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Iranian border guards accused of drowning Afghan workers

Afghanistan probes report Iran guards forced migrants into river - Aljazeera
Survivors say at least 23 of 57 people thrown by Iranian border guards into Harirud River drowned.


Afghanistan has begun retrieving bodies of Afghan migrants from a river in a western province after reports that Iranian border guards tortured and threw Afghans into the river to prevent their entry into Iran.

Afghanistan's foreign ministry in a statement on Saturday said an inquiry had been launched and a senior official in the presidential palace in Kabul said initial assessments suggested that at least 70 Afghans who were trying to enter Iran from bordering Herat province were beaten and pushed into Harirud River.

The Harirud River basin is shared by Afghanistan, Iran and Turkmenistan.

Doctors at Herat District Hospital said they had received the bodies of Afghan migrants, some of whom had drowned.

"So far, five bodies have been transferred to the hospital, of these bodies, its clear that four died due to drowning," said Aref Jalali, head of Herat District Hospital.

The Iranian consulate in Herat denied the allegations of torture and subsequent drowning of dozens of Afghan migrant workers by border police.

"Iranian border guards have not arrested any Afghan citizens," the consulate said in a statement on Saturday.

Noor Mohammad said he was one of 57 Afghan citizens who were caught by Iranian border guards on Saturday as they tried to cross into Iran in search of work from Gulran District of Herat.

"After being tortured, the Iranian soldiers threw all of us in the Harirud river," Mohammad told Reuters News Agency.

Shir Agha, who said he also survived the violence, said at least 23 of the 57 people thrown by Iranian soldiers into the river had died.

"Iranian soldiers warned us that if we do not throw ourselves into the water, we will be shot," said Agha.

'We will settle accounts'

Local Afghan officials said it was not the first time Afghans had been tortured and killed by Iranian police guarding the 920km (520 mile) long border.

Herat Governor Sayed Wahid Qatali in a tweet to Iranian officials said: "Our people are not just some names you threw into the river. One day we will settle accounts."

The incident could trigger a diplomatic crisis between Iran and Afghanistan at a time when the coronavirus pandemic has seen a mass exodus of Afghan migrants from Iran with many testing positive for COVID-19.

Up to 2,000 Afghans daily cross the border from Iran, a global coronavirus hotspot, into Herat.

As of Sunday, at least 541 infected people are from Herat province, which recorded 13 deaths, with the majority of positive cases found among Afghan returnees from Iran, said Rafiq Shirzad, a health ministry spokesman in Herat.


Go to Greek Turkish border and you will find many Afghans died there trying to cross into Europe.
These Afghan don't stop in Iran they continue west into other countries and eventually Europe.
Along the way all countries get blamed for sending illegal migrants to Europe as by the time the reach Europe or even Turkey, they got no ID and nobody can be sure where they from.
F*ck off. This hasn't even been confirmed. You have no right to insult our border guards. A pig covered in sh*t is better than a lowlife like you.

It has already been confirmed by Afghan authorities who talked to survivors. Even if someone is to present hard evidence obviously you will turn it into a conspiracy against Irani people rather than going after IRGC. Today its afghanis tomorrow it will be your own people.
It has already been confirmed by Afghan authorities who talked to survivors. Even if someone is to present hard evidence obviously you will turn it into a conspiracy against Irani people rather than going after IRGC. Today its afghanis tomorrow it will be your own people.
First of all, the correct term to refer to people originating from Iran in English is Iranian, not Irani.
Secondly, it's none of your business how Iran's local affairs are managed.
Thirdly, Afghan authorities must provide evidence. That photo in Aljazeera isn't even near a river and there's no Iranian guard in that photo. As long as there is no evidence, Afghan authorities can claim anything they want but it doesn't matter to us at all. Obviously, if Iran makes a claim about Pakistan without evidence, you will tell me the same thing.
Whatever piss ant like said in my first comment even if evidence is presented to your stupid mug you will label it as some sort of conspiracy theory so keep at it jack ***.
I don't give a flying f*ck about insults directed at me by a person that I consider inferior to me. Have fun.
I don't give a flying f*ck about insults directed at me by a person that I consider inferior to me. Have fun.

O pardon me i should have noticed your superior Hiney that you are not just a jackass but jackass the supreme. My turd is superior than you if you want to know your superior ranking in the foodchain.
O pardon me i should have noticed your superior Hiney that you are not just a jackass but jackass the supreme. My turd is superior than you if you want to know your superior ranking in the foodchain.

Well, I'm not what you said, but sorry, guess what? you're a pakee. No need to say more, inferior being. Bye bye.
Well, I'm not what you said, but sorry, guess what? you're a pakee. No need to say more, inferior being. Bye bye.

As you say jackass the supreme i never doubted your superiority for one second.
As you say jackass the supreme i never doubted your superiority for one second.
When someone doesn't know how to speak to others when presented with facts and logic, shouldn't be surprised when he gets treated the way he deserves. You are a bad representative for your people. The hate you spew comes from years of feeling inferior to others consciously and subconsciously. It's like a Napeleon complex. You feel so inferior that you feel you need to talk tough to compensate for your shortcomings. So sad.
When someone doesn't know how to speak to others when presented with facts and logic, shouldn't be surprised when he gets treated the way he deserves. You are a bad representative for your people. The hate you spew comes from years of feeling inferior to others consciously and subconsciously. It's like a Napeleon complex. You feel so inferior that you feel you need to talk tough to compensate for your shortcomings. So sad.

I totally agree supreme leader.
As you say jackass the supreme i never doubted your superiority for one second.

Lol... you are dealing with master race Aryans here buddy who think they are superior to everyone no matter how screwed up conditions they are in.

And yeah, you are right about one thing, them dragging Pakistan into everything. Just a day or two ago, one of their supreme species was proudly/arrogantly bragging about how they put refugees into cages. Only problem, he refered Afghans as Pakistanis there. Take a look:

Lol... you are dealing with master race Aryans here buddy who think they are superior to everyone no matter how screwed up conditions they are in.

And yeah, you are right about one thing, them dragging Pakistan into everything. Just a day or two ago, one of their supreme species was proudly/arrogantly bragging about how they put refugees into cages. Only problem, he refered Afghans as Pakistanis there. Take a look:


I know man just leave them to their own fate BCZ there is no cure for stupidity.
A State Department spokesman officially announced. This happened in Afghanistan and has nothing to do with Iran.
Yes you state department spoke that it happened in Afghanistan. There is also a statement by IEA that incident happened close to Afghan/Iran border. This incident is not a small one 24 lives lost it has to be investigated and according to their statement some elements from Iran are involved.

Please don't abuse each other in the discussion. If someone is abusive don't reply with abuse just report.
What treachery dude? We were never apart of you... I can play the blame too, but after countless squabbles it leads to no end. We made mistakes, but so what, I wasn't alive back then and neither were you, I had no say in it and neither did you.

And soon there will be a new government in Afghanistan, it will be much stronger then the current one, is this hostility going to be worth it? Move on, but don't forget, you want to sit down and talk about it or have a go at it, in which case you can do so afterwards with the Taliban; Peace or war, it will decide our fates in the future, and if you think war will benefit you then go for it, and if peace then even better.

Says someone sitting in Canada. Who said noryhern alliance and Pakistan hating druggies were ever part of Pakistan. Keep the hate out of here and enjoy Canadian life. I will appreciate when you are in Helmand or speen boldak.

@The Eagle
@AgNoStiC MuSliM

There you go.
Read this guy's comments.
When I confront pushroons like him, you guys get angry. He is not alone. There are plenty of pushtoons like him holding Pakistani nationality, but thoroughly anti Pakistan and Pro Afghanistan. They need to be confronted, called out, named and shamed and dealt with.

So you agree with your Akhpal margaray?
اب اسلام اور اسلامی بھائی چارہ یاد نہیں آیا تمہیں ؟

There's is no anger but just don't insult other ethnicity since can't help yourself generalizing every time. Your post is an evidence here. Treat yourself warned accordingly. He may not be a Pashtun at all and Mods served you warnings, since you asked foe it, you have been throwing racist insults as I see warning details on hour profile.

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