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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

Just because the UAE have turned out to be treacherous snakes, doesn't mean we follow them.

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Buildings....just one earthquake and gone....remember the nations before you.
You Zionist forget quick. But you will pay for your crimes.
Our interest is ours...and that doesn't mean we sell our soul to the devil or Israel.
I hope paksitan sticks to NO ISRAEL line even to the last Pakistan. F the khaliji traitors...may they return to camel poop and dates
Palestine recognized israel already ap kya Palestine se ziada Palestine ke wafadar hain >?:lol:

Screenshot_2020-08-13 International recognition of Israel - Wikipedia.png
Israel and UAE strike historic deal to normalise relations
  • 15 minutes ago
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Image captionBenjamin Netanyahu and Prince Mohammed Al Nahyan brokered the agreement with US help
Israel and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to normalise relations, US President Donald Trump has announced.

A joint statement by Mr Trump, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed Al Nahyan said they hoped the "historic breakthrough will advance peace in the Middle East".

As a result, they added, Israel would suspend its plans to annex large parts of the occupied West Bank.

Until now Israel has had no diplomatic relations with Gulf Arab countries

However, shared concerns over Iran's regional influence have led to a unofficial contacts between them.

In response to President Trump's announcement, Mr Netanyahu tweeted in Hebrew: "Historic day."

Image Copyright @netanyahu@NETANYAHU

The UAE's ambassador to the US, Yousef Al Otaiba, said in a statement that it was "a win for diplomacy and for the region".

"It is a significant advance in Arab-Israeli relations that lowers tensions and creates new energy for positive change," he added.

The agreement marks only the third Israel-Arab peace deal since Israel's declaration of independence in 1948. Egypt signed one in 1979, and Jordan in 1994.

In the coming weeks delegations from Israel and the UAE will meet to sign bilateral agreements regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment, the establishment of reciprocal embassies.

The countries will also join the US in launching a "Strategic Agenda for the Middle East", according to the joint statement.

The leaders said they had "a similar outlook regarding the threats and opportunities in the region, as well as a shared commitment to promoting stability through diplomatic engagement, increased economic integration, and closer security".
Good for them. We have our own principles and our decision of not recognizing israel was our own and not for arabs.
I wonder what kind of advantage Pakistan will get from relations with israel?? A tiny country that is already indian ally and specifically a hindutva and hindu extremist ally. Ask the liberals jumping up and down wanting relations with israel to first take advantage of the many countries we already have relations with, our business relations are limited even with ally like Turkey, so first fix that and then cheerlead for israel.
when will pakistan wake up and follow own interests ? did UAE asked pakistan before recognizing Israel ? keep blindly folowing arabs you pakistanis will loss no one else.
In another thread people were giving me sermons when I said same thing. We are such people that we learn things the hardest way. Just 2 years ago even Palestine slap Pakistan, now same with KSA and UAE.

Note that I'm not saying to support Israel on everything, but just establish relations where pakistan can take advantage of their enormous science advancement and investments.
i fear pakistna will lost totally any gain before doing it . its time paksitna can have little gains but with in 10-20 years we can not have any gains 0 . and sure we will recognize israel one day .
Keep fighting then while the world moves on
You will answer your own deeds in the grave and not the Palestinians. Should I say that I have sinned because the so & so person was wrong too? Where is our moral, support and stand for Muslims. or is it because Palestine are Muslims and Quaid was a man of religion fearing ALLAH and decided to stand on the right side of history? Enough. Your words are disrespectful and insulting in view of what I shared above in regard to Jinnah's stand. Now we will start to deny father of the Nation like this and that is exactly the down slide of moral.
but palestine recognized israel already what you say then ?
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