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Close Associate of Anti Pakistan Asadullah Khalid and Late Gen Raziq Eliminated in Kabul

They are animals

That is what I read about Pakistani rape gangs in Britain. Do you think all the British Pakistanis are the same ? You are a British Pakistani are you equally guilty ? Don't generalize as there are good and bad people in every society. They are Muslim brothers and we need to have peace in our Western borders.

If u become a puppet of hindus against your muslim brother u deserve this

Indians just choose the groups and countries whose enemies Pakistan chooses to support. Northern Alliance and now other Afghan groups did not had any love for India they just followed the old proverb 'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.
That is what I read about Pakistani rape gangs in Britain. Don't generalize good and people are in every society. They are Muslim brothers and we need to have peace in our Western borders

They refused to recognise Pakistan in 1947

They tried to attack us in the 1960s whilst we were engaged with india

If you fail to identify your enemy then you will suffer

The afghans are our enemies and we should seek to hurt them, support only those who support us and look to harm the rest

They seek to destroy and occupy Pakistan so we should seek to engulf them in misery
100 Special force operators with air power and lots of Afghan allies
Taliban had 20,000 non-Pakistani foreign fighters and tens of thousands of pakistanis
Provide me with proof of your claims, or else I will assume you pulled it out of your ***. Which is already very big, after being **** so hard.
There are no permanent enemies or friends only interests. We share more with religion and culture with Afghanistan than with India or China.

Sure we do

That dosent mean we cant be enemies

They have tried to screw us
They refused to recognise us when our state was established
They tried to attack us whilst we were waging war with hindus

They are animals and we need to harm our enemy
Hurt our foe

If they wish us ill then we need to strike

Build a border and keep the scum on the other side anyone who loves them can go live with them
Another misconception among many people in Pakistan. I have met many Pakhtun Afghans in Canada and USA and they all blame Pakistan. Your narrative seems to be based on false assumptions.

What any Afghan thinks is of no importance to us, they are nothing but thankless parasites. If its upto me I would send every single Afghan back to their country.

Pakistan Pakhtun are not interested in joining with Afghan Pakhtuns. When will many people in Pakistan especially military will understand that reality. This whole narrative is based on false assumptions.

War is easy peace is hard. You do not have the guts to declare peace my friend. People making threats are the first ones to run away from the battlefield.

And here I am gonna make a bet that you are not a Pakistani, instead someone pretending to be as one.
Your follow up comments are meaningless.
And here I am gonna make a bet that you are not a Pakistani, instead someone pretending to be as one

Yes all Pakistanis are the same model and we all wear same the clothes, attend same the school, we all are at the same age, we eat same food, like the same color, we vote for the same political party, we think the same .... Oh My God we all are Clones !!!!
The problem is : as they get peace, they try take away our peace. Whenever they are stable, they begin to talk about taking half of Pakistan.
So my dear friend, we will never facilitate Afghan peace process, till we are given in written that, they will not talk about any inch of Pakistan, ever again. But yes, if they provide such assurance, we can help Afghan govt. And our help will be of great value.
Bruh do you even think that they can take an inch even after they are stabilized? Why do we need assurances when we have a formidable force to stand with..... lol
Bruh do you even think that they can take an inch even after they are stabilized? Why do we need assurances when we have a formidable force to stand with..... lol
I have seen Formidable forces disappearing within no time in many countries. The intellectual force just above these forces, in Pakistan, understands that matter very well.
International forces are ready to jump on Pakistan any moment, for xyz reasons. And we will not let that happen, whatsoever
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