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Iranian border guards accused of drowning Afghan workers

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Iranian Border Guards Accused of Drowning Afghan Workers

Fariba Aram


In the western province of Herat, allegedly 57 Afghan nationals who tried to enter Iran for work were arrested by the Iranian border security forces who tortured the Afghans and threw some of them into a river--in which some died--according to an Afghan claiming to be a victim and also family members of alleged victims. The incident is said to have occurred on Wednesday.

Officials at Herat district hospital confirmed that some of the dead bodies of the presumed victims were transferred to their hospital.

The Iranian consulate general in Herat has denied any involvement of Iranian guards in the incident.

Acting Foreign Minister Hanif Atmar has appointed a delegation to fully investigate the incident, in order to make the necessary decisions "in light of the facts", said the Afghan Foreign Ministry in a statement.

The victims were reportedly arrested in Zulfiqar Valley on the border between Iran and Afghanistan. Many Afghan youth flock to Iran in search of work.

"We were taken to a camp, then we were driven in a minibus at 1:00 AM towards the river. They did not release us in a residential area, but instead took us to the river and threw us in," said Shah Wali, who claimed to be among the victims.

"My brother left for Iran three days ago. Later on I heard that they were drowned in the river. The Iranians have drowned them, one of them was my brother and another was my cousin," said Ghulam Yahya, the brother of one alleged victim.

"This is one of thousands of incidents-- the government did not help the people even one single time," said Mohammad Jan, the relative of a victim.

According to eyewitnesses, out of the total of 57 people who were thrown into the river, 23 of them are still missing.

"Based on the report--from the police and the people of the area--the number of casualties are high. It might be more than 10 people. Police are at the scene to recover those drowned," said Mohammad Arif Jailani, the head of Herat's district hospital.

"We consulted them through our foreign relations department and asked for clarification. They (Iran) pledged to investigate the case and said they will inform us as soon as possible," said Monisa Hassanzada, the deputy governor of Herat.

"We request the neighboring country Iran to have mercy on those going there because of poverty and do not fire at them," said Mohammad Sardar Bahaduri, member of Herat provincial council.

Everyone has had it with these Afghans.

"We request the neighboring country Iran to have mercy on those going there because of poverty and do not fire at them," said Mohammad Sardar Bahaduri, member of Herat provincial council.

Look at them beg Iran. In Pakistan they run around with AK-47s and brazenly claim our province KPK. This is the difference folks. You beat these Afghans down and they get on their knees. You let them in and look after their needs, the Afghan starts claiming your land.
Everyone has had it with these Afghans.

"We request the neighboring country Iran to have mercy on those going there because of poverty and do not fire at them," said Mohammad Sardar Bahaduri, member of Herat provincial council.

Look at them beg Iran. In Pakistan they around with AK-47s and brazenly claim our province KPK.

Well, Afghanistan's neighbors and the West shouldn't be destabilizing their country. You all want to fund and arm different groups but then complain about their refugees? You can't have both ways.
Well, Afghanistan's neighbors and the West shouldn't be destabilizing their country. You all want to fund and arm different groups but then complaining about their refugees. You can't have both ways.

Tell that to India which has supported Afghan proxy groups against Pakistan. Afghanistan had no qualms about spreading terror through the border region with the help of its bigger brother India. When Pakistan defends itself and gives India, USA and Afghanistan a taste of its own medicine you people start crying rivers. Your Afghan brothers and sisters have gone one step further. These savages claim our entire province as their own. That is right. Afghan claim Pakistani territory as theirs. You expect us to sit quietly and take it in.

Pakistan should take a leaf out of Iranian book. Simply send Afghans back to Afghanistan.
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Tell that to India which has supported proxy groups against Pakistan. Afghanistan had no qualms about Northern Alliance spreading terror through the border. When Pakistan defends itself you people start crying rivers.

India, Pakistan, Iran, Western powers, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE - you have all funded different groups in Afghanistan. I understand Pakistan had to support the Pakhtuun group(s) in order to have stability on its western border. But at the end of the day that means a conflict, where people are going to be killed and expelled from their homes. That means refugees crossing borders, and you'll need to at least accept Pashtun refugees, as Pakistan has always done.

My earlier post was referring to your comment that everyone had enough of Afghans. Well, if different powers are interfering in their internal affairs, then accept their refugees and poor workers trying to find a job.
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India, Pakistan, Iran, Western powers, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE - you have all funded different groups in Afghanistan. I understand Pakistan had to support the Pakhtuun group(s) in order to have stability on its western border. But at the end of the day that means a conflict, where people are going to be killed and expelled from their homes. That means refugees crossing borders, and you'll need to accept Pashtun refugees, at least.

We will smack these Afghans back into their hole. We took them in and gave them everything. As a thank you the Afghan now claims entire chunks of our land. That is not going to happen and you understand why.

The Durand Line is the official border and the Afghan is going to accept it. If not, we are going to bomb Afghans and make them accept it through brute force.
India, Pakistan, Iran, Western powers, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE - you have all funded different groups in Afghanistan. I understand Pakistan had to support the Pakhtuun group(s) in order to have stability on its western border. But at the end of the day that means a conflict, where people are going to be killed and expelled from their homes. That means refugees crossing borders, and you'll need to at least accept Pashtun refugees, as Pakistan has always done.

My earlier post was referring to your comment that everyone had enough of Afghans. Well, if different powers are interfering in their internal affairs, then accept their refugees and poor workers trying to find a job.

1979 Russian invasion war got us involved in Afghanistan over 3 million refugees entered in to our lands. By default they got us into there conflict pulling in America. All we wanted was for them to find a strong group to end there wars and conflict. Then Taliban emerged as that strong force which we felt could end this narcotics state of drugs growing. Then 9/11 happened caused by your Arab wannabe soldiers who pulled us into afghan conflict 2nd time. Pakistan has no territorial ambitions in Afghanistan just wants them to sort there shit oUt.
Very troubling news. No one should be treated like this

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