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Has India lost trust in its elite troops?


Jul 11, 2010
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By the Indian Army own statements only the Sikhs, Jatts and Rajputs are considered good enough to be part of its Presidential Guards. Plus the IA is very proud of Gurkhas as it’s fighting force. So how come when it came to one of its biggest physical interaction with the enemy it picked soldiers from areas which does not have a martial tradition and are relatively puny. A colonel from the Bihar regiment (who by the way looks like the the guy who cleans my bathroom) soldiers from the south, Andra Pardesh etc. What’s going on? Has the Indian Army lost trust in its Gurkhas and Sikhs?
By the Indian Army own statements only the Sikhs, Jatts and Rajputs are considered good enough to be part of its Presidential Guards. Plus the IA is very proud of Gurkhas as it’s fighting force. So how come when it came to one of its biggest physical interaction with the enemy it picked soldiers from areas which does not have a martial tradition and are relatively puny. A colonel from the Bihar regiment (who by the way looks like the the guy who cleans my bathroom) soldiers from the south, Andra Pardesh etc. What’s going on? Has the Indian Army lost trust in its Gurkhas and Sikhs?

Bihar regiment is also vary decorated one. Better for army to deploy Garhwal, Kumaon, Gurkha, Laddakh Scout, Naga, JKLI or Dogra for these heights. They are from hilly area.
Bihar regiment is also vary decorated one. Better for army to deploy Garhwal, Kumaon, Gurkha, Laddakh Scout, Naga, JKLI or Dogra for these heights. They are from hilly area.
But Biharis just got their butts kicked. Their is a difference between hills and mountains. How come the Gurkhas are not here?
Bihar regiment is also vary decorated one. Better for army to deploy Garhwal, Kumaon, Gurkha, Laddakh Scout, Naga, JKLI or Dogra for these heights. They are from hilly area.

If Bihar is the best you've got, you gotta do better than that. They just got massacred. Otherwise India is in big trouble and they're gonna get spanked again.

But Biharis just got their butts kicked. Their is a difference between hills and mountains. How come the Gurkhas are not here?

They didn't just get their *** kicked, they got slaughtered like sheep
If Bihar is the best you've got, you gotta do better than that. They just got massacred. Otherwise India is in big trouble and they're gonna get spanked again.

They didn't just get their *** kicked, they got slaughtered like sheep

Next time they will go fully prepared. Tactics and engagement rules keep changing. To answer your why Bihar, I am not the right person to answer. Any Army guy can shed some light on this.

But Biharis just got their butts kicked. Their is a difference between hills and mountains. How come the Gurkhas are not here?
Gurkhas are too much aggresive, so none thought of deploying them at that time as LAC was peaceful for last more than 40 years. No one saw it's coming.
Next time they will go fully prepared. Tactics and engagement rules keep changing. To answer your why Bihar, I am not the right person to answer. Any Army guy can shed some light on this.

Gurkhas are too much aggresive, so none thought of deploying them at that time as LAC was peaceful for last more than 40 years. No one saw it's coming.
So why are you on a Pakistani site? To be humiliated?

go eat your Aaloo Tikki, we prefer meat in our Samosas.
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