure, he opens another thread on the same topic. Indian trolls abuse and harass Muslims and Pakistanis there.

Now a bunch of them are given warnings and bans, so what was the point?

Did Hindu Indians succeed in creating a narrative which puts Islam and Muslims at a disadvantage? No.

Now about the case in question, the teacher was killed by an angry student when he showed abusive cartoons to his class.

The teacher is burning in Hellfire for disrespecting the Prophet of Allah swt.

The youth, though overstepped his limit, gained shahadat due to his niyyah which was to defend the honor of Rasulullah saws..

He did not do so due to a personal slight, but proved his love of Rasulullah saws.

He is in Jannat ul Firdous. As Allama Iqbal said of Ghazi Ilm ud Deen. "He has surpassed us."

I admit what he did should not be emulated, I myself would have advised him against it, but now that the deed is done, I won't condemn him either.

He is Shaheed.

It is quite probably that this was another false flag operation. The British government has a long history of working with radical Salafi and Wahhabi figures, which it protects and manipulates in order to achieve its political objectives.

Anjem Choudry comes to mind.
Over a million innocent Iraqis were genocided by white christian americans. NO ONE blamed all white christians for that. Why should we therefore condemn over 2 billion Muslims for one sole Muslim taking the barnet off the shoulders of some french anti-Muslim racist? It doesn't make sense. Seems like you are supporting white supremacy.
I don’t think the teacher was racist he was trying to explain the freedom of speech from what I know

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