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Power of KHALSA- Indian martial art at its best

martial race

Do you people even know this is a British invention?

The Chinese thought the Mongols are Barbarians and not a "martial race" like them what happened when they took China over completely? Romans thought the western Europeans Germanians, Britons, Franks ancestors of the British, German, French, etc were barbarians and not up to their standards. I wonder what the Romans would think when they find out those western European barbarians are ruling this planet. The concept of a "martial race" doesn't exist.

Its a nice of dividing and conquering by the English. And we stupid Indians fell for it..
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All these arts nothing in front of Rajnikanth :)

India should clone him and make an army of him... the whole world will go bonkers :D

dude don't post BS here if u want rajanikanth clone him and keep him with u don't spam the thread........................
Nice video .. :tup::tup:

got similarities with our own traditional Kalaripayyattu


Is that guy jump attacking with a real saber BENNY?

No offense but if you replace the sword with a stick what you get is baton twirling.


Wanted a picture of baton twirling but thought this was adorable.
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No offense but if you replace the sword with a stick what you get is baton twirling.


Wanted a picture of baton twirling but thought this was adorable.

Oh yes, the younger kids do start out with sticks. I guess it gets pretty easy after some time.. I still wouldn't want to do that with a sword.. :tup:
Oh yes, the younger kids do start out with sticks. I guess it gets pretty easy after some time.. I still wouldn't want to do that with a sword.. :tup:

I'm not a fan of these kinds of "martial" arts. If you're going to call it martial arts there should something war like and violent about them.
I'm not a fan of these kinds of "martial" arts. If you're going to call it martial arts there should something war like and violent about them.

Dude,I wasnt paying attention to the topic. This was about Indian martial arts. Lol I just seen swords and rolled with it. Im new, my bad.:lol:
Dude,I wasnt paying attention to the topic. This was about Indian martial arts. Lol I just seen swords and rolled with it. Im new, my bad.:lol:

Oh no, I'm not criticizing you at all. No need to be sorry. I'm just making a point about display martial arts. Thank you for the post.
I'm not a fan of these kinds of "martial" arts. If you're going to call it martial arts there should something war like and violent about them.
You'd be surprised what some things mean. For example, the twirling of the sword is supposed to hit as many enemies as possible, but it's usually above the head. However, because he was using two swords, he had to twirl them to the sides. Of course, he seemed to be doing some bounce to his steps which may be just for eye candy, but the basis is still 'war-like'.

Plus, martial arts helps with you mental concentration -- its not all physical. There is a reason why the most advanced Shoalin Monks are also devout Buddhist followers.
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