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Aftermath of Removal of Article 35A and Article 370

otherwise he would get lynched?

Who knows, looking at his crooked ness he might had migrated to some European country and kept instigating bhakts from there on some defence forum while enjoying his peace full life there.
Who knows, looking at his crooked ness he might had migrated to some European country and kept instigating bhakts from there on some defence forum while enjoying his peace full life there.

Just like Gandhi?
What do you people think would happen if India repelled atleast 1 of these articles mentioned in the thread above?
Will it disadvantage Pakistan for its Kashmir Cause?
What could potentially happen in Indian Administered Kashmir?
What should Pakistan do if it is proving to be disastrous for Kashmir Cause?
@Oscar @Arsalan 345 @Mangus Ortus Novem @MastanKhan @third eye @Chak Bamu @CHACHA"G" @Reichsmarschall @waz @Khafee @Bilal Khan 777 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Tps43 @pakistanipower @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @War Thunder @war&peace

Removal of 35a means change in Kashmir demography and Pakistan have no choice but to to try to capture entire Kashmir.
Another disadvantage is indian population in Kashmir.

There are two advantages...
1) no country will listen to India about their claim of Azad Kashmir because situation after removal of 35a will be disastrous.

2) pakistan can openly Target jammu Indian citizens during cfv.only Hindus will die and they will feel more pain.
3 day war is more than enough to make indian ecomony bleed.
And Pakistan's economy will boom and every other country will stand in Q for a investments and loan from Pak??

It bars Non-Residents of the J&K state from buying land in there. Thus Indians cant settle there, neither can they start businesses as they cant buy any property.
Article 370 provides special powers to J&K where it can govern itself for all matters except for Foreign relations, defence and communications and basically show the middle finger to Central Government for all other matters.

Thus J&K is that spoiled child which gets the protection, finances (more than any other child) and spends it all with no personal growth to show for it and yet roams around the house with an immeasurable arrogance as nobody can do anything coz 35A and 370 are there for its protection.
Miserable horrible Hindus will come in droves into IoK and set up large scale businesses. The Hindu population will grow in extreme numbers. Employment in the state will soar with new industries and business. The general population will get pacified. Rebellion will quell down to insignificance. Pakistan's cause will be destroyed
Islam took birth in Kashmir and Muslims are only people in Kashmir.. chal chal aage jaa..
Removal of 35a means change in Kashmir demography and Pakistan have no choice but to to try to capture entire Kashmir.
Another disadvantage is indian population in Kashmir.

There are two advantages...
1) no country will listen to India about their claim of Azad Kashmir because situation after removal of 35a will be disastrous.

2) pakistan can openly Target jammu Indian citizens during cfv.only Hindus will die and they will feel more pain.
Do you thing cfv will go around after 35A?
Both threads merged as they are essentially discussing the same thing.
The Dogras or the Pandits don't want this either, but they still may want to push this.
If India revokes 35A then Pakistan has just two options to go to UN and US and use Afghanistan to force US to pressurize India and if it does not work then bleed India in Kashmeer using all the ideas which cross the mind and revert all the resources form Afghanistan to Kashmir and bleed them as much as we can even if we ourselves have to bleed twice.
Do you have capacity to bleed twice? Monetary or human force.

Heard more than 4000, 2500 locally made, rest TOW 1 and 2s
Now tell me what is the use of ATGM, where India do not use tanks .. one request don't quote weapon's name without knowing it's purpose. We as gentlemen remain civil. @MUSTAKSHAF
Till about 5 centuries ago, Kashmir Valley used to be Hindu and that was their entire history for thousands of years. If it becomes Hindu majority again, it's only fair.
Do you have capacity to bleed twice? Monetary or human force.

Now tell me what is the use of ATGM, where India do not use tanks .. one request don't quote weapon's name without knowing it's purpose. We as gentlemen remain civil. @MUSTAKSHAF

Use is to take our hardened structures ... making a heavy armed infantry men ... I am clueless as to why this is uncivil ?
Israel & China have demonstrated how to deal with 'Muslim Problem'. They do not expect any interference from outside while conducting their policies. India does not have that luxury. Pakistan will not allow this to happen. Because if Pakistan does nothing, the entire reason for keeping a gargantuan army disappears.

Majority of Kashmiris in the valley never wanted to join Pakistan. They still might not want to do so. But they would be happy to see Pakistanis spill blood for their 'cause'. I have seen them dither while in their hearts they have wanted to be totally independent. Half-heartedness brings about disasters and that is what has been happening in slow-motion; it may now speed up.

Kashmiris need to make up their minds. They do not have the wherewithal to wage a protracted freedom struggle. They either have to opt for Pakistan or India. There is absolutely no middle way.

Pakistan needs to prepare for war over Kashmir once again. This would be the third and final time. It would work to Pakistan's advantage only if Kashmiris join the cause. If they do not, then there is nothing much that Pakistan can do. The LoC is the defacto border and that is how it would actually become.

Likely Post-conflict scenario is:

1. Wider world engages and stops the hostilities in less than 2 weeks.
2. Another set of resolutions are passed in UN.
3. Article 370 is preserved.
4. Valley Hindus are guaranteed their right to return and live in peace.
5. LoC is acknowledged as border with free flow of goods and people of Kashmir.
6. Normalization of relations between Pakistan & India.

Although it is a tough post for me being an Indian, but i like the hard fact that prevails on ground...Kashmir valley people can not be a swinger between India and Pakistan...Either they should revolt completely take on with India supported by your side and finish it once for all or be at peace with India and leave like normal citizen of my country and allow India Pakistan to be like normal countries..

I do not think independent Kashmir has any chance...After your CPEC going through Kashmir from your side, even China will not support it...So only option left for them is to be with Pakistan or India...Let them take on for war or whatever they want and finish it..

Indeed. These Indians live in a delusion believing that we will keep watching if violence erupts in Kashmir after the removal of Article 35A.

Pakistan would be forced to change its current sh**y pacifist policy.

It will all be 90's again. Indians still cry to this day that more than 100000 Hindus whatever were forced to leave Kashmir by Kashmiri freedom fighters in 90's.
This time it would be even far worse after India remove those articles.

Pakistan can not do anything for Kashmir...The reason is pretty obvious...Based on the perception of Pakistan, India is doing all the bad things in Pakistan through out time...So who has stopped you to continue with the war on Feb 27 when you have an upper hand where India initiated conflict with you??? Who was desperate for maintaining peace in LOC??
You missed a golden chance to make a war for Kashmir cause and you missed it for your own reason.
Now if India change any law, that is our internal problem...If you could not get global support for Kashmir issue where you have an upper hand on Feb 27, then what makes you beleive that world will be behind you for any issue which is internal to us..

You guys abandoned Kashmir since Musharaf time...Pakistan is just basically financing and providing basic support as a lipnservice to them...Nothing else..
It is the inability of Pakistan to respond in a decisive manner creating a perception in India that they can stretch Pakistan to a limit where you will be forced to make a mistake of initiating a war on us...
We dislike some of the methods adopted by Pakistan.

Hence i had said in my previous post 'I'm not saying that the present dispensation is very kind on Muslims.'

You keep telling about how the BJP led by NaMo has brainwashed Hindus. BJP has come to power despite economic slowdown. In your land religious fervour is quite high and has not been altered much by the economic ups and downs. Everywhere there are many well-off people who have given in to religious bigotry and fundamentalism.

In India's north-east the separatist movements are dying. The people are tired and want to lead a normal life; they may still pang for a separate homeland but they are tired of letting it take control of their day-to-day life. I leave it to you to interpret why Kashmir has been perpetually on the boil since the 1990s and shows no sign of abating.
Both news and alternate sources from the past six years disagree with your assertion that Kashmir is the only separatist issue still alive.

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