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If India is following Israeli model in Kashmir, Pakistan needs to follow the Iranian model

After India passed their new law to alter the demographics of Kashmir by following the Israeli model of settlements in the West Bank, Pakistan should wake up and follow the Iranian model of hard power, force, and deterrence. Pakistan should create some strong proxies and start surrounding Indian Kashmir. Step up clandestine operations and start launching some missiles and drones to hit key military targets. Pakistan should forget about these hollow press releases and establish some real force and deterrence with missiles and drones to bring an end to Indian impunity in Kashmir. There ought to be consequences for India, the era of Pakistan allowing them to get away must end. Iran has been the most successful at putting pressure on Israel with its proxies and striking key Saudi locations which is exactly what Pakistan should do to India. When Pakistan says India has violated UN resolutions and imprisoned Kashmiris like worse than animals, India doesn't deserve an easy slap on the wrist. That deserves a hard and forceful response, and for that you need credibility on your threats. India currently thinks that Pakistan won't do anything to stop it and they are right. Pakistan needs to establish credibility. If we say we will do something, we should do it. Now is not the time for Pakistan to be afraid. Now is the time to take bold, tough, forceful, aggressive and decisive action and stop India's Israeli settler model in Kashmir in its tracks. When US killed Iran's top general, Iran didn't quietly accept it. They launched dozens of missiles at US bases in hard revenge and made sure US heard their message loud and clear. When Syria killed dozens of Turkish soldiers, Erdogan unleashed hell on Syria by drone striking anything that moved. That is what Pakistan must do to India if we are serious about gaining credibility to deliver our threats and put an end to India's impunity.

Off course not, stop hiding, we have the means to fight India raise 2 million strong Pakistan militia and help our Kashmir brothers and sisters. Train for two years and the militia armed with, rpg7s, Bakrania Shikans, ak-47s, mortors and mg-3 infantry units can
fight in the hills of Kashmir.

if we believe in ourselves a lot can be achieved February 27, May 28th proved it. I am sure God will help us if we are serious

After India passed their new law to alter the demographics of Kashmir by following the Israeli model of settlements in the West Bank, Pakistan should wake up and follow the Iranian model of hard power, force, and deterrence. Pakistan should create some strong proxies and start surrounding Indian Kashmir. Step up clandestine operations and start launching some missiles and drones to hit key military targets. Pakistan should forget about these hollow press releases and establish some real force and deterrence with missiles and drones to bring an end to Indian impunity in Kashmir. There ought to be consequences for India, the era of Pakistan allowing them to get away must end. Iran has been the most successful at putting pressure on Israel with its proxies and striking key Saudi locations which is exactly what Pakistan should do to India. When Pakistan says India has violated UN resolutions and imprisoned Kashmiris like worse than animals, India doesn't deserve an easy slap on the wrist. That deserves a hard and forceful response, and for that you need credibility on your threats. India currently thinks that Pakistan won't do anything to stop it and they are right. Pakistan needs to establish credibility. If we say we will do something, we should do it. Now is not the time for Pakistan to be afraid. Now is the time to take bold, tough, forceful, aggressive and decisive action and stop India's Israeli settler model in Kashmir in its tracks. When US killed Iran's top general, Iran didn't quietly accept it. They launched dozens of missiles at US bases in hard revenge and made sure US heard their message loud and clear. When Syria killed dozens of Turkish soldiers, Erdogan unleashed hell on Syria by drone striking anything that moved. That is what Pakistan must do to India if we are serious about gaining credibility to deliver our threats and put an end to India's impunity.
Don't get me wrong, our prime minster is a good man and he wants to look out for his nation but..... our prime minister is a good man....and he wants to look out for the nation and that's where he stops.

He's not big on politics. He let that MiG-21 donkey go free and what did we get in return? You know what's up in Kashmir.
Don't get me wrong, our prime minster is a good man and he wants to look out for his nation but..... our prime minister is a good man....and he wants to look out for the nation and that's where he stops.

He's not big on politics. He let that MiG-21 donkey go free and what did we get in return? You know what's up in Kashmir.
So what the options we had on 27 FEB to escalate that situation further and risk to starting nuke war???
war is the only solution in case of Kashmir. No other solution. War lead to table talk and eventually pave the road of peace.......
So what the options we had on 27 FEB to escalate that situation further and risk to starting nuke war???

Unfortuantely, if you would like to take Kashmir, that was the golden chance for you to continue with the war...Ths kind of situation where Indian initiated the war by itself...So even if there would have been a loss of life, you caould have given an execuse that you were attacked by India. Any loss of life in both sides would have attributed to the aggressor country, and you could have get the sympathy of the world as being the victim of our aggresson....

So in a nutshell, you lost the opportunity..
Unfortuantely, if you would like to take Kashmir, that was the golden chance for you to continue with the war...Ths kind of situation where Indian initiated the war by itself...So even if there would have been a loss of life, you caould have given an execuse that you were attacked by India. Any loss of life in both sides would have attributed to the aggressor country, and you could have get the sympathy of the world as being the victim of our aggresson....

So in a nutshell, you lost the opportunity..
But main question is that with crippling economy/traitors politicians can we sustain longer war with India???
But main question is that with crippling economy/traitors politicians can we sustain longer war with India???

Well...then you guys are fooling yourself and your people, if you know well that you can not sustain any war...Why do not you be honest yourself.....

So in this Kashmir episode, I beleive, your hardliners are at least honest in their opinion...Pakistan India fought different wars in more difficult situation than what you were today....
How to get kashmir back from India is the issue and why use Iran model? Iran model is good deterance but the question is has Iran been successful in getting back the west bank or Gaza from Israel? If you think Iran model is the answer than you are very wrong. Sorry to say Iran model cannot be successful.

If you really want to get kashmir back you have to use a different approach closer to Iran model but different in many contexts. There is an other model which is close to Iran model but different in many ways. Look at Ukraine and use the Russian model which is used in Crimea that is the correct approach and to do that we should be ready to lose some territory of AJK.

The approach is very simple some what it will be extention of Gen Musharraf's strategy.

If you push any insegency it will be countered by India and India will try to lobby to declare it terrorism but under UN kashmir is disputed and arms struggle can be used to get right of self determination. You will have to create an organization which is not based on religious grounds cause that is considered a hot bed for terrorism but instead create something based on nationalism and freedom keep the aim of the organization on hitting purely military targets make the entry from kargil. Start a limited war send in few insurgents and setup a forward base use light weapons. Manpads and anti tank rockets along with LMGs and carve an area away from India. Mean time activate your lobbies and make sure organization is protected in UN from sanctions get few US senators on board and get congress liberal side convinced it for good of humanity democray freedom and justice.
Well...then you guys are fooling yourself and your people, if you know well that you can not sustain any war...Why do not you be honest yourself.....

So in this Kashmir episode, I beleive, your hardliners are at least honest in their opinion...Pakistan India fought different wars in more difficult situation than what you were today....
Are you talking about 71 but at that time Pakistan economy was on the boom sir, and we have no so much problem we had that we are currently facing sir
Are you talking about 71 but at that time Pakistan economy was on the boom sir, and we have no so much problem we had that we are currently facing sir

Mate...do not assume by post that i am desperate for starting a war....We are all debating here with a particular context of this thread...

Overall, i am trying to communicate that except war, it is not technically possible for Pakistan to take back the Indian part of Kashmir...You do not need tell anything to myself as i understand your position too....Pakistan and India economic variance will always be differentiator in some form or the other....If the economy is a criterion to fight a war,, then you can not fight any war in next decade...
Mate...do not assume by post that i am desperate for starting a war....We are all debating here with a particular context of this thread...

Overall, i am trying to communicate that except war, it is not technically possible for Pakistan to take back the Indian part of Kashmir...You do not need tell anything to myself as i understand your position too....Pakistan and India economic variance will always be differentiator in some form or the other....If the economy is a criterion to fight a war,, then you can not fight any war in next decade...
sir sir we are not trying to take back your part of Kashmir but from the day one Pakistan narratives on Kashmir issue is that this issue will be solved according to UN resolutions and in a peaceful manner not from war:angel:
sir sir we are not trying to take back your part of Kashmir but from the day one Pakistan narratives on Kashmir issue is that this issue will be solved according to UN resolutions and in a peaceful manner not from war:angel:

No bud...be honest to yourself...I have heard multiple times in PDF, K for Pakistan stands for Kashmir...SO basically, Pakistan would like to have Kashmir...Again, nothing wrong is your expectation of having a Muslim majority state of British India to Pakistan...Basically, it is a power game between both nations...Both want to capture more land in 1947, But you guys missed the bus when Kashmir king signed the accession with India.....Now, you have a valid reason that valley people are against India...So how can we keep a state under our control when entire population is against India...

And this exactly the point where politics start...India have the option to delay or reject UN resolution on grounds that may sound filmsy to you. And in the meantime, do everything to retain the place...This perfectly fair the power struggle between 2 nations....It is not like Pakistan would have done anything different if you will have choose anything between 2 options...

So now, in order to solve this problem, either a bloody war should happen where people realize the cost of hunting of Kashmir. At least in a war, we will get a logical end to this entire mess for last 72 year.

Now, if you do not want war, then both nation has to offer each other where everyone has see themselves as winner...Otherwise, unfortunately, we can not move forward from current situation.
Off course not, stop hiding, we have the means to fight India raise 2 million strong Pakistan militia and help our Kashmir brothers and sisters. Train for two years and the militia armed with, rpg7s, Bakrania Shikans, ak-47s, mortors and mg-3 infantry units can
fight in the hills of Kashmir.

if we believe in ourselves a lot can be achieved February 27, May 28th proved it. I am sure God will help us if we are serious


nah, all that has been tried and failed over the last several decades. The only significant outcome was Pakistan became knows as encouraging terrorist activities - ended up several Pakistan outfits getting classified as terrorists, Pakistan pushed into FATF watch list and most telling - India winning the moral high ground to be able to remove Article 370.
The potter toiled for months to get his ware ready for the festival season market. Every time he loaded his cart something or other kept happening and the pots kept breaking. So with a whole lot of determination he finally got a cart loaded. The appointed day he started the trip - huffing and puffing, he pulled the cart, past the village, past the river bridge, past the big farm. It was hot and he had made good time; so he decided to rest a while in the gentle breeze and soothing flow of the river bank. In the dream that ensued, he saw the omens - all his pots got sold except the most beautiful one which he kept in reserve. As the king came by the market, it was so grand to to gift him that beautiful vase. The king was so taken that he made this potter a courtier. The next month, the potter made such beautiful pots and was gifting them to each of his sponsors ...and his merits of court kept growing.

After 3 months the potter was convinced everyone of his sponsors in the court loved him and thought they couldn't have a drink of water without him, his pots, his vases! oh such beautiful vasess he made of china with imported clay from china, glazing from america, and adorning designs and colors from arabia! does anyone else have such things ?

He then sued for the princess's hands. After all, the king loved him, the ambassadors loved him, the courtiers adored him. alas, the princess however said the prize is only for valor. Has he won ever against the enemies? has he maintained law at home? has he been respectful to his priors?

Potter was downright mad. What? his valor questioned? his strength in doubt? who else has chinese clay? who else has american glazing? who else has such vibrant arabian design? He will show them and not a second too soon.

He drew his sword and lunged - a head rolled there, an arm flew away here. And what is that there? oh you will try to run will you, you impish little chamber pot? here take that ....in no time at all the enemy was vanquished. The princess cam flying into his arms. After all, who else had chinese clay, american glaze and arabian design?

As the whole country celebrated, there were such a din, such a racket, such merry made, such a clang and clang! the cymbal that banged was close and who is that? why are you slapping the potter?

Potter woke up.
The little boy that woke him up asked - 'dear great sire, why did you smash all your ware with that stick, didn't you want to sell them in the market?'

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