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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Indians should be allowed to visit Abhi none done shrine in Pakistan.
Place Where he landed from his
Magic Vedic flying saucer that can shoot down F16s without firing a missile or the bullet and where he sat down with his gun and said jai Modi India:


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Yes, Jinnah was the most visionary leader...each of his visionary statements are being proved right today.... one by one. Regarding PAF, he said on

"There is no doubt that a country without a strong Air Force is at the mercy of any aggressor. Pakistan must build up her air force as quickly as possible. It must be an efficient air force second to none and must take its right place with the Army and the Navy in securing Pakistan's Defence."
Speech to the Royal Pakistan Air Force Station Risalpur on 13th April, 1948
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Now those tactics will be adapted to, although the BVR carousel is something NATO has looked at as well.

However, it is also likely a scenario may not present itself similar to this so these tactics are not used again.

So, folks, today was the first anniversary of operation swift retort. While some more details of that eventful day have been released but there are other gems that still remain hidden or only remain in the knowledge of some. One such privileged person was kind enough to share some details with me.
While Lockheed Martin is not keeping it as much of a secret regarding its pride product, the F-16 scoring the first-ever kill of a SU-30, the PAF OTOH is very reluctant to release details as it would give away some key sensitive information such as tactics used, ranges and modes of engagement. As an example, it's bewildering to hear that Abhinandan was locked from almost 4 sides and had no chance of escape. The remaining 9 fighters of the IAF which came all kept on getting one lock after another because of Link-16. When one pilot would lock and come near the LoC to complete his fighter sweep circle even before he would turn back his lock would be passed on to another formation member who would then pursue the Bandit. So basically the PAF pilots had minimal mental strain and would simply takeover whenever a lock would be passed on and press-on with chasing the Indian aircraft. This was absolutely devastating for their force and morale of the pilots as they were encircled each and every time with no escape! Hence the IAF pilots resorted to reporting radar malfunctions or Bingo fuel in a desperate bid to leave the battlefield.

I will add something interesting if anyone noticed.... look at the way Alan Warnes chuckles few times especially when he is talking about fighter sweep & EW.

Good stuff. However would it not have been better to post the documentary in the relevant section with the screenshot following with the content you wrote than just opening up another thread for it.

The IAF jets did develop radar malfunctions. They skimmed through a chaff corridor.

I have lost track with all the threads running and just wanted to share some basic info without adding substance.

I will be merging threads. No issues to go ahead with separate at this time. After all, we cherish the moment so much and honour it for our resolve & commitment. Indeed, it never get over the professional discharge of duties & progress to build more tactics and practice.

Don't blame those poor pilots---. They had kids and families waiting back home for them---.

They did not want to fight a war for a psycho prime minister---.


Indeed---yes---. And outrageous would have been the word if there were 6 or 7 more enemy aircraft burning on the ground---.


India knows how capable US equipment it---. The reason they won't buy american fighter is then controlk the US will have on them---.

The US fckd up longtime ago by declaring about the 'kill switches' on the aircraft---.

Hi Sir,

Agreed but those two that came down in flames will do.

@Bratva ’s concern if i am not wrong is the crossing of IAF jets deep into our territory, that actually is a legit concern. Given the intensity of CAPs on 26, yet they passed through, that must be looked after and not happen again

Agreed, PAF needs to amp up its air defence forsure.
it seems PAF has no or little answer to rafale and S400 or they just dont want to reveal their capabilities.
The best answer is to avoid confrontation and go for weak spots and their will be plenty of opportunity.
Like in 1965 war IAF hunter could out climb and accelerate and out gun F-86 but they were the one that were hunted.
Any source from outside of south asia where they directly state the point rather than repeating it in second hand.

A report from either the US or the EU would be ideal.
You have a right to not believe in something, but there is no point in arguing or bringing it up again and again on the thread.
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