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Iranian border guards accused of drowning Afghan workers

But they are Afghans (Pashtun)... The only difference is they are Pakistani Afghans (Pashtun). The only issue here is the Durand line issue which should be accepted, and is the only thorn that actually causes ruptures between both nations.

The issue with Iran is that we are Sunni and they are Shia, otherwise they would be sympathetic towards us as well... Shia Afghans despite the track record of Iran will always defend Iran, the same with Pakistan, Shia Pakistanis don't take a strong stance against Iran, and I am well aware of the Shia lobbying within Pakistan that defends Iran.

Don't bother with this one, you won't get through to him...

I blocked him.

I will report him to the Pakistani government too. Imran Khan is Pashtun.
I dnt want to do dua against him because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala might accept it and he might get punished. Its Ramadhan too.
No point in carrying this discussion any further I have given my solution... merger, whether you like it or not this is the only practical solution I see for the future of both peoples.

If the Pakistanis at the top are smart then they will head in this direction, as this will be killing two birds with one stone, as 1 they will have access to Central Asia, and two they won't have to worry about the threat in the west. The only question is the time frame, and Pakistan and Afghanistan have to both work on a frame to bring this hostility to an end, and the first step will be recognising that Durand line, which I see happening in the next 5-10 years once peace comes in the next 2-3 years.

The borders are demarcated and permanent. No merger is happening ever. Afghanistan will have to accept Pakistan. We are here and we will stay permanently. The Durand Line is also a reality and it isn't going away. The sooner Afghans realise this the better. Otherwise bloodshed is the only outcome.

He has been reported to admin.
I will report him to the Pakistani government too. Imran Khan is Pashtun.

LOL this forum isn't run by Afghan Pashtun fool. This forum belongs to Pakistanis. Report me as much as you like.

Imran Khan is a Pakistani Pashtun and not an Afghan Pashtun. Stark difference. LOL you will report me to Pakistani government? Go ahead.
People can claim anything, and as long as it isn't violent, I would still welcome them. Besides, the world is divided into Dar-ul-Islam and Dar-ul-Kuffar. Afghanistan and Pakistan are part of Dar-ul-Islam. The fake borders were created in order to divide us. Nationalism is a disease.

You seem like a good guy

Pakistani are a religious people

We really tried with the afghans and admittedly we may have made some mistakes but they have created immense hatred amongst us and others for them
About time these afghans knew that not every one will invite them in their house like Pakistanis. Thank Allah Almighty that Pakistan was there for you when Russian and Americans killed you all like your lives have no value. Yet you shit in the same place where you eat. May Allah guide your sick minds and reveal all.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala guide you Ameen.
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala guide you Ameen.

Tell me one thing. Why are Iranians who Afghans claim are their closest brothers treating you like garbage since day one? You come here to lecture Pakistanis how evil we are. Yet, your own blood is treating you like an animal. Don't argue with us.
Because Iranians call themselves Iranians. Unlike many Pakistani pushtoons who call themselves Afghan while having Pakistani nationality.
There's the difference.
Iran can take strict action against Afghanistan, Pakistan cannot because our own will stand up against own country in favour of a foreign country Afghanistan.

Imran Khan is Pashtun. Many Pakistani ministers are Pashtun. Many people in the Pakistani army are Pashtun. We should live peacefully.
Well, Afghanistan's neighbors and the West shouldn't be destabilizing their country. You all want to fund and arm different groups but then complain about their refugees? You can't have both ways.
Sure, you cant have it your way either when you start what you cant end.

Afghanistan was the only country that didn’t accept Pak in 47.
Just 2 years later invaded a poor country that witnessed a million death and largest mass migration.

Again in 50s, 60s they invaded Pakistan and openly launched and supported an ethnic insurgency.

Than came the soviets, and it was Pak that took it dozen million of them while the communist govt tried destabilising Pakistan through terrorism with soviet help/patronage.

And even today they claim half of our country, apart from the usual border firing and firing on our border posts and troops fencing the border.

That said we should learn from Iran and even Turkey on how to deal with them.
Iranian Border Guards Accused of Drowning Afghan Workers

Fariba Aram


In the western province of Herat, allegedly 57 Afghan nationals who tried to enter Iran for work were arrested by the Iranian border security forces who tortured the Afghans and threw some of them into a river--in which some died--according to an Afghan claiming to be a victim and also family members of alleged victims. The incident is said to have occurred on Wednesday.

Officials at Herat district hospital confirmed that some of the dead bodies of the presumed victims were transferred to their hospital.

The Iranian consulate general in Herat has denied any involvement of Iranian guards in the incident.

Acting Foreign Minister Hanif Atmar has appointed a delegation to fully investigate the incident, in order to make the necessary decisions "in light of the facts", said the Afghan Foreign Ministry in a statement.

The victims were reportedly arrested in Zulfiqar Valley on the border between Iran and Afghanistan. Many Afghan youth flock to Iran in search of work.

"We were taken to a camp, then we were driven in a minibus at 1:00 AM towards the river. They did not release us in a residential area, but instead took us to the river and threw us in," said Shah Wali, who claimed to be among the victims.

"My brother left for Iran three days ago. Later on I heard that they were drowned in the river. The Iranians have drowned them, one of them was my brother and another was my cousin," said Ghulam Yahya, the brother of one alleged victim.

"This is one of thousands of incidents-- the government did not help the people even one single time," said Mohammad Jan, the relative of a victim.

According to eyewitnesses, out of the total of 57 people who were thrown into the river, 23 of them are still missing.

"Based on the report--from the police and the people of the area--the number of casualties are high. It might be more than 10 people. Police are at the scene to recover those drowned," said Mohammad Arif Jailani, the head of Herat's district hospital.

"We consulted them through our foreign relations department and asked for clarification. They (Iran) pledged to investigate the case and said they will inform us as soon as possible," said Monisa Hassanzada, the deputy governor of Herat.

"We request the neighboring country Iran to have mercy on those going there because of poverty and do not fire at them," said Mohammad Sardar Bahaduri, member of Herat provincial council.


Not condoning this but unlike Pakistanis, Iranians don't mess about at all. Iranians are utterly ruthless and efficient. Especially when it comes to their national interest and patriotism. Pakistanis are the complete polar opposite.
Not condoning this but unlike Pakistanis, Iranians don't mess about at all. Iranians are utterly ruthless and efficient. Especially when it comes to their national interest and patriotism. Pakistanis are the complete polar opposite.

One should be loyal to the country they reside in. That is decency.

But Iranians cnt take USA on. They are helpless.
Sure, you cant have it your way either when you start what you cant end.

Afghanistan was the only country that didn’t accept Pak in 47.
Just 2 years later invaded a poor country that witnessed a million death and largest mass migration.

Again in 50s, 60s they invaded Pakistan and openly launched and supported an ethnic insurgency.

Than came the soviets, and it was Pak that took it dozen million of them while the communist govt tried destabilising Pakistan through terrorism with soviet help/patronage.

And even today they claim half of our country, apart from the usual border firing and firing on our border posts and troops fencing the border.

That said we should learn from Iran and even Turkey on how to deal with them.

TBF, Allah swt has been punishing the Afghans for the last 40 years for what they did to Pakistan especially just after the sikhs massacred 1 million of us in 1947.
Not condoning this but unlike Pakistanis, Iranians don't mess about at all. Iranians are utterly ruthless and efficient. Especially when it comes to their national interest and patriotism. Pakistanis are the complete polar opposite.
They are cruel.
They can't take them on full-on but they can cause them unacceptable damage if it came to full-scale war.

I disagree with you. Iran has little military compared to USA. USA has the best airforce in the world. A good navy and army. Also, missiles. Anyway we will leave it at that.

USA could clean up Iran in no time. Its Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala's mercy that Iran exists.
I personally believe that the best thing that can happen between Afghanistan and Pakistan is that we form some sort of federation for the mutual benefit of both nations.
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