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Man who killed Veerappan to head CRPF

How does a new police chef however brave solve the underlying social causes of the Naxilite movement? Military force alone doesn't defeat insurgencies, the American experience should tell you that if nothing else.

You are right. But this chap is responsible for the hard end of the process, while the govt takes care of development in that area. And both need to be done with utmost skill and dedication..So its good that we have one end tied down now..
Good deductive reasoning. I indeed meant chief. Now would you like to answer my point instead of bickering over spelling.

Just chill buddy!

I agree with your point but atleast with the experience he has in jungle warfare it will help reducing incidents like the massacre of 76 soldiers.

I believe people with real experience should only be given the duty so i appreciate his appointment.
Just chill buddy!

I agree with your point but atleast with the experience he has in jungle warfare it will help reducing incidents like the massacre of 76 soldiers.

I believe people with real experience should only be given the duty so i appreciate his appointment.

What happened in that 76 casualty incident? It seems very very large for a police column. Were there survivors?
What happened in that 76 casualty incident? It seems very very large for a police column. Were there survivors?

Yes there were a few survivors. Apparently the government was ambushed by Maoist forces and the Maoists had the advantage of geography.
What happened in that 76 casualty incident? It seems very very large for a police column. Were there survivors?

Bro regarding your suggestions about Understanding the Under Laying social causes of the Naxalite movement ....you ought to go back to the advent of Naxalism in India( in the 1970's in Bengal) ...the Red Documents ....and the subsequent police action and the compulsions for it.....

The present day naxal leaders are highly educated who kill not for social causes or poverty and discrimination , but solely because of Ideology and yes they use this " social issue " card to the hilt when they are recruiting.....

and as far as the ground situation is concerned ......naxalites are operationally at least terrorists and we require experts in unconventional warfare like this particular police chief to battle them....believe me regardless of social and economic causes .....nothing justifies terrorism and the cold blooded butchery of innocents ( in derailed trains ...and schools )....

the appointment of the chief is an operational issue which is the need of the hour......looking into socials are on a different plank.....
Yes there were a few survivors. Apparently the government was ambushed by Maoist forces and the Maoists had the advantage of geography.

actually maoists never fight face to face battle with secrity forces.
they always do covert n gurriella attacks and catch the securty men when they are least attentive.
that incident when we lost 76 soldeirs was similiar, it was land mine prepared by maoists that blew up seucirty force's vehicle causying so much casualities at once.
maosits cant stand anywhere in a face to face fight.
current CPRF jawans have zero experience in handling guerillas ......they are being gradually trained in batches at the jungle warfare school in mizoram to enhance their effective ness and survivality.......even though the IA is not being used for political compulsions if they were you would see this insurgency curbed in the span of 3 months .....I estimate modestly.....
Ya...plus the Maoists were 1000 in number and had planted pressure bombs everywhere.

1000? that's a huge number for guerrillas. In Afghanistan the bigger attack top out at around 100+ fighters. How are they able to roam the countryside?
actually maoists never fight face to face battle with secrity forces.
they always do covert n gurriella attacks and catch the securty men when they are least attentive.
that incident when we lost 76 soldeirs was similiar, it was land mine prepared by maoists that blew up seucirty force's vehicle causying so much casualities at once.
maosits cant stand anywhere in a face to face fight.

Correct. The Maoists are poorly equipped and many of them are armed with WWII rifles and some even us bow and arrows. This is why they resort to guerrilla tactics. Face to face would be a ludicrous way to fight.
How does a new police chef however brave solve the underlying social causes of the Naxilite movement? Military force alone doesn't defeat insurgencies, the American experience should tell you that if nothing else.

Naxilite moment then and the present Maoist moments are really different issues.
Maoists are Power hungry ppl who want to rule this country and serve their bigot ideology.They are not much different from the armed goons in africe and afghan who give guns in the hands of poor and exploit them, if maoists were that interested in the poor they could have built schools,hospitals out of the huge huge extortion money they earn.but no they donot want social upliftment in those tribal belts so that they donot loose canon fodder..

On how force can contain maoists ??
well kill the maoists ,and occupy the area so that the developmental activities can carry on peacefully.and as time passes ppl will progress in 8-10 years ppl will come to know the value of life and thus will not align to maoist ideology.Same was adopted in Andhra pradesh and was successful..
Naxilite moment then and the present Maoist moments are really different issues.
Maoists are Power hungry ppl who want to rule this country and serve their bigot ideology.They are not much different from the armed goons in africe and afghan who give guns in the hands of poor and exploit them, if maoists were that interested in the poor they could have built schools,hospitals out of the huge huge extortion money they earn.but no they donot want social upliftment in those tribal belts so that they donot loose canon fodder..

On how force can contain maoists ??
well kill the maoists ,and occupy the area so that the developmental activities can carry on peacefully.and as time passes ppl will progress in 8-10 years ppl will come to know the value of life and thus will not align to maoist ideology.Same was adopted in Andhra pradesh and was successful.

This sounds like the American clear and hold strategy...
1000? that's a huge number for guerrillas. In Afghanistan the bigger attack top out at around 100+ fighters. How are they able to roam the countryside?

In India at least 1000 guerillas in the dense jungles in the districts of say Madhya pradesh or Jharkhand or chattisgarh is no big deal.....much of the land area of India's eastern and central states .....even states like andra pradesh is covered by dense forests ...even hilly terrain ...and the connectivity is a nightmare ....Afghanistan for instance has no green cover with bare mountains ......geography plays a great role in protecting maoists ...besides there are operational hazards ...gunships cant be operated for fear of accidentally hitting any of the small villages ....maoists are highly trained to blend in with the local populace.....
1000? that's a huge number for guerrillas. In Afghanistan the bigger attack top out at around 100+ fighters. How are they able to roam the countryside?

You know what the real problem against fighting Naxals is?...its their ability to blend with the locals.
This sounds like the American clear and hold strategy...

Yes but there is lot of difference..Americans fought on a foriegn land and they were aliens to the local population over their both in terms of race & language.And by the way there were no development activities bought by civil administration of USA in vietnam,afghan or iraq all of it was military.

But with us we are just cleaning our house,we need the mess(maoists) to be cleared for the civil admnistration to go in there and do their job, thats it..
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