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Featured Afghanistan: '15 Killed, 80 Wounded’ in Pakistani Retaliation

Afghan officials have blamed Pakistan for firing across the Chaman border as a large crowd gathered to protest against the passage closure preventing nationals of both countries from entering Afghanistan for Eid al Adha.

Failure of Afghan Government? Why you let people gather in super sensitive area?

Leave alone border, even Punjab is under lockdown again due to Eid and Corona virus fears.

I feel sad for poor people who died.
Time to take these out of their hangars

And these

Time to maintain complete air superiority over Afghan airspace.
Not even artillery, we have Frontier Corps on that border, a Paramilitary force armed with light arty/Mortars and old type series tanks. No military presence.
Innocent civilians died, not exactly a good thing. Maybe should have been PGM and not unguided munitions.
Waste of jet fuel.
Simple weapons are enough for these Afghan
Do you consider jet fuel to be more precious than the lives of our jawans?
As much shitty their airforce is, a bomb dropped will result in how many casualties on our side? Better to be prepared and take them out than being over confident.
The Afghan Army’s Chief of Staff Gen. Yasin Zia directed all Army corps, including Atal 205, Selab 201 and Thunder 203 to get ready for similar actions against Pakistani forces and to equip Afghan troops who are stationed along the Durand Line, the statement said.

The Afghan Air Force and the special forces were ordered to stay alert for similar actions against Pakistani forces, the statement added.
@PanzerKiel :o::o:
Innocent civilians died, not exactly a good thing. Maybe should have been PGM and not unguided munitions.
How do you know they were innocent? ANA is known to lie to their teeth. Every time Pakistan takes out TTP suddenly we hear about so called civilian casualties.
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