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I could not give a flying phacck about Arya Brahmans or whatever..I am an atheist with a deep respect for Indian schools of thought like Lokayata,Charvaka and Buddhism (both Mahayna and Theravada kind)

I donot belong to the exalted castes/classes/varna/jatis and really I have least interest in Hindu obscurantism..for me India and Indians matter..there are enough homegrown philosphies other than Hinduism for Indians to take pride in

You can give two hoots or a marsupials behind, it does not change that Aryan Brahmins make up your Baniya Establishment.

Brother there is no such thing Ghazwa e sindh.

Bhutto ka butt tor do agar zyada garmi hai jihad ki apke andar. awein time zaya karne ki exercise khol di hai apne yahan.
You can give two hoots or a marsupials behind, it does not change that Aryan Brahmins make up your Baniya Establishment.

In Hindi heartlands yes, not in Bengal and the south or parts of North East...You underestimate other Indians who are not too fond of them and not necessarily Muslim Indians
In Hindi heartlands yes, not in Bengal and the south or parts of North East...You underestimate other Indians who are not too fond of them and not necessarily Muslim Indians

Vote for Hasina then. Whose stopping you?
Though the predictions Naimat Ullah Shah Wali R.A. have many different versions available.
But its a factuality that his 70 to 80% predictions proved correct starting from fall of Mughal Empire to the present status scenarios of indoPak.

1st world war, and astonishing details of 2nd world war. The pattern of governance of elite class in Pakistan. Then the Banu Salman (Pakhton)--- the Taliban would win finally after long war. In last verses he predicts very bitter fall of USA, which defiantly gonna happen (internally USA is now very weak financially, losing financial battle with China, it did the worst biological war)

But the most important part is which predicts Gazwatulhind, being muslims we don't need the crunches of Niamat Shah's prediction, because we have 5 confirmed Hadece e Mubaraka about Gazwatul hind.

Non muslims are more believer of Gazwatul Hind, are afraid and preparing well.

It has to happen soon no body can stop it, all the glimpses of its picture are very clear on the canvas of the horizon, only bit insight is required.
As you mentioned many points that's the whole reason I posted this specially the prediction about USA. There is no doubt about what our Prophet said (Astughfruallah).
Hasina is not on the option list, Mamata is...So Bengalis will vote for her...The NRC fiasco is how BJP overplayed its hands...thinking it can pull wool over people's eyes while promoting rabid anti-Muslim hatred

Mamata can rule United Bengal justly. I see a certain wisdom in her which makes her capable for doing that. She is like a younger version of Hasina.

May be Ghazwa e Hind would be started by Sanghis and Bhakts.:lol:

You may laugh about it but any RSS Nazi will tell you about Indorani and Mahabhrata and Kalki Avatar of End of times.

The only difference is they actively work towards it like other doomsday religions.
Mamata can rule United Bengal justly. I see a certain wisdom in her which makes her capable for doing that. She is like a younger version of Hasina.

Unification won't be possible...WB won't leave the Indian Union and I am not too sure whteher BD will want to merge with Indian Union, given then the result will be a united bigger state of Bangladesh (natural name of the region)
Unification won't be possible...WB won't leave the Indian Union and I am not too sure whteher BD will want to merge with Indian Union, given then the result will be a united bigger state of Bangladesh (natural name of the region)

And then there will be a civil war in united Bangladesh.

You live in a simulated world designed by non natives.
Fine,Sir...the nincompoops sitting at Delhi forced me out of my sabbatical from PDF..I cannot silently watch it without any protest..so will make a couple of threads more regarding the Delhi situation..already made one today

My dear friend,

Find solace in innerness... venting anger in the wrong way only adds burden perhaps...but then you are wise for your years...

Nothing you will do is going to transform the Hindutva into RationalLuminaries...it is what it is!

And frankly, I believe that my very dear PaaJee @SIPRA is on the mark... Hindutva seems in a hurry to unleash Gazwa e Hind on itself...kinda self fulfilling prophecy.

My worry is only the Momentum of History...and the misery and destruction it is bringing with it...almost reaching the door to break it open without the courtesy of knocking!

Now you be good! Drive safely!

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