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Failed coup general Hafter is looking for an exit after heavily defeated in southern Tripoli.

The Al-Urban local council declared that they joined to the GNA side. LNA mercanaries that will not be retreat will be trapped from all side soon.

In the evening, GNA forces reached the northern entrance of Mizdah which is important town becasue on the LNA's main supply road. If this town is lost, the supply to the Tarhuna area will be cut to a great extent.

According to field reports, the Russian mercenaries (under wagner group) in the Tarhuna region also began to retreat to Bani Walid.

Russia is trying to lock the situation with 6 mig-29 and 2 su-24 it sends. Bcs LNA marcenaries began to collapse on all fronts around Tripoli like dominos. However, the process will now work very differently. Because GNA largely eliminated the threat on Tripoli.

We can clearly say that the siege of Tripoli, ended with a big fiasco, which has been going on more than 1 year. Around 3000 civilians lost their lives with hundreds of sorties during this siege, and about 10,000 people were disabled. For what ? UAE and warlord Hafter will pay for these sufferings.

But on the other side, When I opened this title, the trolls that tried to pull the subject to a different and racial basis, but actually supported the dictator wannabe and the Coup d'etat attempt, are in lost... In other words, not only on the field, but also internet trolls are in a big collapse.
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So LNA militants around Alrujban and Tarhuna has been in trapped.
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I followed 2011 civil war. I knew then Nato was supporting a fractured alliance. 2020 conflict still happening. War is not gonna end soon. Algeria should impose a solution. I cant believe their not actively sorted out libya.
What a tun of fate!!!! A century back the Turkish forces were retreating in these lands; now, their enemies are retreating....
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