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Featured Joe Biden seeks restoration of peoples' rights in Kashmir; disappointed with CAA, NRC

Her policies or Biden will be no different then what Obama has going with Modi 95% love affair, big Hugs and 5% words of caution to Modi on Religious freedom and rights of Minorities. I love to see if they can tell Modi that business will not be same if he don't stop his Facsist policies and give rights to Kashmiri people of self govern.
The only country following fascist policies in South Asia is Pakistan. US reports chronicling freedom of religion continue to document Pakistan as the worst place in South Asia for religious minorities.

The NRIs just went all republican even if it leads to them losing the h1b for India forever.
No, they have not. Indian-American community (NRI and PIO) are engaged with both parties almost equally. They used to be all Democrat earlier, its more even now.

Secondly, H1B is not the be-all and end-all of outcomes with the US. Far more important are trade deals and US support needed to get into NSG and UN. India is now in the remaining export control groups like Wassenaar, etc.

In fact, tech companies in India have shrugged off the move saying that they anticipate covid and h1b restrictions to lead to more outsourcing, not less.
The only country following fascist policies in South Asia is Pakistan. US reports chronicling freedom of religion continue to document Pakistan as the worst place in South Asia for religious minorities.

Yes right.....


India has denied visas for a delegation from the US government agency charged with monitoring international religious freedom.

The delegation from the US Commission on International Religious Freedom had been scheduled to leave for India on Friday for a long-planned visit with the support of the US state department and the US embassy in New Delhi, but India had failed to issue the necessary visas, the commission said.

“We are deeply disappointed by the Indian government’s denial, in effect, of these visas,” USCIRF chairman Robert George said in a statement.


India has rejected the findings of a US religious freedom panel which has named it a "country of particular concern", since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was re-elected.

The annual report by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) places India alongside Pakistan, China and North Korea.

Delhi said the report was "biased" and a "new level of misrepresentation".


Democratic presidential nominee and former US vice president Joe Biden wants India to take necessary steps to restore the rights of Kashmiris, and has expressed disappointment over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and the implementation of the NRC in Assam.

According to a policy paper -- Joe Biden's agenda for Muslim American community' -- posted recently on his campaign website, these measures (the CAA and the National Register of Citizens) are inconsistent with the country's long tradition of secularism and with sustaining a multi-ethnic and multi-religious democracy .

A group of Hindu Americans has reached out to the Biden campaign expressing resentment to the language used against India and urged it to reconsider the views. The group has also sought a similar policy paper on Hindu Americans. The Biden campaign did not respond to questions.

Observing that Biden understands the pain Muslim-Americans feel towards what is happening in Muslim-majority countries and countries with significant Muslim populations, the policy paper clubbed together Kashmir and Assam in India with the forced detention of over a million Uyghur Muslims in western China, and discrimination and atrocities against Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim minority.

In Kashmir, the Indian government should take all necessary steps to restore rights of all the people of Kashmir. Restrictions on dissent, such as preventing peaceful protests or shutting or slowing down the internet, weakens democracy.

Joe Biden has been disappointed by the measures that the government of India has taken with the implementation and aftermath of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam and the passage of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act into law, the policy paper said.

India abrogated the special status of Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of the Constitution on August 5 last year and bifurcated it into two Union territories -- Ladakh, and Jammu and Kashmir.

India has defended its move, saying the special status provisions only gave rise to terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. It has asserted that the abrogation of Article 370 is its "internal matter".

The Indian government maintains that the CAA, which was passed by Parliament, is an internal matter of the country and stressed that the goal is to protect the oppressed minorities of neighbouring countries.

According to the CAA, members of the Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian communities who have come from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan till December 31, 2014 following religious persecution there will get Indian citizenship.

India has said that the updation of the NRC in Assam is an "entirely internal" process carried out at the direction and under the supervision of the Supreme Court.

Reacting to the policy paper, Biden supporter Ajay Jain Bhutoria told PTI that Biden as the US Senator for decades and as the vice president under previous president Barack Obama for eight years has been known as one of the best friends of India and Indian-Americans.

He played a key role in the passage of the India-US civil nuclear deal and as vice president, he advocated increasing the bilateral trade to USD 500 billion per annum, he said, adding that Biden regularly hosted Diwali at his vice-presidential residence and is well-connected with the Indian-Americans.

Biden understands the issues impacting India, issues of cross border terrorism, influx of terrorism across borders in Kashmir, issue of Hindu minorities sufferings in Kashmir, issues in the Indo Pacific region with China, and the rising role of India as stronger US ally in all areas including economic growth, counter-terrorism, fight for human rights, climate change and global security.

There are groups within various elected officials groups in the US pushing language and agenda's highlighting misinformation and damaging facts on how India handled its own internal matter on Kashmir, Ladakh or immigration reforms related to NRC, said Bhutoria, who is also on the National Finance Committee for Biden.

He said that the US recently updated its immigration policy to block the H-1B and other visas for the rest of the year to safeguard its own workers, which is completely questionable and will hurt the economy.

India too has a right to define its own immigration policy to support its population and economy. I grew up in Assam, Guwahati and I have seen the influx of people across the border and taking away important jobs, resources from local people in northeastern states.

The immigration reforms and NRC are welcome steps. Execution of these reforms and strategies need to be improved and India needs to do better in change management and rolling out of reforms, Bhutoria added.

Rishi Bhutada, board member, Hindu American Political Action Committee, said the Biden campaign is missing the much needed context about Pakistan-sponsored cross border terrorism in regards to Kashmir".

It is also missing how the CAA is a good-faith effort to remedy the status of approximately 30,000 persecuted religious minorities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan who sought refuge in India, have no other path to citizenship, and no chance of returning to their home countries safely, Bhutada said.

P.S . this is Indian website and Indian perspective.

Good stuff, seems the US is taking a clear middle path. It's also surprising he hasn't spoken up on the latest border clashes between China and India.
Well that's the law. When Bangladesh has declared itself to be Islamic state, and this law is supposedly for discriminated minorities, then questions will arise how it will be given to majority of those countries.

Remember India hasn't banned migration. Every year people get citizenship. From Pakistan, BD, Iraq etc. We prefer to treat our illegals differently due to unique historical incidents in 1947. Basically everyone can be treated equal only if they are from a place where everyone is equal. Since they are not, the question of discrimination arise, and is also the basis of India's caste based reservation system which I wholeheartedly support.

As for the US, their discrimination is based on race, then nationality and religion. Whoever tells otherwise is kidding. I would say Canada is one of the few really open countries around at this time. But at the rate they are doing, I would not be surprised if there is another local Trump in next 15 years.

I mentioned about minimal paperwork if you read my post. If a company in US wants to hire someone from white majority nations, the process is almost fast. A week or 2 at best. I can't remember the countless times I have got job interview offers across the border assuming I am Canadian. Its not the same when trying to hire from non white majority countries. I mean if India were to be offered reciprocal visa opportunity India would lap it. But would US do?

There you go- discrimination.

Gosh. How tough it is to even read my post properly? Or suddenly US is now Pakistanis Supreme buddy after bashing them all week long to support China?

I said 'minimal paperwork'. Do you know what it means? It means US company can hire someone from white majority countries in 2 weeks at best. Paperwork is fast for them. Can the same companies do the same for countries like India or any African countries for that matter? Even good African ones? Hell NATO partner Turkey hasn't got that. You know the reason. They aren't white nor Christian.

I have seen my Canadian friends move across the border for work as if changing another company. Its easy.

Discrimination is discrimination. The way we want to call it differs. If me and another guy applied for the same green card or citizenship, both have contributed equally to US, and yet only I have to wait longer to get the same just cos I am from a country where application is longer or non white country? The Americans call it law and it's their land their rules. The way India treats her foreign illegals is also our land our rules. If anyone should fight it, it's Indians that should do it. Not an American white guy.
USA and Canada has a special treaty under NAFTA where certain jobs mostly in Auto industry across the lake can be taken by either citizens. Yes they have working cards and most of them travel between Windsor and Detroit daily. That's not the immigration policy we talking about related to Work Visa called H1B. Also people who comes from Canada to work are Brown people also just not white. Rest of regular jobs Canadian or Brits or Germans they all have to go through same Labor and H1 process which nowadays can last year's not months. I know White people who went to attend a meeting in Canada get deported because they tell immigration guy they come for work. Same thing happened to Canadian White when they tell USA immigration that they here for work like attending meetings.

India get 75% H1B visas yes very descimi nation to poor Indians why not 100%.

If USA allow these countries like India Pakistan Bangladesh Nigeria Free Visa to work then no one will be left in those countries to work. They will be all here in few months.

USA has the most lenient immigration policy in the world as compare to Middle East or Europe or Africa so stop complaining.
USA and Canada has a special treaty under NAFTA where certain jobs mostly in Auto industry across the lake can be taken by either citizens. Yes they have working cards and most of them travel between Windsor and Detroit daily. That's not the immigration policy we talking about related to Work Visa called H1B. Also people who comes from Canada to work are Brown people also just not white. Rest of regular jobs Canadian or Brits or Germans they all have to go through same Labor and H1 process which nowadays can last year's not months. I know White people who went to attend a meeting in Canada get deported because they tell immigration guy they come for work. Same thing happened to Canadian White when they tell USA immigration that they here for work like attending meetings.

India get 75% H1B visas yes very descimi nation to poor Indians why not 100%.

If USA allow these countries like India Pakistan Bangladesh Nigeria Free Visa to work then no one will be left in those countries to work. They will be all here in few months.

USA has the most lenient immigration policy in the world as compare to Middle East or Europe or Africa so stop complaining.
All US work visa closed. US has to adjust its out of work men power.
All US work visa closed. US has to adjust its out of work men power.
I wish it's True. Trump is trying it's best to do that so far H4 is closed. H1B technically still open might have reached it's yearly Quota though.
I wish it's True. Trump is trying it's best to do that so far H4 is closed. H1B technically still open might have reached it's yearly Quota though.
Already closed and extended more. Now they are planning to bring IT team from Eastern Europe. They are way too smart.
Already closed and extended more. Now they are planning to bring IT team from Eastern Europe. They are way too smart.
It's closed because they already reached the 2020 quota. Policy is not changed yet as far I know. 30 or 40 years ago they never ran out of H1B visas it's always available because very few people applies mostly students who graduated and get a job offer. Now every one in the world applies for these visas since these fake contract houses offer them these jobs. Guess who running these Fake Contract houses. Your guess is good as mine.
It's closed because they already reached the 2020 quota. Policy is not changed yet as far I know. 30 or 40 years ago they never ran out of H1B visas it's always available because very few people applies mostly students who graduated and get a job offer. Now every one in the world applies for these visas since these fake contract houses offer them these jobs. Guess who running these Fake Contract houses. Your guess is good as mine.
No, those who left to visit, they are not even allowed to come back.
No, those who left to visit, they are not even allowed to come back.
Someone on a Valid H1B Visa goes outside USA to visit family or go to a meeting company business let's say in China or Singapore and they won't be allowed to come back.
Tell me one country that the United States have an free visa policy with other than White majority countries? The citizens of the White majority countries can visit and work in US with minimal paperwork. Japan and Singapore being outliers have visa free entry.

Wow, you answered your own question for him.
An illegal immigrant is obviously not welcome. The problem arises when you say -

1. There is only religious persecution and that too to only certain adherents. Ahmadiyas who are declared heretics in Pakistan are excluded. For the record, they believe in Krishna being one of the earlier prophets. I am surprised no opposition party had looked into that. Does BJP hate Krishna bhakts?

2. Why exclude Sri Lanka? It's a neighbouring country where ethnic Tamils (mostly Hindus) have also faced persecution at the hands of Buddhist Sinhala.

3. Why stop at religious persecution? What about those who are persecuted on the basis of their sexual orientation, their ethnicity or any other factor?

I am fine with having a law which applies to all persecuted peoples. The onus of proving persecution lies on the persecuted. No one gets a free pass.

But we must continue to give refuge to the Chinese citizen who beg to come here.
Like I said in my post - this law is made for fast tracking citizenship of a particular set of people but nowhere it bars others including Tamils from Sri Lanka or Ahmedis from Pakistan to get the citizenship
Like I said in my post - this law is made for fast tracking citizenship of a particular set of people but nowhere it bars others including Tamils from Sri Lanka or Ahmedis from Pakistan to get the citizenship
As I said, the fast tracking itself is on thin legal ice.
As I said, the fast tracking itself is on thin legal ice.
The case is in SC. Lets see what it says.

BTW you still didn't answer my original question

If it is deemed to be constitutional will you change your stance?
The case is in SC. Lets see what it says.

BTW you still didn't answer my original question

If it is deemed to be constitutional will you change your stance?
Nope. But I will accept it. And lobby for a bench to overturn it. SC decisions are not infallible and SCs around the world revisit their own decisions. It will eventually be struck down is my opinion.

The case is in SC. Lets see what it says.

BTW you still didn't answer my original question

If it is deemed to be constitutional will you change your stance?

And what about you? If the SC strikes it down as Unconstitutional, what will you do?
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