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Aftermath of Removal of Article 35A and Article 370


@Mangus Ortus Novem

This will soon become applicable to 50 kms.. and then 500 kms..
Defensive measures... Gangaz are trying to change the status quo... in their dark minds they think they can take territories in AJK...to enhance their final settlement negotiation position.

Hence the Order from AJK President for exemption in lience for villagers near 05 kilometers for self defence ...

If look carefully the gangaz have been targetting civilians to make them move out of bordering areas... their plan is to push Kashmiris out of the Valley and make them refugees in AJK.

Dark minds... gangaz are.

We Must Prepare for War.

70 years of appeasement hasn't worked.
That's right.. and our problem is that we can't reciprocate in kind as Pakistanis live on the other side of the border as well.. Difficult situation for Pakistani forces.. Pakistan might have to open an international border if Gangus apni harkaton se baaz nahi aye..

However, till now, I am satisfied with what the government is doing.. i.e. informing everyone about the Gangu attacks on civilians.. so that when we start something on international border, gangus don't have anything left to take it to mediators..
Do you have capacity to bleed twice? Monetary or human force.
As far as LoC is concerned, yes we do. But if things escalate and it transforms into a full war then we might end up using all the resources before India does. But then you know very well what happens after that.



We are war hardened Nation now.. we have lifted Janaza of 80k Paks .... we know what War is.

Pak Armed Forces are the Tip... We are the Spear.

Unless this ganga tamasha stops... we shall have this daily bakwas to listen to for another decade. Better now... US wants exit... let gangaz exit as well.

Live in Peace with us. Or Die in Fire with us.
Sir ji, there's another stage remaining... talibs joining the holy war in numbers..
we should have one sticky thread where everyone post related to current events folding in iok and loc
Trust me...I am not happy either personally...In my opinion, I feel IK is one of the best person to deal with Kashmir issue from Pakistan as he has support of your army and civillian...It is a rare occurance where you guys get political leader who is supported by both of your institutions..
But again, time is not on side of both countries...India got MMS who is another beat guy too..But Modi is a product of our overall frustration of all the laziness if our political system...Peoplw has given him chance...He can take us new height or taken down so low that we may not imagine...He is risky, reckless and non corrupt...Only time will tell where we are leading to...

Pakistani's are their own worst enemies its a statement every sensible India know . and yes its true , After Mushi manage to bring India to table and close to solving Kashmir sh!t happens . since than the Jamhoryat took over Pakistan and so begin the never ending cycle of looting and corruption. While Pakistani leaders were busy in looting and plundering Indians were exposed to another kind of dilemma that was Extreme Nationalism and Ignorance. I know majority of Indians won't agree but its pretty obvious that India has gone through a phase from Lets bring Pakistani Artists to India and create better ties , to Burn all Pakistani's , WAR WAR and WAR . you would have notice a clear change in Indian mentality towards Pakistan after Modi took power, You know what is funny that Indians make Fun of Pakistan by saying that in last 8-10 years we did nothing diplomatically to gain anything on Kashmir but same Indians blame Pakistan for every ill of Kashmir, like IA has done nothing in Kashmir and no Freedom movement is going on there .

Modi has bring Indian public to a position where if Modi claim to conquer AJK his people will believe and tomorrow he will come out and say we give AJK back to Pakistan and Indians will believe that too, India media played a huge role in this and now this funny report of bad CGI , Pak ki napak Sajish and other catchy lines this is even out of their own hands, You will see people like GD Bakshi and others who's entire argument lies on just going full gun blazing on Pakistan , why ? because they are doing all the wrongs in Kashmir , like Kashmir was never a Disputed territory . this venomous reporting and incitement of hate and warmongering is pushing modi govt to take strict actions even if it means sending an unprepared Air force to do Balakot and next day, the same AF send 4-6 migs in persuite of F-16's results are here for everyone to see .

What my fear is that I think that Indian Deep state or Establishment has bypass even the Modi as PM in decision making over Kashmir and Pakistan, I think its not PM who is making the decisions anymore . Why i say that? Trump said Modi asked him to mediate in Kashmir issue, and Rajnath Singh also emphasis on solving Kashmir issue no matter what , and within next few days we see a hot LOC, troop deployments and talks of abolishing 35A Why ? and who is to believe in current situation ? Pakistan take President USA words and wants to initiate a dialog while LoC is seeing some heavy action and now using Cluster bombs? Who is pulling the strings when it comes to dealing Pakistan and Kashmir ? I doubt Modi is .. What do you think ?
Pakistani's are their own worst enemies its a statement every sensible India know . and yes its true , After Mushi manage to bring India to table and close to solving Kashmir sh!t happens . since than the Jamhoryat took over Pakistan and so begin the never ending cycle of looting and corruption. While Pakistani leaders were busy in looting and plundering Indians were exposed to another kind of dilemma that was Extreme Nationalism and Ignorance. I know majority of Indians won't agree but its pretty obvious that India has gone through a phase from Lets bring Pakistani Artists to India and create better ties , to Burn all Pakistani's , WAR WAR and WAR . you would have notice a clear change in Indian mentality towards Pakistan after Modi took power, You know what is funny that Indians make Fun of Pakistan by saying that in last 8-10 years we did nothing diplomatically to gain anything on Kashmir but same Indians blame Pakistan for every ill of Kashmir, like IA has done nothing in Kashmir and no Freedom movement is going on there .

Modi has bring Indian public to a position where if Modi claim to conquer AJK his people will believe and tomorrow he will come out and say we give AJK back to Pakistan and Indians will believe that too, India media played a huge role in this and now this funny report of bad CGI , Pak ki napak Sajish and other catchy lines this is even out of their own hands, You will see people like GD Bakshi and others who's entire argument lies on just going full gun blazing on Pakistan , why ? because they are doing all the wrongs in Kashmir , like Kashmir was never a Disputed territory . this venomous reporting and incitement of hate and warmongering is pushing modi govt to take strict actions even if it means sending an unprepared Air force to do Balakot and next day, the same AF send 4-6 migs in persuite of F-16's results are here for everyone to see .

What my fear is that I think that Indian Deep state or Establishment has bypass even the Modi as PM in decision making over Kashmir and Pakistan, I think its not PM who is making the decisions anymore . Why i say that? Trump said Modi asked him to mediate in Kashmir issue, and Rajnath Singh also emphasis on solving Kashmir issue no matter what , and within next few days we see a hot LOC, troop deployments and talks of abolishing 35A Why ? and who is to believe in current situation ? Pakistan take President USA words and wants to initiate a dialog while LoC is seeing some heavy action and now using Cluster bombs? Who is pulling the strings when it comes to dealing Pakistan and Kashmir ? I doubt Modi is .. What do you think ?

Nonsense. Modi is completely pulling the strings. He tows the party line because he IS the party line, along with the class clowns like Amit.

Furthermore, he probably truly did not ask Trump to mediate between pk and India. The reason Trump said that was to put pressure on Modi for other reasons: trade, Iran and Russian S400 sale. Trump is extremely smart at creating strong negotiating standpoints. It's what he does. He is manipulating Modi like a play-doh doll. Trump may also have said this because he truly wants and needs IK's help to get out of Afg and recognises that saying a few careful words about Kashmir will help win IK over. Trump's agenda is to make America great again through isolationism and protectionism. Of course this dovetailed nicely with pk's agenda of maligning Modi's attempt to lockdown Kashmir from outside mediation.

Trust me. There is no Indian deep state that is at odds with Modi. It is a fully harmonised fascist state, led by a madman, and everyone tows the party line or faces being called out for treason. There is absolutely NO hidden party that can be negotiated with. The only language india will comprehend is direct, visible aggression to defeat its nefarious designs. Modi is like a less intelligent version of Hitler.

In contrast, USA does have two opposing forces at work: Donald Trump's stubborn libertarian, isolationist ticket upon which he came to power and still commands support from his voters for, and then there's Bolton and the violent neoconservative agenda.

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