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Answer: Why Pakistan Navy has her Submarines in Karachi and not in Lahore.


Nov 15, 2012
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So today while coming over the forums I got the notification of the following post by the following member and I think it’s high time that someone seriously answers these questions but I also want to take this opportunity to answer the questions insinutated here but without the courage to actually ask them. Full disclosure first, I’m a former service member and I have served the Pakistan Navy as well.



Hello, guys

This question has been buZZing in my head for quite some time.

Willing and able.
Can any PATRIOTIC Pakistani answer this question?

Hopefully, you’ll sleep tonight.

This question has put me in sleepless nights.

Who told you that? The submarines are in the ocean not in Karachi. I think it’ll only humiliate someone who doesn’t know how naval ops work yet has the arrogance not to learn but make some strange point which has nothing to do where the submarines are. Don’t worry, Pakistan and her awesome navy face no embarrassment from our submarines but a few of our citizens are another story.
I mean you are navy of a COUNTRY, recognized as professional navy in the world and yet you had the audacity to put your submarines in Karachi? This is how you humiliate Pakistan in front of whole world....??
Firstly, water is H2O not CO2 that’s carbon dioxide. Again Pakistan Navy deploys its submarines in the ocean and not Karachi. Second part, the Naval HQ and Naval War College are located in Islamabad and Lahore respectively so the Navy definitely has seen them. Your point is?
All countries deploy submarines in their WATER (CO2) and Pakistan Navy deploys submarine in Karachi? Has Pakistan Navy not seen Lahore/Islamabad YET?
I guess I’ll have to do.

Can any Navy guy here answer this question?

Why? Why not be clear?

SOME people will definitely gonna understand what actually I am trying to convey here

Oh, so we have a Desi Lord Nelson here to place judgement on the navy? Please, enlighten us.

Read below the SHITTY/Hilarious move of Pakistan Navy

What’s the problem here? The Army Staff College is in Quetta. The Air War College is in Karachi. The forces of Pakistan spread themselves out for the purpose of making their officers well rounded and able to serve everywhere within the nation. It’s quite clear that you’ve never served because you’d have the Air Force placing its war college in the cockpit of a F-16 and the Army in the Al Khalid? These men have spent their careers on the field. Staff courses are to make them good commanders i.e. understand tactics from a strategic point of view that’s why it’s placed in a certain rank. It’s not just in Pakistan but the world over. Ask any military man and they’d answer the same. All armed forces have two componants over which they operate: command and control. In practice the former is for officers especially at the senior level and the latter is for the NCO/JCO level mid-career officers are in the transition between the two. That comes after considerable career experience in the field i.e. the air for the air force, land for the army and sea for the navy in very broad terms. Did you know that many naval officers go through the PAF War College or the Army one because they’re engineers or from the marines therefore they need to understand their own dimension but from the naval perspective nonetheless? Would the great Admiral/Marshal/General @PaklovesTurkiye be pleased if it were not so because we’re not here to defend anyone or much less fight a war but please the single greatest warrior who ever placed their finger on the keyboard?

Please. Consider this an answer: it’s in the hands of people who die if they make a mistake. They’re much more serious about it than you’d ever be. Sleep tight because the boys are up protecting you, on the ground, in the air and in the sea.

By 1995, staff course was declared as career milestone resulting in increased induction of officers in PN Staff College; making it inevitables to shift to a proper building. At this time, it was decided to shift the college to Lahore to enhance maritime awareness among the general populace and academia. Pending construction of purpose-built campus, a building on the Mall Road was acquired, altered to meet the purpose and inaugurated in August 1996 as Pakistan Navy War College. 25th PN Staff Course commenced at Lahore in August 1996.


Again, thus speaks a man who has no clue as to what he’s talking about. The HQs are in Isl/Rwp they shouldn’t be? You don’t understand these things, at least learn a thing or two before saying something that can show that you’ve no idea. The Naval war college doesn’t need to be in Karachi. The PAF already has one there. Ever noticed that? The PN already has institutions of training that are required in Karachi to be in Karachi. They aren’t here to play favourites. We learnt this lesson the hard way in 71 when our naval assets were hit badly because of their concentration before the army started developing Balochistan for OPS the navy did because diversification is key. Things can go bad.

Make a FUKIN naval war college in FATA/Mountains...No one MINDS but when there is NO naval war college in Karachi/sea.....There should be NONE Anywhere.

They don’t need to operate two. They need one. No body snatched anything from Karachi. PAF has a war college there already if it’s any solace to you. Your personal issues with Lahore are not the navy’s problem. Your language is an embarrassment to your nation. Get a pressurized suit for your blood.

The hilarious thing was that Naval College was SHIFTED from Karachi to Lahore....Instead of making a SEPARATE naval war college in their favorite fukin city, they decided to SNATCH it from Karachi hands and gave it to Lahore...My blood boils.

Karachi is Lahore and Islamabad. You’re the one who’s having problems. I’ve served in Karachi for quite some time and Karachites have served with me in Lahore and Islamabad. Each city has its own beauty; people like you are a pimple for every city.

Karachi pains are quite deep and historical.
The discrimination tactics against Karachi are quite INNOVATIVE
And favoritism given to Lahore/Islamabad over Karachi is HUGE.

Naval war college is where rulers are born?

This should tell you WHO is actually ruling Pakistan. None other but Punjabis....

Probably because the points you’re making are nonsensical. ‘Harsh aggressive attitude’ or ethnocentrism/racism.
And yet Punjabis make Surprise Pikachu Face when they face Harsh aggressive attitude.

‘I’ve many black friends’ defense.
I do have Punjabi friends but out of respect I don't raise these issues in front of them. Don't wanna disrespect common folks. Got nothing against them

The politics of division have always been a problem for Pakistan. As long as we don’t leave our ‘villages’ behind – meaning what we’re truly loyal to then there would be no progress for anyone. This also means thinking nationally rather than regionally. Most problems of Karachi stem out from a historical fact that it was the only metropolitan city that we had and uncontrolled urbanization and planning neglect has concentrated a huge portion of the population there; wherever there’s an significant population density then such problems arise and that problem is the tribalism of human nature. People begin to divide up themselves into groups and discriminate. The same problem is everywhere in every burgeoning urban center, the bigger it is the bigger the problem. It’s as simple as that. The main proponent of the politics of division in Karachi has lost significant face in recent times because it’s not what the city wants. Say what you want but before it wasn’t seemingly possible to achieve this. It’s now because the mentality that the user who’s made the OP has been defeated. Every Lahori belongs in Karachi and every Karchite is at home in Lahore; same goes for Peshawar, Quetta, and every other city.

It resonates with me when I was in Balochistan, ironically with the naval set up and a Bolchi responded with, ‘Apney ghar main kon darta hai?’ To a question posed to Punjabi officers if they felt unsafe in Balochistan. He wasn’t from the military if anyone is wondering. The same I think is true for every patriotic Pakistani.

Thank you, would love to read your thoughts but please maintain decorum.
a Bolchi responded with, ‘Apney ghar main kon darta hai?’ To a question posed to Punjabi officers if they felt unsafe in Balochistan.
The enemies of Pakistan, both internal and external, can only dream of attaining a level of mentation that permits them to process such sentiments.
The quotations are from the OP by @PaklovesTurkiye

We have many cartoons like this one. This happened just today i have no words to explain and he is an Elite member of this forum.

[Pandora, post: Yeah we also sent a message to United Federation of Planets so they got enterprise coming our way soon.

Hindustani78 :So, You are saying that even Ukrainian Armed Forces are coming from Armenian Side !!!!

Ukraine has left the CSTO in 2008 during the Invasion of Gruzija by the Rus Federation !!!!]
Thank you for your service to Pakistan Jaibi. The nation is proud of her protectors.

Your response is perfect. It sums up what most people on the thread were trying to say. He has issues with Lahore and he tried to drag the navy into the sphere.
Would have done it for no other nation, brother :) but for our beautiful home!
I blame Lahori's love for food and getting too lose with those jugats.
Thank you for your service to Pakistan Jaibi. The nation is proud of her protectors.

Your response is perfect. It sums up what most people on the thread were trying to say. He has issues with Lahore and he tried to drag the navy into the sphere.
He keeps asking why not a separate war college, he cant understand that a separate war college is based on requirements and have extra cost. If there is no requirement then why make a seaparate one, the purpose is to shift it to another city and that was done. Its not as if before shifting it belonged to the karachi authorities n now it belongs to lahoris, it was always navy's and still is.
The problem is, we are not ready to act like one body. We are divided into so many different groups. And the unreal obsession of being labeled and labeling at the same time is another problem we are dealing with.
Pakistanis need to be taught the importance of being a citizen of the country before being a citizen of a city or province.
Since last few days, a lot of hatred for Punjabi is verbalized by number of members here. This doesn’t strengthen a nation but creates a lot more problems.
They readily give the example of Lahore. How many of them have seen the small cities or villages in its surroundings? They are in such a miserable condition.
If one particular party has spent and looted $$$ on Lahore and for point scoring that should not incite the racism or all that hate for Lahore or Punjabi.

We need to be hardcore Pakistanis before being hardcore Lahori or Karachite.
So today while coming over the forums I got the notification of the following post by the following member and I think it’s high time that someone seriously answers these questions but I also want to take this opportunity to answer the questions insinutated here but without the courage to actually ask them. Full disclosure first, I’m a former service member and I have served the Pakistan Navy as well.




Willing and able.

Hopefully, you’ll sleep tonight.

Who told you that? The submarines are in the ocean not in Karachi. I think it’ll only humiliate someone who doesn’t know how naval ops work yet has the arrogance not to learn but make some strange point which has nothing to do where the submarines are. Don’t worry, Pakistan and her awesome navy face no embarrassment from our submarines but a few of our citizens are another story.

Firstly, water is H2O not CO2 that’s carbon dioxide. Again Pakistan Navy deploys its submarines in the ocean and not Karachi. Second part, the Naval HQ and Naval War College are located in Islamabad and Lahore respectively so the Navy definitely has seen them. Your point is?

I guess I’ll have to do.

Why? Why not be clear?

Oh, so we have a Desi Lord Nelson here to place judgement on the navy? Please, enlighten us.

What’s the problem here? The Army Staff College is in Quetta. The Air War College is in Karachi. The forces of Pakistan spread themselves out for the purpose of making their officers well rounded and able to serve everywhere within the nation. It’s quite clear that you’ve never served because you’d have the Air Force placing its war college in the cockpit of a F-16 and the Army in the Al Khalid? These men have spent their careers on the field. Staff courses are to make them good commanders i.e. understand tactics from a strategic point of view that’s why it’s placed in a certain rank. It’s not just in Pakistan but the world over. Ask any military man and they’d answer the same. All armed forces have two componants over which they operate: command and control. In practice the former is for officers especially at the senior level and the latter is for the NCO/JCO level mid-career officers are in the transition between the two. That comes after considerable career experience in the field i.e. the air for the air force, land for the army and sea for the navy in very broad terms. Did you know that many naval officers go through the PAF War College or the Army one because they’re engineers or from the marines therefore they need to understand their own dimension but from the naval perspective nonetheless? Would the great Admiral/Marshal/General @PaklovesTurkiye be pleased if it were not so because we’re not here to defend anyone or much less fight a war but please the single greatest warrior who ever placed their finger on the keyboard?

Please. Consider this an answer: it’s in the hands of people who die if they make a mistake. They’re much more serious about it than you’d ever be. Sleep tight because the boys are up protecting you, on the ground, in the air and in the sea.


Again, thus speaks a man who has no clue as to what he’s talking about. The HQs are in Isl/Rwp they shouldn’t be? You don’t understand these things, at least learn a thing or two before saying something that can show that you’ve no idea. The Naval war college doesn’t need to be in Karachi. The PAF already has one there. Ever noticed that? The PN already has institutions of training that are required in Karachi to be in Karachi. They aren’t here to play favourites. We learnt this lesson the hard way in 71 when our naval assets were hit badly because of their concentration before the army started developing Balochistan for OPS the navy did because diversification is key. Things can go bad.

They don’t need to operate two. They need one. No body snatched anything from Karachi. PAF has a war college there already if it’s any solace to you. Your personal issues with Lahore are not the navy’s problem. Your language is an embarrassment to your nation. Get a pressurized suit for your blood.

Karachi is Lahore and Islamabad. You’re the one who’s having problems. I’ve served in Karachi for quite some time and Karachites have served with me in Lahore and Islamabad. Each city has its own beauty; people like you are a pimple for every city.

Naval war college is where rulers are born?

Probably because the points you’re making are nonsensical. ‘Harsh aggressive attitude’ or ethnocentrism/racism.

‘I’ve many black friends’ defense.

The politics of division have always been a problem for Pakistan. As long as we don’t leave our ‘villages’ behind – meaning what we’re truly loyal to then there would be no progress for anyone. This also means thinking nationally rather than regionally. Most problems of Karachi stem out from a historical fact that it was the only metropolitan city that we had and uncontrolled urbanization and planning neglect has concentrated a huge portion of the population there; wherever there’s an significant population density then such problems arise and that problem is the tribalism of human nature. People begin to divide up themselves into groups and discriminate. The same problem is everywhere in every burgeoning urban center, the bigger it is the bigger the problem. It’s as simple as that. The main proponent of the politics of division in Karachi has lost significant face in recent times because it’s not what the city wants. Say what you want but before it wasn’t seemingly possible to achieve this. It’s now because the mentality that the user who’s made the OP has been defeated. Every Lahori belongs in Karachi and every Karchite is at home in Lahore; same goes for Peshawar, Quetta, and every other city.

It resonates with me when I was in Balochistan, ironically with the naval set up and a Bolchi responded with, ‘Apney ghar main kon darta hai?’ To a question posed to Punjabi officers if they felt unsafe in Balochistan. He wasn’t from the military if anyone is wondering. The same I think is true for every patriotic Pakistani.

Thank you, would love to read your thoughts but please maintain decorum.

I read your post and I never consider myself even arm chair general and yet you labelled me

I am not a troll...I post rarely but when ever I do , it is logical and makes sense.

I never disrespected any common soldier.

Don't call me a pimple or ethno fascists...It is a fact that Lahore is the most pampered city in Pakistan....No amount of twisting words will change the fact. So, I thought may be Punjabis dominate the armed forces so they deicded to take that thing from Karachi to Lahore.

Do you know I have Punjabi friends? Yes, I have...

You could have answered my question in more dignified way instead of mocking me.

Anyways, thank you for serving in Pakistan Navy.

Karachiites don't like this at all when some jerk sitting Islamabad decided to shift things from here to there. It's in Psyche of ours and hence we react. Got nothing against Navy.

People over here know me very well.

I speak my mind without violating forum rules.

I will say you didn't get my point thoroughly.

Anyways, I do acknowledge that I got carried away. But my post and its context was genuine if you see the history and larger picture.
Karachiites don't like this at all when some jerk sitting Islamabad decided to shift things from here to there. It's in Psyche of ours and hence we react. Got nothing against Navy.

Believe it or not, Karachi does not have the right on anything and everything that is the Navy. The Navy is also not owed to Karachi. It is a federal institute run by the entirety of Pakistan for the entirety of Pakistan. The centre and the Navy are well within their rights to move it to Ghanche, if they so thought necessary.

appreciate your dedication to answer the members question, I wish someone showed me the same dedication so I wouldn't be banned in past haha

Please do not try to derail this thread with more 'victimhood'. You were answered sincerely and respectfully with facts. You chose to respond to those facts with personal attacks, insults, and abuse, repeatedly. Believe it or not, the forum keeps the record of everything.
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