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My Real life struggle against Dark forces of Evil

black magic + jealous relatives

v common in pakistan


solution = separate homes / distance / space / surah 's and vird's

avoid stupid / jealous relatives at all costs / they should never know about deeply
Quran mentions only Djinns; there's no such thing as Demon.
may be I am wrong but wht abt bad souls? not tageting any religion , Durga and Kaali are considerd as Churails (Demonic entities),I have to dig in for more info
may be I am wrong but wht abt bad souls? not tageting any religion , Durga and Kaali are considerd as Churails (Demonic entities),I have to dig in for more info

Durga and Kaali are Goddess's in Hindu religion. And there is no concept of a soul roaming the earth, the only time a soul can exit a body is by the Angel of death who extracts the soul and takes it away.
Of course one should do namaz, fast and give charity, but in islam it is legitimate to ask Allah's help through the wasila/medium of his chosen helpers like Sufi saints and prophets.
For example say ya mustapha, ya Ali, etc. If you research this topic you will find that Sunni muslims have no issues of asking Allah's help through the wasila of our beloved prophet or sheikh abdul qadir jillani. It is not considered shirk since you acknowledge that their power ultimately comes from the almighty and they simply are a medium / wasila .

That wazifa is a legitimate wazifa that has helped countless people. In Sufism the concept of wasila is acceptable. Of course there is no reason a person can not ask the almighty directly if he so wishes to. Prophets and saints were sent throughout history to guide people to God. For example people on this very thread have suggested that starlord should go to a alim or a peer etc which is what most people in his situation do. At the end of the day don't knock something until you have tried it yourself.
Okay so I am not mocking or disrespecting your faith but please tell me that If we ask directly from Allah our wishes will not be granted equally as if we ask from "wasila". Please elaborate I'm in a big confusion right here. And please don't twist the answer. I want a straight forward answer.

This happened to me when our family shifted to Pakistan. We built a luxury house , bought a car, started two businesses at once.
The only Amal we did was Surah Al Baqarah + Zikar Azkar of Allah + 5 times prayers
Best is to open a GoFundMe page for hiring lawyer or find probono immigration lawyer.

Take medication for anxiety and just pray and just recite this

"la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin"

and two rakat namaz hajat inshallah this year by Allahs will you will be rescued and will get you wish fulfilled.
Okay so I am not mocking or disrespecting your faith but please tell me that If we ask directly from Allah our wishes will not be granted equally as if we ask from "wasila". Please elaborate I'm in a big confusion right here. And please don't twist the answer. I want a straight forward answer.

This happened to me when our family shifted to Pakistan. We built a luxury house , bought a car, started two businesses at once.
The only Amal we did was Surah Al Baqarah + Zikar Azkar of Allah + 5 times prayers

There is nothing wrong with asking God directly but there is nothing wrong with going to a alim, peer, awlia Allah for help either.

When a person is ill why do they go to a doctor why don't they beseech the almighty directly? After all life and death is only in the hands of Allah, and when a doctor cures their patient and the patient thanks him is it shirk ? No it's not because a doctor is simply a wasila/medium through which God heals people. A doctor he himself has no power over life or death.

Similarly when a person is in trouble with the law he finds a good lawyer to fight on his behalf, why doesn't he just contact God directly. And if the lawyer successfully wins his clients case does that mean victory came thanks to the lawyer or simply the lawyer is a wasila/medium through which God granted the person victory.

Same concept applies here if someone has black magic done to them then yes they should beseech the almighty directly fast, pray give to charity to find a solution to their problems.
If they are unable to find a solution then there is nothing wrong with finding a able alim, peer, baba or Sufi awaliya to help undo the black magic. They are simply a wasila/medium through which Allah helps people, they themselves have no power, power to heal or harm anyone comes only from Allah.

You or anyone should not take my word but do your own reasearch and the wazifa I gave had helped me and my family and others. It's is up to you if you choose to use it and avail it's benefits or not.
There is nothing wrong with asking God directly but there is nothing wrong with going to a alim, peer, awlia Allah for help either.

When a person is ill why do they go to a doctor why don't they beseech the almighty directly? After all life and death is only in the hands of Allah, and when a doctor cures their patient and the patient thanks him is it shirk ? No it's not because a doctor is simply a wasila/medium through which God heals people. A doctor he himself has no power over life or death.

Similarly when a person is in trouble with the law he finds a good lawyer to fight on his behalf, why doesn't he just contact God directly. And if the lawyer successfully wins his clients case does that mean victory came thanks to the lawyer or simply the lawyer is a wasila/medium through which God granted the person victory.

Same concept applies here if someone has black magic done to them then yes they should beseech the almighty directly fast, pray give to charity to find a solution to their problems.
If they are unable to find a solution then there is nothing wrong with finding a able alim, peer, baba or Sufi awaliya to help undo the black magic. They are simply a wasila/medium through which Allah helps people, they themselves have no power, power to heal or harm anyone comes only from Allah.

You or anyone should not take my word but do your own reasearch and the wazifa I gave had helped me and my family and others. It's is up to you if you choose to use it and avail it's benefits or not.
Thank you for your clearance.
There is nothing wrong with asking God directly but there is nothing wrong with going to a alim, peer, awlia Allah for help either.

When a person is ill why do they go to a doctor why don't they beseech the almighty directly? After all life and death is only in the hands of Allah, and when a doctor cures their patient and the patient thanks him is it shirk ? No it's not because a doctor is simply a wasila/medium through which God heals people. A doctor he himself has no power over life or death.

Similarly when a person is in trouble with the law he finds a good lawyer to fight on his behalf, why doesn't he just contact God directly. And if the lawyer successfully wins his clients case does that mean victory came thanks to the lawyer or simply the lawyer is a wasila/medium through which God granted the person victory.

Same concept applies here if someone has black magic done to them then yes they should beseech the almighty directly fast, pray give to charity to find a solution to their problems.
If they are unable to find a solution then there is nothing wrong with finding a able alim, peer, baba or Sufi awaliya to help undo the black magic. They are simply a wasila/medium through which Allah helps people, they themselves have no power, power to heal or harm anyone comes only from Allah.

You or anyone should not take my word but do your own reasearch and the wazifa I gave had helped me and my family and others. It's is up to you if you choose to use it and avail it's benefits or not.

who will go to consult a dead doctor ? Or a dead lawyer ? Will they tell you to call a dead man for your help ?

Shafaa is in Allah’s power so request only his help. Sure go to doctor or lawyer or any other specialist, but dead people ???? Is it licit in Islam ?

my knowledge in Islam is very limited, but still I request only HIS help whenever I need. Not any dead guy.
But we are off topic. So I will stop here.
First of all to Mods My apologies for if I started this thread in a wrong section because i don't know where this thread would fit in . I was unsure of if i should even discuss this issue here because of its personal and a bit superstition in nature .

So let me come straight to the point, So I have 4 aunts alive and 2 of them lives with us for over 30+ years in the same house ( ground floor ) , one is mentally and physically Paralyzed since birth and other is a unmarried women in late 50's . We did have ups and downs in our lives with her and arguments which almost every Pakistani or Desi family have their their Phuppies ,but things took a far more bizarre turn not so far in past when some long lasting family issues once again comes to highlight , I don't want to go in details but it surely involves Money, second thing that changes in last couple of years that After I got married and many on the Forum knows that I am married to a American girl, when i get married my aunts ( Phuppies ) tried their best with my father to stop this marriage by saying a lot of things against my girl without knowing her in person, It was clear that they are doing this out of jealousy because 1 of my aunt lives in Canada for years and other aunt although lives in Pakistan but often travel to USA and when she returns she comes to brag about places she visit but we are like yeah good for you ..But since i got married my aunts become hostile towards me and my family, and despite me being the youngest in my whole Father side family i used to be loved by everyone but sudden change in their attitude towards me shocked me , it was so bad, that I am putting Allah as my witness that none of my Phuppi has congratulate me or bless me on my marriage until today, and 1 aunt who lives with me have not even give wedding gift , I know its not a serious thing but in Pakistani families it does reflect people behavior and those who have family issues will understand.

One day, I was doing something at the main gate of my house, when i heard some talk my aunt was doing with someone on the phone, the doors and windows were closed and no way she would know if i was there , what shocked me when she mentioned my specifically by saying her exact words " Han Apni Auqaat se bahr jaa ker American Bhangan se shadi ker li , Lakin mai bhi dekhti hun Kese America jata hai , Esa Ammal Karawaya hai ke Karachi se bahr nai ja sake ga " Roughly translated in to ( Yes he married a American sewerage worker by exceeding his limit, I will see how he even go to America , I have done Black Magic or Voodoo that he wont be able to leave Karachi ) . Now usually in my life I believe such things exists like Evil eye , Black Magic and Voodoo , because it has evidence in Islam , sunnah and even Quran talks about it , since i heard her i reflect on my life since my marriage and how things change rapidly for me, when we were applying for our Visa process despite a lot of people I tried to communicate to help me, none of them come out and my Visa process was put under a thing called Administrative processing , which according to Lawyers from USA i talked to is a Black hole of Immigration , Since my marriage in 2017 , 2 of my other cousins both males married to American born Pakistani' green card holder girls and while i am waiting they both are already settled in America started their lives with their wives while I am here, Despite thinking rationally about how come a Black magic or Voodoo affect American embassy decision the words of my Aunt and incidents that follow since my marriage in my life is making me wonder if she is really up to something sinister ?

What do you think I should do ? and what are your thoughts about if I am overthinking on this and this is all in my head, despite her claiming to be doing some Ammal to stop me from going to America or even trying to make me and my wife Divorce . I am not a devoted Muslim that pray 5 times, I am not ashamed in accepting that I should be praying but I am weak and everything i try somehow my heart move away from Prayers and other things . I time to time before I sleep recite Surah Nas and Surah Ikhlaq and blow on myself as according to one hadeeth this is what Prophet used to do every night before sleeping .
If anyone of you knows or have any suggestions for me , or have anyone baba or as we call in our language " Allah wale " who can help ( us ) particularly me out I am open to suggestion .

Some of you might wonder or even thing that its wrong that I am discussing such personal issues on a Defense forum but unfortunately I can not discuss this with anyone else or find out how to deal with such situations , I consider myself to a person from a modern world and hence there is a struggle that is going in my head to either believe in all that or just not to and nothing of all that works . If this thread end up being closed or shut down feel free to message me on PDF to ask for my email to discuss further details on email .
Jazak Allah khair to all the nice people of PDF for listening , and helping out .

@waz @Slav Defence @Areesh @PaklovesTurkiye @Cliftonite @pakpride00090 @dexter
I do not have the time to read the whole 20 pages of this debate. I have read your post.I do believe as is related to us in the Quran that magic exists. However, how much of this is really magic and how much is your own mind playing tricks with you. Your aunts live downstairs they could easily be doing the tricks with broken eggs and burnt papers.
The solution is in front of you. Read the Quls 3 times Ayatul Kursi 3 times each morning and evening. Try to remain clean and pray your prayers as guided. In case of Junaba, both of you should try and bath as soon as possible and if not possible don't sleep without performing Wudu. If you can drink drink ZamZam, and pray before drinking for Allah to relieve you of any evil.It is said that Shaitan affects you when you are unclean. Allah izza wa jal will help you. Have faith in Allah rather than being afraid of the shaitan, the accursed who is himself afraid of Allah Izza Wa jal. As to some other things like US Visa, have faith in Allah. Sometimes what appears to be bad for you turns out to be good for you. May Allah Izza Wa Jal help you. Lastly don't go after these Jaali peers or anyone.Allah alone is enough for a muslim.
may be I am wrong but wht abt bad souls? not tageting any religion , Durga and Kaali are considerd as Churails (Demonic entities),I have to dig in for more info
None can harm him/her whom Allah protects. Provided he listens to the guidance from Allah and his Rasool SAW he will be fine InshaaAllah
And one more important thing i must mention, try to keep urself in state of Wazu, Evils are attracted towards Napak body, I have my 2 friends possessed in state of Napaki in early 2012. Both were Brothers in relation and were known for their unethical activities.
Durga and Kaali are Goddess's in Hindu religion. And there is no concept of a soul roaming the earth, the only time a soul can exit a body is by the Angel of death who extracts the soul and takes it away.

Soul goes out of the body every night. That is why sleep was called the brother of death by Rasulullah.

The other point is night paralysis, shayateen can also try to harm body of a person while ruh (soul) is out. That is what 'out of body experience' is all about.

Reading Ayat ul Kursi will stop that.

Quran mentions only Djinns; there's no such thing as Demon.

Christian idea of Demons are what we call Shayateen. To them all Jinn are evil, because they were back then. It was only with Prophet Muhammad saws that some accepted Islam. Detailed in Surah Jinn.

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