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Mahathir slams India's citizenship law


May 12, 2010
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Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has criticised India's new citizenship law, which is seen as discriminatory against Muslims and has sparked deadly protests across the South Asian country.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Kuala Lumpur Summit 2019 on Friday, Mahathir questioned the "necessity" of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), when Indians have "lived together for 70 years".

"People are dying because of this law. Why is there a necessity to do this when all the while, for 70 years, they have lived together as citizens without any problem?" he asked.

The CAA makes it easier for "persecuted" minorities from three neighbouring countries to get citizenship but not if they are Muslims.

The law has stoked fears that Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to remould India as a Hindu nation and marginalise its 200 million Muslims, who form nearly 14 percent of India's 1.3 billion population.

"I am sorry to see that India, which claims to be a secular state now is taking action to deprive some Muslims of their citizenship," said the 94-year-old leader.

"If we do that here, I do not know what will happen. There will be chaos and instability, and everybody will suffer."

Mahathir's comments came amid deadly protests in India over the CAA, in which at least nine people have been killed so far.

#KLSummit2019: #Malaysia PM Mahathir questions India's new citizenship law, which is seen as anti-Muslim

“People are dying because of this law.

On Friday, tensions prevailed throughout the country, including in capital New Delhi where several metro stations were closed and internet suspended in some areas to prevent demonstrations.

Thousands of people in a Muslim-dominated district of the capital marched after the Friday prayers, some carrying a huge Indian flag, raising slogans against the Modi government.

Protests continue to be organised in various Indian cities as authorities impose a ban on public gatherings and arrest hundreds of people.

The United Nations has called the CAA "fundamentally discriminatory" while the United States's State Department has urged India to "protect the rights of its religious minorities".


Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has criticised India's new citizenship law, which is seen as discriminatory against Muslims and has sparked deadly protests across the South Asian country.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Kuala Lumpur Summit 2019 on Friday, Mahathir questioned the "necessity" of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), when Indians have "lived together for 70 years".

"People are dying because of this law. Why is there a necessity to do this when all the while, for 70 years, they have lived together as citizens without any problem?" he asked.

The CAA makes it easier for "persecuted" minorities from three neighbouring countries to get citizenship but not if they are Muslims.

The law has stoked fears that Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to remould India as a Hindu nation and marginalise its 200 million Muslims, who form nearly 14 percent of India's 1.3 billion population.

"I am sorry to see that India, which claims to be a secular state now is taking action to deprive some Muslims of their citizenship," said the 94-year-old leader.

"If we do that here, I do not know what will happen. There will be chaos and instability, and everybody will suffer."

Mahathir's comments came amid deadly protests in India over the CAA, in which at least nine people have been killed so far.

#KLSummit2019: #Malaysia PM Mahathir questions India's new citizenship law, which is seen as anti-Muslim

“People are dying because of this law.

On Friday, tensions prevailed throughout the country, including in capital New Delhi where several metro stations were closed and internet suspended in some areas to prevent demonstrations.

Thousands of people in a Muslim-dominated district of the capital marched after the Friday prayers, some carrying a huge Indian flag, raising slogans against the Modi government.

Protests continue to be organised in various Indian cities as authorities impose a ban on public gatherings and arrest hundreds of people.

The United Nations has called the CAA "fundamentally discriminatory" while the United States's State Department has urged India to "protect the rights of its religious minorities".



None of your business

What will they do? Wear adult diapers and pick fights online.
The law is clearly biased in everyone else's eyes.

So be it .
The bill is for the refugees and we will do whatever we want .
None of anyone business
Mr Mahathir is there a practical way of kicking out million of Bangladeshis, who have infiltrated into India(because that is what NRC is all about).

I agree, all Bangladeshi irrespective of their religion should be sent back and there should be no special consideration given to Bangladeshi Hindus.(which is where this
government has follied.)
Mr Mahathir is there a practical way of kicking out million of Bangladeshis, who have infiltrated into India(because that is what NRC is all about).

I agree, all Bangladeshi irrespective of their religion should be sent back and there should be no special consideration given to Bangladeshi Hindus.(which is where this
government has follied.)

utter nonsense - Mahatir is pro Bangladeshi Muslims, he has given many illegal Banglas citizenship to rise the Muslim pop in Malaysia Malaysia is doing what India is doing in NE and tamilnadu, flood these states with cow belt Hindu sanghis

DPM Rubbishes Bangladeshi Votes-For-Citizenship Claim

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What will they do? Wear adult diapers and pick fights online.
The law is clearly biased in everyone else's eyes.
Modi and BJP in their child like behavior would threaten(and probably proceed) to reduce imports from Malaysia...that's about all they can do.

Mr Mahathir is there a practical way of kicking out million of Bangladeshis, who have infiltrated into India(because that is what NRC is all about).

I agree, all Bangladeshi irrespective of their religion should be sent back and there should be no special consideration given to Bangladeshi Hindus.(which is where this
government has follied.)
According to Hasina and many pro India Bangladeshis of PDF...India and Bangladesh are "bhai bhai"...why then such treatment? Surely two "bhai" can live under the same roof...right?
None of your business

So be it .
The bill is for the refugees and we will do whatever we want .
None of anyone business
Tell that to the people protesting :woot:

Modi and BJP in their child like behavior would threaten(and probably proceed) to reduce imports from Malaysia...that's about all they can do.

According to Hasina and many pro India Bangladeshis of PDF...India and Bangladesh are "bhai bhai"...why then such treatment? Surely two "bhai" can live under the same roof...right?
I hope these idiots do something foolish to anger the entire mooslim world.
I would love to see their kind get deported.

The new law is clearly biased.
Modi effed up the economy. Now he is setting India's social fabric on fire.
Him and his people can do whatever they want as long as they don't try to lecture others on human rights and pretend to be a democracy lol.
Even though I have been opposing CAA and NRC from Day one and criticizing my governments action on every available forum.

I don't think Mr. Mahathir bin Mohamad has any moral right whatsoever to criticize India on an Issue of refugees and Human Rights for which he himself is way to infamous across the world.

He should not forget his and His governments actions against the south Vietnamese refugees aka "The Boat People" in 1979 when he was the Deputy Minister.

These where his words back then;

Malaysia announced that it would ship immediately more than 70,000 Vietnamese refugees in camps in Malaysia back into international waters and shoot on sight [my emphasis] any boatpeople entering Malaysian waters. ‘If they try sinking their boats, they will not be rescued, they will drown’, Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Mahathir Mohamad, said. ‘Their drowning will be because they sank their own boats, not anything else.’”




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