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THE "MOON"...Ah, the moon!!!

You are responding on a thread where op has problem with going for moon and now you have problem with shouting ..or is it both ?
it IS a problem unless you justify how it helps anyone. subsidizing religious Hajj at least HELPS people meet a religious obligation. what the bleepin' hell is reaching the moon or mars helping anyone with???
yeah, you don't get to derail the topic as the two are COMPLETELY unrelated. on topic...what exactly has been achieved by any country by going to the moon, regardless of success or failure? let's hear it...
It's pushing the limit for human mind ..It's in human nature not to confine within a limit , it wants to explore the universe ..
In general?

Or just in this particular instance of a nation spending billions on a space program while a good portion of the population is poor?

In general.

After all, one could seek an equivalent example of spending billions on nuclear weapons while a good portion of the population is poor, and many similar instances.
It's pushing the limit for human mind ..It's in human nature not to confine within a limit , it wants to explore the universe ..
I have problem with none, Indians have a inferiority complex that is what I have problem with , even in their failed moon landing they couldn't help but bring Pakistan into it ..

India become a huge Economy + Technological Advance + Big Military + IT hub but this inferiority complex is still in their DNA which no moon landing can fix .. Not at least RSS is in Power
But you are blind to all those shouting from opposite DNA when moon landing was rough ..right ?
so much hoopla over the failed indian attempts to go to the moon. people view it as some sort of a gigantic achievement that solves all of your problems and opens the gates to rivers of milk & honey. can someone PHULEEZ explain to me what EXACTLY does it get a country that landed on the moon in particular & humanity general??? I mean, like...WHAT? america landed on the moon many times as did russia & China. india is trying and failing but say for the sake of argument, suppose they had succeeded, WHAT EXACTLY WILL IT GET YOU??? moon doesn't have any gold, no gas, no oil. if it could've been effectively miltarized, america, russia & China would've militarized it by now so that's also outta the question. What the bleepin' hell would it get anyone? when the u.s. landed on the moon, did cancer automagically get cured? world hunger eradicated? I mean what the hell did it get ANYONE except a very expense yet USELESS sense of achievement??? I mean, if chandyadaayadaa-2 had landed on the moon, what, toilets would've appeared automagically the next day??? the crashing indian economy would've suddenly turned around & the raping, lynching, farmer suicides, poverty and famine would've just faded away???

is landing on the moon in particular along with deep space exploration in general, is it NOT the most expensive yet WORTHLESS activity you could divert financial resources to when there is SO much to be done on THIS planet???

Humanity loves "easy questions", and even "easier answers"!!!!! During my graduate study days I was a teaching assistant!!! The professor was an old folk with extensive conference commitments!!! I used to be alone among 100+ "angry" freshmen with damn hard mid-term/final questions in their hands!!! Guess what?? I was like spending 3 hours frantically solving those problems for them...

Bottom-line: Be on Hidutva mood
ok lemme break it down to you in easy terms that even an indian can understand:

you have $1 million. you have two problems in front of you:
1. curing cancer with 50/50 chances of success
2. going to the moon with 50/50 chances of success

which option would you choose to spend the $1 million on that would have the greatest benefit for humanity? Just replace cancer with some other disease a loved one of yours may have and THEN ask yourself the question, where would you rather the government spend that $1 million...I have an indian coworker whose father is suffering from Alzheimer's in india, his first comment on the moon failure was that the rs 900 million would've been better spend trying to find the cure for alzhiermer's. your gonna say to his face that it was better spent on this useless mission that ended up crashing & burning anyway?

so, unless he tows the national braindead line, he isn't an indian? [emoji38]

@AfrazulMandal man, you should hang your head in shame for using your mind...how dare you not be braindead like the rest of the bhakts! :happy:

You mean to say that, we should only spend that amount in finding cure for Alzheimer's and not try to find a cure for cancer or something else?

There are certain problems since the evolution of human beings, like poverty or healthcare.. and will remain there in future too ... So you mean to say that modern technology should not have been developed instead the money would have been donated to a few poor or sick people. Weird logic... Isn't it? How long will that sustain them ?

India shouldn't have adopted Computers in the early eighties, because India was a poor country. And computers were pretty damn expensive back in those days. Instead India should have taken loans and distributed to poor peoples which would have sustained them for a while. But then Indians are not morons of the highest order. Instead we adopted the computer technology, educated our masses, and look now it provides employment to millions, rakes in billions of dollars in earnings. The taxes of those same employed people of the industry helps the govt to bring more people out of poverty each year. But then this economic cycle seems to be beyond your level of understanding.

You can tell you friend that a lot more is being spend on research in medicine in India than the Space Program. Whole of India's Space Program is aimed to develop modern technology in-house , which will help to provide employment to many more Indians. There are related industries that manufacture components for space missions, then there are universities that do the research for space missions, then there are end users of products of space missions like weather forecast, or soil and mineral research, communications, defence, navigation, launching satellites for others and millions of other things that have come out India's space mission.

Do you know that the one of the payload of Chandrayaan2 is a 30cm resolution optical telescope. Can you envisage it's usage if used in an earth orbit? It's a high resolution keyhole satellite which can see a 30 cm large object from space. Now you see the benefit of developing something like a that? India did loose a Rover and a lander but then you have no idea about how many technologies India validated even with this failed mission.

Now that's beyond your understanding...
it IS a problem unless you justify how it helps anyone. subsidizing religious Hajj at least HELPS people meet a religious obligation. what the bleepin' hell is reaching the moon or mars helping anyone with???
But earlier you said it is obligatory only for ones who can afford it ..Then why a poor country should spend billions of rs for subsidy rather than helping poor public ..
Don't you want to define the word 'achievement ' which you are using so liberally ?
ok i'll spell it out the question at your middle school level...how does going to the moon or mars or any other planet help solve the problems that we face today on planet earth ranging from global warming to diseases to famine to you name it?

if you still don't understand my question after this then I'm afraid you have a much bigger problem called an "attention deficit disorder" that you should be worrying about...hey that too perhaps could've been cured with that rs 900 million.

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