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Arundhati Roy Says ‘Kashmir should get Azadi from bhookhe-nange Hindustan’

Such as?

Arundhati Roy is doing a lip service and not brining any revolution.

Refer the earlier posts and news in which she mentions about love and not revolutions.

Feel free to give other examples as well.


neither she had claimed to bring any revolution. It was your bhrati member who was talking about something.

On the other hand Arundhati is playing her role by voicing for the oppressed people.

Thats her contribution it does not need guns always to take up for raising voice
''Pulling Fingernails Won’t Turn Kashmiris Into Indians''
neither she had claimed to bring any revolution. It was your bhrati member who was talking about something.

On the other hand Arundhati is playing her role by voicing for the oppressed people.

Thats her contribution it does not need guns always to take up for raising voice

Supports Kashmiri separatism
Supports Naxals.

And also she is:
Against death sentence for the terrorists of 2001 Indian Parliament attack
Against Sardar Sarovar Project.
Against Indo-US relations.
Against India's nuclear weaponisation.
Against Indo-Israel relations.

She can do anything to get cheap Publicity...
Supports Kashmiri separatism
Supports Naxals.

And also she is:
Against death sentence for the terrorists of 2001 Indian Parliament attack
Against Sardar Sarovar Project.
Against Indo-US relations.
Against India's nuclear weaponisation.
Against Indo-Israel relations.

She can do anything to get cheap Publicity...

She has been given a free hand for quite some time which she has utilized to build her image as a social activist.Going against the tide do draw some attention.
This time she has landed herself in serious trouble.The 'Sedition' charges will tone her down.
If bharti election mantra was accepted by Kashmiris then you would not have to put million forces there.

Stop the Indian lies and hold plebiscite under foreign bodies and then i will accept your rants if India won

Our forces are there to prevent underhanded backstabbing incidents such as Kargil...Not to suppress the Kashmiris....

Of course you Pakistani hypocrites and liars remember an outdated non binding UNSC resolution...but easily forget the Simla agreement and its tenants that your leadership begged us to sign....

Formenting trouble (terrorism) and unilateral attempts at changing boundaries (kargil) is violation of our agreement....
You people have no shame nor the right to criticize our military presence in Kashmir which is solely to prevent Kashmir from a military invasion...which Kargil is a glaring example of....

Secondly.....Its the local police that has been jousting the stone pelters...NOT the army....Trust me.....not one stone pelter would be on the streets if the Army showed up in Srinagar....


we dont call you. Its another matter that Kashmiris called you that and your writer had translated it into English

Frankly, what some Kashmiris call India "Bhooka Nanga" makes sh!t difference.....
The world is well aware of reality of what Pakistan is and how "prosperous" it really is....in fact its quite laughable that except for a few Kashmiris on Pak payroll.....nobody seems to think of Pakistan anything close to "Land of Dreams"...
So I can see how a few Kashmiris being the only ones with these delusions can sound like music to your ears...

Above all stop your BS about aid is useless because Pakistan had already sent Aid to bhooka nanga bharat on the occasion of Bhoj earthquake.

So its 50 50 on both sides.

Hold on...source of info please?
Never heard of this.....especially aid worth 5Million +
Hold on...source of info please?
Never heard of this.....especially aid worth 5Million +

They had sent a C-130 full of aid material against which we sent 2+ Il-76's after 2005 earth quake in Pakistan.

Now in 2010 disaster the aid was 30million.

This is what Jana calls 50-50.

What a mathematics.

They had sent a C-130 full of aid material against which we sent 2+ Il-76's after 2005 earth quake in Pakistan.

Now in 2010 disaster the aid was 30million.

This is what Jana calls 50-50.

What a mathematics.


Seems lack of education is another persistant problem in Pakistan......;)
Seems lack of education is another persistant problem in Pakistan......;)

Forget 30 million for a minute.

If I compare 1 C-130 against 2 Il-76's its not 50-50.


even If I compare 1 C-130 against 1 Il-76 its not 50-50.

Yet what we get in return?

We are bhooka nanga's.

Forget 30 million for a minute.

If I compare 1 C-130 against 2 Il-76's its not 50-50.


even If I compare 1 C-130 against 1 Il-76 its not 50-50.

Yet what we get in return?

We are bhooka nanga's.


Honestly.....Pakistan calling India Bhooka Nanga is nothing more than "Pot Calling the Kettle Black"....

Besides.....in the last 63 years, when was the last time anyone paid heed to their diatribes wrt. India?
Has it changed now? NO! Plus we all know reality....

So lets learn to ignore......acknowledgement and attention gives them motivation!
what do these words mean - azadi from bhookhe nange hindustan?
Why Arundhati Roy may not be charged with sedition

Nazir Masoodi, Updated: October 26, 2010 22:06 IST

Read more at: Why Arundhati Roy may not be charged with sedition

New Delhi/Srinagar: First came the calls for azaadi by separatist Syed Ali Shah Geelani and writer-activist Arundhati Roy. Then came rowdy interruptions by a group of Kashmiri Pandits and workers of the Akhil Bharti Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the youth wing of the BJP.

"Kashmir has never been an integral part of India," said Roy, provoking the BJP to demand that she, along with Geelani, be charged with sedition. Others jumped to her defense, arguing this was an example of democracy on full display.

The storm erupted as the government's panel of interlocutors was in the Kashmir valley, trying to kickstart a political process.

The headlines shifted from them to Roy once she reached Srinagar over the weekend, stating at a closed-door event, "After attaining freedom from the British, India itself has become a colonial power."

The BJP reasserted its demand. "There is a perfect case against Arundhati Roy and Geelani of sedition and that's why we have also today demanded that they should be arrested," said the party's spokesperson, Prakash Javadekar.

The interlocutors, navigating their way through a political minefield, say this would be an over-reaction.

"We should see through this attempt by some people to get noticed... we should not be provoked," said Dileep Padgaonkar.

The government concedes that legally, it has possible grounds for action. "The remarks by Ms Roy and Geelani are not in good taste. And let me tell you frankly, we are concerned," Union Law Minister Veerappa Moily said.

But privately, government sources say acting against the internationally-famous author or Geelani wouldn't be smart politics at a time when the government is struggling to control the unrest and violence that ravaged the Valley till recently.

As the interlocutors meet everyone from jailed militants to young students, the separatist statement is one they will have to contend with.

"We simply told them that people here are demanding freedom - and they are genuine," says Nida, a student.

Faced with a possible sedition case, Arundhati Roy, who has famously called herself "an independent, mobile republic", threw the gauntlet back at the Indian state, saying "What I say comes from love and pride. It comes from not wanting people to be killed, raped, imprisoned or have their finger-nails pulled out in order to force them to say they are Indians... Pity the nation that has to silence its writers for speaking their minds." [/B](Read: Arundhati Roy's statement on possible sedition case)

As India debates whether democracy should permit dissent even if it challenges the very entity of the nation state, in the Valley, the real concern is that the row over Roy may further weaken an already-fragile peace process eve.

Why Arundhati Roy may not be charged with sedition
As India debates whether democracy should permit dissent even if it challenges the very entity of the nation state, in the Valley, the real concern is that the row over Roy may further weaken an already-fragile peace process eve.

wonder what there is to debate on this point.If we style ourselves a western type democracy with tolerance for all then ,one of the cornerstones for the survival of such a democracy is that the Unity and integrity of the state is to be protected. Every single democracy from the U.S to Britain to all the EU spells out this explicitly, in our extreme love of freedom of expression it is suicidal to compromise in such a way, after all we still developing. Roy and Geelani should be slapped with a couple of sedition cases without delay.
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