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Featured Afghanistan: '15 Killed, 80 Wounded’ in Pakistani Retaliation

Update: ‘15 Killed, 80 Wounded’ in Pakistani Shelling: Official
31 July 2020

At least nine civilians were killed and 50 others were wounded in Pakistani forces artillery attacks on “residential areas” in Spin Boldak district, Kandahar province, on Thursday, the Afghan Defense Ministry said.

The Afghan Army’s Chief of Staff Gen. Yasin Zia directed all Army corps, including Atal 205, Selab 201 and Thunder 203 to get ready for similar actions against Pakistani forces and to equip Afghan troops who are stationed along the Durand Line, the statement said.

The Afghan Air Force and the special forces were ordered to stay alert for similar actions against Pakistani forces, the statement added.

But Bahir Ahmadi, the spokesman for Kandahar's governor, said that 15 people were killed in an attack by Pakistani forces on Spin Boldak, adding that women and children are among the victims.

He said the incident happened in Chaman crossing in Spin Boldak district of Kandahar. According to him, the clash continued for some time as the Afghan forces responded to the shelling by the Pakistani forces.

"At least 80 others have been wounded,” he added.

Artillery attacks by Pakistani forces on the eastern and southern parts of Afghanistan have occured for many years. The Pakistani government has denied these attacks.

The National Security Council in a statement said the the Afghan government will follow the issue through relevant channels and will make the required action.

Meanwhile, dozens of Afghans wounded in the attack are being treated at a Kandahar hospital.

Doctors said some of the wounded are children, and some of the wounded are in critical condition.

Eyewitnesses of the incident said that seven members of one family were killed in the attack and a child from the family was wounded and is being treated at Kandahar hospital.

“The attack started in a way that it was against ordinary people." There were more than 100 people" injured said an eyewitness of the incident.

“I am here to donate blood for the wounded in Kandahar hospital,” said a Kandahar resident.

"At least 80 others have been wounded,” he added.


may god rest them in jannah .

This marked area should be ours.
Why Afghan govt sending Afghan people in Pakistan without visa & passport?? WTF they think they are??
This marked area should be ours.
My dear brother i respectfully disagree, i think after properly taming the barbarians the whole land of Afghanistan should be annexed into Pakistan, as a first step towards Greater Pakistan. Afghanistan is not a viable state, sooner or later it will fall in our laps without a shadow of doubt.
That depends on whether China wants a border with Afghanistan or not.

I think as a future insurance policy, China would rather prefer a border with Afghanistan as long as it's not being used for mischief in Western China.
China shouldn't have any trouble going through Pakistan to reach Afghanistan. We should be directly connected with Tajikistan.
My dear brother i respectfully disagree, i think after properly taming the barbarians the whole land of Afghanistan should be annexed into Pakistan, as a first step towards Greater Pakistan. Afghanistan is not a viable state, sooner or later it will fall in our laps without a shadow of doubt.
That isn't possible without a genocide. However, Pakistan should keeps its eyes on all the agricultural land near our border.
Protesters killed at Pakistan-Afghanistan border
Friday 31 July 2020

Afghan officials have blamed Pakistan for firing across the Chaman border as a large crowd gathered to protest against the passage closure preventing nationals of both countries from entering Afghanistan for Eid al Adha.


People gather as they wait to cross at the Friendship Gate crossing point at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border town of Chaman in Balochistan, Pakistan, April 6, 2020. (Reuters)

Clashes have erupted between Pakistan's border forces and people trying to cross into Afghanistan for the Muslim festival of Eid al Adha.

Cross-border artillery fire by Pakistan killed at least 15 civilians in Afghanistan on Thursday, Afghan officials said, prompting Kabul to put its ground and air forces on alert.

Differing accounts emerged from Kabul and Islamabad, with Afghan officials accusing Pakistan of firing shells and gunfire across the border into a crowd of civilians, killing 15 people.

The incident unfolded on Thursday when about 150 people gathered on the Pakistani side of the Chaman-Spin Boldak border crossing, many of them hoping to visit loved ones in Afghanistan for Eid al Adha, Usman Ali, the commissioner for the Quetta border region, said.

The normally busy crossing has been largely closed for months in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus, but was briefly opened on Thursday morning.

'Frontier Corps troops deployed'

Ali said protesters grew angry when the crossing point was again closed in the afternoon.

"Frontier Corps troops deployed on the border fired into the air. This did not kill anyone but later protesters started throwing stones at the troops," Ali said.

He claimed the border guards then threw stones back, killing five protesters. He denied the guards had opened fire on people.

'Shelling and sporadic firing'

On the Afghan side meanwhile, Baheer Ahmad, a spokesman for the Kandahar provincial governor, said that 15 people had been killed and 80 others wounded "as a result of shelling and sporadic firing by the Pakistani border forces."

One policeman was among the dead, with the rest of the casualties civilians, he said.

Afghan Defence Ministry spokesman Fawad Aman said on Facebook that "attacks by the Pakistani military on Afghan soil on Thursday" had killed nine civilians and wounded 50 others.

"If the Pakistani military continues its rocket attacks on Afghan territory, they will face retaliation by the Afghan army," Afghanistan's Defence Ministry said in a statement.

Pakistan's Foreign Ministry and border force did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Tensions are high between Pakistan and Afghanistan, with Kabul frequently lashing out at Islamabad for allegedly sheltering, funding and supplying the Taliban.

Pakistan denies the claims.

Tense situation continues

The crossing, mostly closed to pedestrians during the Covid-19 pandemic, was briefly opened on Wednesday and was to open again Thursday to allow nationals of both countries to cross for Eid, which falls on Friday in Afghanistan and Saturday in Pakistan.

When it did not open, a large crowd gathered to protest, and a quarantine centre and a Pakistani government facility for processing movement at the crossing were burned down, a Pakistani official at the border told Reuters.

An official of the Chaman administration, Zakaullah Durrani, told Reuters that the situation on the border remained tense.

Condolence to the families of victims.

Pak forces are not mad, someone must have provoked.
That isn't possible without a genocide.
Time does heal a lot of things, most Afghans settled abroad hold a PK passport, one third of them live/lived in PK. Only the Northern alliance remnants are troublesome, paid by their masters in Delhi. Like Turkey and others its about time to initially take the trouble spots along the border, its nothing to be ashamed of.
Update: ‘15 Killed, 80 Wounded’ in Pakistani Shelling: Official
31 July 2020

At least nine civilians were killed and 50 others were wounded in Pakistani forces artillery attacks on “residential areas” in Spin Boldak district, Kandahar province, on Thursday, the Afghan Defense Ministry said.

The Afghan Army’s Chief of Staff Gen. Yasin Zia directed all Army corps, including Atal 205, Selab 201 and Thunder 203 to get ready for similar actions against Pakistani forces and to equip Afghan troops who are stationed along the Durand Line, the statement said.

The Afghan Air Force and the special forces were ordered to stay alert for similar actions against Pakistani forces, the statement added.

But Bahir Ahmadi, the spokesman for Kandahar's governor, said that 15 people were killed in an attack by Pakistani forces on Spin Boldak, adding that women and children are among the victims.

He said the incident happened in Chaman crossing in Spin Boldak district of Kandahar. According to him, the clash continued for some time as the Afghan forces responded to the shelling by the Pakistani forces.

"At least 80 others have been wounded,” he added.

Artillery attacks by Pakistani forces on the eastern and southern parts of Afghanistan have occured for many years. The Pakistani government has denied these attacks.

The National Security Council in a statement said the the Afghan government will follow the issue through relevant channels and will make the required action.

Meanwhile, dozens of Afghans wounded in the attack are being treated at a Kandahar hospital.

Doctors said some of the wounded are children, and some of the wounded are in critical condition.

Eyewitnesses of the incident said that seven members of one family were killed in the attack and a child from the family was wounded and is being treated at Kandahar hospital.

“The attack started in a way that it was against ordinary people." There were more than 100 people" injured said an eyewitness of the incident.

“I am here to donate blood for the wounded in Kandahar hospital,” said a Kandahar resident.

"At least 80 others have been wounded,” he added.


The anti-Pakistani Afghans are funded by the indians. How do we know that they are not lying like their pay-masters and that the above is not FAKE NEWS?
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