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What kind of behaviour Pakistani Dramas are trying to promote?

take it as a differing point of view and an experience very close to me. we had to go extreme length to rescue a child from a very well respected madrasah and it turned out that it was not an isolated case and had been happening to many other kids and for many years. the powerful mafia succeeded in harassing not only the police and justice system but the local community members into keeping it quiet or face dire consequences,
the affected family had to relocate to somewhere in Punjab,.

its a disturbing truth which we cant bully into silence. and the atrocity has no justification in Islam.
I am sorry if you are offended by my mention
Which madrassa was that? and in which city?
one can guess what forces the woman to leave her home and go the extremes and be exploited sexually destroying her soul to get where she had to get?
Do you really think that women in our society cannot compete equally with her hard work and be successful without doing sexual favours? Its like saying men cannot succeed without doing corruption.
You can be against Pedo-Mullahs and Bakwas Aired on TV/Internet at the same time. But stick to the topic.
Evil can be present at anywhere, anytime. I have seen sexual abuses of kids in madrassahs as well as sexual exploitation of young girls in corporate sector. Accepting these problems does not mean that premises (madrassa or office) is good or bad, it only shows that good or bad people can be anywhere. If someone say about evil doings in madrassahs, religious people cry its an attack on Islam. If someone say against evil in corporate sector, liberals say its an attack on their liberal/progressive values. In this fight or Right vs Left, cuplrits roam free and victims don't get justice.
Mods need a reprogramming too. Last time we talked about Iran and he and his buddy criticized me for not

* includes prostitution, pork, pedophilia, forced marriages, domestic violence, hate speech, **** addiction, general stupidity...
incest and cannibalism as well
Do you really think that women in our society cannot compete equally with her hard work and be successful without doing sexual favours? Its like saying men cannot succeed without doing corruption.
let me answer you with a question

why did you cut out the related pretext of my quoted post?
So does freedom of expression means Pakistani media can promote open sex? Where will this freedom of expression end and when will be able to put a stop to this sh*t?
Well if you have an education God help us all. Please crawl back in your cave. You are typically desi educated...serial repeater. No outlook on life and throw about title 'The Accountant' ????
You are talking about my education when rather than arguing on the subject you are resorting to personal comments?

I am not going to explain who I am and what my credentials are as you dont know the basic of a debate and already made up your mind. This is my last post to you on this topic but you need to re-evaluate what are you talking about. Even PM of Pakistan who is much more highly educated person than both me and you and one of the most powerful person in Pakistan agrees with me.

Watch from 1:02:05.

Please don't reply as the way you talk is dragging me to pass personal comments as well which I don't want.
Same vein hopefully as destroying Bacha bazi in Madressa’s, fake pirs raping women, beating of women aimlessly, Brothels catering to thick accent mullah’s etc.

Lets not be selective in wanting evil gone from Pakistani society but only from one place.

Din Badle mausum badle , badal gaya yeh Jahan
Taking a break in life and most of your social media did teaches me one thing, that it brings me closer to my roots , to who I was and to what I will be ..

Your point as mentioned by the many will be considered valid if you post an equal critics of the negative impact of the borrowed/highly modified/Galazified Liberal culture , but i am yet to see you doing that , Haven't you notice your own behavior that every time there is a case that shows the negative impact of liberalism on the Pakistani society your first comment is about Mullah and Madarsa why ? rather than addressing the problem head on you are beating around the bush .

Almost every case of a Mullah raping a boy, sexually harassing a child or abusing his authority does leave the impact of the reputation of the religious authorities , People like you and others are in the band wagan driving in front seat to abuse Islam in the shadow of the people who commit a crime, a crime is done by the person but people like you Pardon my language " Islam ki Shalwaar utar dete hai ", we do talk about the "hidden, and unreported " abuse by Mullah''s every day but how many times you talk about the rapes , sexual assault and indecent behavior of man and women in late night parties in the Posh and luxurious areas of our country ?

Sex education and awareness is good, but the way this dialog is written and present i doubt any girl would learn something revolutionary , the outrage is not about a women of middle age talking about her past experience of giving hand jobs to get success, the point is that they are openly talking it about on our TV for which the main audience is our Mothers, daughters and Sisters . Are we telling them that if she wants to be somewhere in the life, she can hand job her way up to success ? lets not fool ourselves , not everyone in our society is equal or have same level of constraints , some might feel disgusted but some might feel encourage by this .

Society matters, individual desires can be overruled by Prophet himself for greater good , anything or everything that harms the society in a collective way needs to be addressed and stopped , unless you want our streets to look like Miami Beach , las Vegas or Times Square . There is a reason why we are Mashriq and they are Maghrib , there is a reason why our women were called Mashriqy , if we lose our own identity than there is no diversity in the world where everyone is just trying to outdo others that who will create the most progressive society , letting the filth out on the streets in the name of Pride rally , or naked marches , or free the nipples and yet the same society regulate a women who wants to wear a niqab and Hijab ..

A women takes it all off , talks indecent , vulgar , respect no culture or religion , consider Gender to be fluid , sexual orientation to be God planted considered modern and progressive , but a women who covers her head, talks decent , no vulgar language , respects cultures and religions and personal and public space, considered to be backward and by-Gone mentality .. No wonder the world is in such a shitty state !!
Din Badle mausum badle , badal gaya yeh Jahan
Taking a break in life and most of your social media did teaches me one thing, that it brings me closer to my roots , to who I was and to what I will be ..

Your point as mentioned by the many will be considered valid if you post an equal critics of the negative impact of the borrowed/highly modified/Galazified Liberal culture , but i am yet to see you doing that , Haven't you notice your own behavior that every time there is a case that shows the negative impact of liberalism on the Pakistani society your first comment is about Mullah and Madarsa why ? rather than addressing the problem head on you are beating around the bush .

Almost every case of a Mullah raping a boy, sexually harassing a child or abusing his authority does leave the impact of the reputation of the religious authorities , People like you and others are in the band wagan driving in front seat to abuse Islam in the shadow of the people who commit a crime, a crime is done by the person but people like you Pardon my language " Islam ki Shalwaar utar dete hai ", we do talk about the "hidden, and unreported " abuse by Mullah''s every day but how many times you talk about the rapes , sexual assault and indecent behavior of man and women in late night parties in the Posh and luxurious areas of our country ?

Sex education and awareness is good, but the way this dialog is written and present i doubt any girl would learn something revolutionary , the outrage is not about a women of middle age talking about her past experience of giving hand jobs to get success, the point is that they are openly talking it about on our TV for which the main audience is our Mothers, daughters and Sisters . Are we telling them that if she wants to be somewhere in the life, she can hand job her way up to success ? lets not fool ourselves , not everyone in our society is equal or have same level of constraints , some might feel disgusted but some might feel encourage by this .

Society matters, individual desires can be overruled by Prophet himself for greater good , anything or everything that harms the society in a collective way needs to be addressed and stopped , unless you want our streets to look like Miami Beach , las Vegas or Times Square . There is a reason why we are Mashriq and they are Maghrib , there is a reason why our women were called Mashriqy , if we lose our own identity than there is no diversity in the world where everyone is just trying to outdo others that who will create the most progressive society , letting the filth out on the streets in the name of Pride rally , or naked marches , or free the nipples and yet the same society regulate a women who wants to wear a niqab and Hijab ..

A women takes it all off , talks indecent , vulgar , respect no culture or religion , consider Gender to be fluid , sexual orientation to be God planted considered modern and progressive , but a women who covers her head, talks decent , no vulgar language , respects cultures and religions and personal and public space, considered to be backward and by-Gone mentality .. No wonder the world is in such a shitty state !!
All of this shows that you are a reactionary extremist - just the other side of the coin to the pride rallies and overzealous women on Aurat march - only tackling with the evil you don’t consider your own.

The shoot first talk later variety - willing to honor kill without hearing a plea.
All of this shows that you are a reactionary extremist - just the other side of the coin to the pride rallies and overzealous women on Aurat march - only tackling with the evil you don’t consider your own.

The shoot first talk later variety - willing to honor kill without hearing a plea.

I consider one as my own, because I was born and raised into it .. and no the way is not evil only the man/women who does it, similar to that we don't call Homosexuals evil but their act , similar to that we are not calling the use of the term, but its implication on society .. As I said, you are just beating around the bush, well at least i did achieve one thing , I made you criticize the Liberal you are so hell bent on defending :) I see it as improvement , you'll get there buddy ..
"overzealous women on Aurat march "..
Islam never allow forced marriage. Nikah contract cannot be completed before the consent of both Muslim man and woman.

In Islam a man or a woman who reaches puberty is eligible for marriage and he or she is considered adults. On that day book of deeds is also opened and angels start noting the deeds of that person.

If young man and woman get marry with their consent then it is not an under aged forced marriage.

A university girl displaying the play card and shouting openly is not the victim of forced marriage. Furthermore, the play card must display a clear massage that they are protesting against forced marriage.

There are more rights given to women in Islam then in any religion. The problem is we as Muslims do not follow it.

Being head of the family, elder Muslims do not implement fair and balance justice. Mothers favor their sons more than their daughters. Male elders do not care about well being of women of their family. A bride is forced to serve the whole family of bridegroom, why? There is a long list of injustices most of us observe around us and among us.

I am sure that girl who was display and shouting shameful slogan must have observed similar injustices in her family or around her acquaintance, which motivated her to join such liberal activist groups.

In the end I would say, we have to realize shortcomings, mistakes and wrong practices and traditions, and correct ourselves so that our generation do not go astray. It is we practicing dual system of justice and forcing our women to rebel from the society - an Islamic society which was supposed to protect the rights of woman equally as men.

21% of girls in Pakistan are married before their 18th birthday and 3% are married before the age of 15.

According to UNICEF, Pakistan has the sixth highest number of absolute child brides in the world – 1,909,000.

Religion: Some Pakistani Muslims believe their religion requires them to marry off their daughters once they reach puberty. This also relates to a desire to protect a girl’s izzat (honour), and the high premium attached to the chastity of young unmarried girls.

I made the text bigger so, you can see and read it from planet Mars, where all is good and dandy, but down here on planet earth its totally different.
That's hilarious. Purely contrived script and lousy acting. Designed only for shock value. This is how poor quality products gain ratings. It's "clickbait" essentially.

A potentially cool premise was destroyed for this sort of cheap shock value.

However, there doesn't seem to be any promotion of the said behavior. It's mentioned as an unfortunate consequence of some office places and what some engage in. A lot of people here equate the mere mentioning of something as its promotion, regardless of context.

Sex education and teaching kids what appropriate / inappropriate touch is is extremely important --- but many feel threatened as if an education aimed at protecting the vulnerable is somehow promoting that very behavior.
You are talking about my education when rather than arguing on the subject you are resorting to personal comments?

I am not going to explain who I am and what my credentials are as you dont know the basic of a debate and already made up your mind. This is my last post to you on this topic but you need to re-evaluate what are you talking about. Even PM of Pakistan who is much more highly educated person than both me and you and one of the most powerful person in Pakistan agrees with me.

Watch from 1:02:05.

Please don't reply as the way you talk is dragging me to pass personal comments as well which I don't want.
this is exactly how I rescued myself from mind numbing and irrelevant argument in this thread.
21% of girls in Pakistan are married before their 18th birthday and 3% are married before the age of 15.

According to UNICEF, Pakistan has the sixth highest number of absolute child brides in the world – 1,909,000.

Religion: Some Pakistani Muslims believe their religion requires them to marry off their daughters once they reach puberty. This also relates to a desire to protect a girl’s izzat (honour), and the high premium attached to the chastity of young unmarried girls.

I made the text bigger so, you can see and read it from planet Mars, where all is good and dandy, but down here on planet earth its totally different.
How marriage at young age is equivallent to force marriage?
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