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Where is INS Vikramaditya?

Do the joke is that some posters here think the PN is on any level near the IN. When in reality, the PN is barely comparable with the Indian Coast Guard:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::laughcry::laughcry:

So shouldn't you be embarrassed that a Coast Guard service is able to localize you most advanced submarines? Not once by twice in few years.

But then we have heard similar things in past as well:

- Indian Su-30 MKI is superior to anything PAF has. One squardron of MKI will destroy whole PAF, its a mini-Awacs, missile truck and what not etc.
- Indian Mig-21 Bison is enough take care of JF-17.

What happened to these claims is for another more relevant thread.
No where did I say HUMINT beats SIGINT (please quote me where I stated this). They complement each other. Thanks for highlighting against an argument I didnt make.
Again thanks for confirming what I said that PAkistan relies on China for RORSAT vis "sharing Agreements", you clearly stated Pakistans Space assests and now are confirming we rely on China. Glad we are in agreement with what I said.

"and NO , fishing trawlers + port janitors are not used by modern navies", hers some examples of civillians caught spying for Naval Intelligence in other countries:


You'll like this one it includes a Janitor:

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=VUkEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA65&lpg=PA65&dq=janitor+caught+for+espionage&source=bl&ots=mYiNebbFsM&sig=ACfU3U32Z501I5Uu-HxfkaJw7WHCzE0lwg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGtb20pabhAhWHSxUIHZQkCDsQ6AEwEXoECA8QAQ#v=onepage&q=janitor caught for espionage&f=false

Intelligence agencies rely on all sorts of data gathering HUMINT, SIGINT, OSINT, ELINT, SATINT, IMINT and COMINT. The more sources the better, they can be cross referenced. Are you saying a low level office employee, would be off no use to ISI or a Cargo ship captain willing to work for them would be turned away. Intelligence agencies court all kinds of sources, with monetary rewards, Blackmail and coercion if necessary. They are equal opportunities employers.

Please stop straw manning the argument and arguing against positions I haven't espoused. Also as stated before don't bring my intellect into this discussion, adhominen attacks don't forward the discussion and don't make your arguments more valid.
No where did I say HUMINT beats SIGINT (please quote me where I stated this). They complement each other. Thanks for highlighting against an argument I didnt make.
Again thanks for confirming what I said that PAkistan relies on China for RORSAT vis "sharing Agreements", you clearly stated Pakistans Space assests and now are confirming we rely on China. Glad we are in agreement with what I said.

"and NO , fishing trawlers + port janitors are not used by modern navies", hers some examples of civillians caught spying for Naval Intelligence in other countries:


You'll like this one it includes a Janitor:

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=VUkEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA65&lpg=PA65&dq=janitor+caught+for+espionage&source=bl&ots=mYiNebbFsM&sig=ACfU3U32Z501I5Uu-HxfkaJw7WHCzE0lwg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGtb20pabhAhWHSxUIHZQkCDsQ6AEwEXoECA8QAQ#v=onepage&q=janitor caught for espionage&f=false

Intelligence agencies rely on all sorts of data gathering HUMINT, SIGINT, OSINT, ELINT, SATINT, IMINT and COMINT. The more sources the better, they can be cross referenced. Are you saying a low level office employee, would be off no use to ISI or a Cargo ship captain willing to work for them would be turned away. Intelligence agencies court all kinds of sources, with monetary rewards, Blackmail and coercion if necessary. They are equal opportunities employers.

Please stop straw manning the argument and arguing against positions I haven't espoused. Also as stated before don't bring my intellect into this discussion, adhominen attacks don't forward the discussion and don't make your arguments more valid.

i have no idea what your'e jabbering on here .


1. the PLAN operates a complete fleet of 'fishing vessels' aka a militia navy that 'fishes' as far as phillipines . these numerous 'fishing boats' are equipped with location tracking , armored hulls and complete radios. all they do is RAM , harass and 'chase out' the merchant shipping of other nations around the second island chain of south china sea.

however, in a open contest with US navy for eg, these militias would be of no use and PLAN regular takes over

iran does the same

2. japan operated 'kimono ships' in ww2 that traveled as far as Indian ocean. they were regular IJN gun boats disguised as trawlers/ merchant ships etc who would change appearance as convenient and ram shipping lines .

many were sunk by USN proper

low level assets are used by agencies and militaries , yet in a KINETIC operation, SIGNIT is required.


anyhow, good luck with your job application to ISI (SMI PA does train janitors and batmans , posting them on clerical duties where all they do is to forge military IDs here, or spy on lady officers there)
i have no idea what your'e jabbering on here .


1. the PLAN operates a complete fleet of 'fishing vessels' aka a militia navy that 'fishes' as far as phillipines . these numerous 'fishing boats' are equipped with location tracking , armored hulls and complete radios. all they do is RAM , harass and 'chase out' the merchant shipping of other nations around the second island chain of south china sea.

however, in a open contest with US navy for eg, these militias would be of no use and PLAN regular takes over

iran does the same

2. japan operated 'kimono ships' in ww2 that traveled as far as Indian ocean. they were regular IJN gun boats disguised as trawlers/ merchant ships etc who would change appearance as convenient and ram shipping lines .

many were sunk by USN proper

low level assets are used by agencies and militaries , yet in a KINETIC operation, SIGNIT is required.


anyhow, good luck with your job application to ISI (SMI PA does train janitors and batmans , posting them on clerical duties where all they do is to forge military IDs here, or spy on lady officers there)

Your lack of knowledge between SIGINT and SATINT is obvious as you keep mixing up both. I don't think we will further this discussion as you have made it a matter of ego, rather than facts, that's a shame as I'm sure both could have learnt something new.
OK stay classy.
Do the joke is that some posters here think the PN is on any level near the IN. When in reality, the PN is barely comparable with the Indian Coast Guard:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::laughcry::laughcry:
So what is stopping India from launching an attack from the sea, after humiliation faced at the hands of PAF....Fact is if IN has such a huge advantage over PN then Indians were foolish to launch an attack via IAF, common sense dictates that it should attack from the sea.
So what is stopping India from launching an attack from the sea, after humiliation faced at the hands of PAF....Fact is if IN has such a huge advantage over PN then Indians were foolish to launch an attack via IAF, common sense dictates that it should attack from the sea.
If we are going to attack, it would be a t a time and place of our choosing. In the meantime, we'll just keep you constantly on edge in fear of an attack. Over the past month you have lost billions due to cancelled flights from your closed airspace and decreased activity at your ports. In the meantime, India has continued to operate subs and naval vessels right next to your waters according to you guys, knowing there is nothing you can about it.
Although right now, our navy is concerned with more important things, like rescuing hundreds of people from floods in Mozambique. So unfortunately, your war fantasies will have to wait.
If we are going to attack, it would be a t a time and place of our choosing. In the meantime, we'll just keep you constantly on edge in fear of an attack. Over the past month you have lost billions due to cancelled flights from your closed airspace and decreased activity at your ports. In the meantime, India has continued to operate subs and naval vessels right next to your waters according to you guys, knowing there is nothing you can about it.
Although right now, our navy is concerned with more important things, like rescuing hundreds of people from floods in Mozambique. So unfortunately, your war fantasies will have to wait.
Be ready for another surprise then.
So shouldn't you be embarrassed that a Coast Guard service is able to localize you most advanced submarines? Not once by twice in few years.

But then we have heard similar things in past as well:

- Indian Su-30 MKI is superior to anything PAF has. One squardron of MKI will destroy whole PAF, its a mini-Awacs, missile truck and what not etc.
- Indian Mig-21 Bison is enough take care of JF-17.

What happened to these claims is for another more relevant thread.

Simple answer, superior electronic warfare system ...
INS Vikramaditya was on fire a few days ago, no need to be concerned right now since the repair should take some time.
Vicky is back in action. It is currently taking part in Indo-French excercise Varuna along with French AC Charles de Gaulle in southern Arabian Sea.
Vicky is back in action. It is currently taking part in Indo-French excercise Varuna along with French AC Charles de Gaulle in southern Arabian Sea.

Only thing that Vicky is at action at is playing with a dicky lolz.
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How many supersonic CM-400 AKG missiles would be enough to sink vikramaditya?
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