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Close Associate of Anti Pakistan Asadullah Khalid and Late Gen Raziq Eliminated in Kabul

The problem is : as they get peace, they try take away our peace. Whenever they are stable, they begin to talk about taking half of Pakistan

Pakistan Pakhtun are not interested in joining with Afghan Pakhtuns. When will many people in Pakistan especially military will understand that reality. This whole narrative is based on false assumptions.

Your neighborly country prolly gonna meet the same fate if they ever dared cross the Pakistani red line. These scums been giving refuge to every other trouble maker on the planet and then have the guts to blame Pakistan for their screwups

War is easy peace is hard. You do not have the guts to declare peace my friend. People making threats are the first ones to run away from the battlefield.
Pakistan Pakhtun are not interested in joining with Afghan Pakhtuns. When will many people in Pakistan especially military will understand that reality. This whole narrative is based on false assumptions.

War is easy peace is hard. You do not have the guts to declare peace my friend. People making threats are the first ones to run away from the battlefield.

As described earlier by @fitpOsitive any future legit Afghan govt must give us a sovereign guarantee of not meddling in our affairs - - - - -
Pakistan Pakhtun are not interested in joining with Afghan Pakhtuns. When will many people in Pakistan especially military will understand that reality. This whole narrative is based on false assumptions.

I didn't talk about intentions of Pakistani Pakhtoon. I was talking about Afghans. It's their intention.
As described earlier by @fitpOsitive any future legit Afghan govt must give us a sovereign guarantee of not meddling in our affairs - - - - -

Afghanistan will not be in any condition to interfere in the internal affairs of any country for decades. The whole country is laid waste and needs decades of investment and development. Why are you are so insecure that you think Afghanistan is a threat ? More than 66% of all the Pakhtuns live in Pakistan and it is Muslim heartland of Pakistan. I think you are still stuck in the 1947 when Afghanistan falsely believed that Britain will return Pakhtun territories that the British have conquered in the Afghan-British wars and so they opposed Pakistan entry in UN. Let me tell you it is 2019 now and the whole ground reality has changed in last 72 years.

I didn't talk about intentions of Pakistani Pakhtoon. I was talking about Afghans. It's their intention.

They just use it for annoyance and rattle the insecurities of some people in Pakistan.
As Pakistanis we must also accept the blame of interfering in Afghan affairs and supporting our puppets instead of coalition government in 1992. In hindsight, Ahmad Shah Massoud would have been a better leader of Afghanistan and nearly 4 million Afghan lives would not have been lost duet to civil wars, US invasion and occupation. On April 24, 1992, the leaders in Peshawar agreed on and signed the Peshawar Accord, establishing the post-communist Islamic State of Afghanistan – which was a stillborn 'state' with a paralyzed 'government' right from its inception, until its final succumbing in September 1996. Under the 1992 Peshawar Accord, the Defense Ministry was given to Massoud while the Prime Ministership was given to Hekmatyar. Hekmatyar refused to sign. With the exception of Hekmatyar's Hezb-e Islami, all of the other Peshawar resistance parties were unified under this peace and power-sharing accord in April 1992. Although repeatedly offered the position of prime minister, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar refused to recognize the peace and power-sharing agreement. His Hezb-e Islami militia initiated a massive bombardment campaign against the Islamic State and the capital city Kabul. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar received operational, financial and military support from neighboring Pakistan. Then we found another puppet Talibans and started another bloodbath in Afghanistan.
We tried our best to give them a stable government after the Soviets, it was their choice to **** everything up.

Another misconception among many people in Pakistan. I have met many Pakhtun Afghans in Canada and USA and they all blame Pakistan. Your narrative seems to be based on false assumptions.
That's cause they are namak haram, my father showed the Afghan farsiwan his place when he talked shit.

Afghanistan will not be in any condition to interfere in the internal affairs of any country for decades. The whole country is laid waste and needs decades of investment and development. Why are you are so insecure that you think Afghanistan is a threat ? More than 66% of all the Pakhtuns live in Pakistan and it is Muslim heartland of Pakistan. I think you are still stuck in the 1947 when Afghanistan falsely believed that Britain will return Pakhtun territories that the British have conquered in the Afghan-British wars and so they opposed Pakistan entry in UN. Let me tell you it is 2019 now and the whole ground reality has changed in last 72 years.

They just use it for annoyance and rattle the insecurities of some people in Pakistan.
Boi, I dont know what stuff you are smoking but, it's pretty strong.
Precisely the right platform for this kinda talk is the news rooms of pakistan advocating how pak must behave and not hurt the feelings of others

Yes that is what our media preaches, they always want pakistan to pamper the feelings of indians, iranians and afghanistanis, this really needs to stop, pakistan has no business to do babysitting of indians, iranians and afghanistanis so that their feelings are not hurt.
They just use it for annoyance and rattle the insecurities of some people in Pakistan.
The problem is, if we ignore their innocence, some guys who are very friendly towards Pakistan and are we strong in UN, will not ignore it. If you study the behaviour of Afghan govt in pre-1979 era, you can easily understand my view point.
As described earlier by @fitpOsitive any future legit Afghan govt must give us a sovereign guarantee of not meddling in our affairs - - - - -
Honestly it needs annexation, we want our ancestral lands back. As the majority of the population lives in Pakistan, we demand them to be merged into Pakistan. This isnt just my demand but the demand of hundreds of Pakhtoons
We tried our best to give them a stable government after the Soviets, it was their choice to **** everything up. That's cause they are namak haram, my father showed the Afghan farsiwan his place when he talked shit.

The best we could have done is not support any side especially barbaric Talibans. People usually associate with people with shared status and Pakistan Army supporting barbaric Talibans demeans the Pakistan army itself. Pakistani Militrary personnel send their daughters to the universities and many have even gone to Europe and Americas to attend universities. But the same generals support barbaric Talibans that destroy schools that educate girls in Afghanistan. Talibans wants to impose Islamic law yet they ignore the Hadith of our Prophet Muhammad “Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China” .
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Pakistan Pakhtun are not interested in joining with Afghan Pakhtuns. When will many people in Pakistan especially military will understand that reality. This whole narrative is based on false assumptions.

War is easy peace is hard. You do not have the guts to declare peace my friend. People making threats are the first ones to run away from the battlefield.
You seem to be saying nonsense, just for the sake of creating misunderstandings. No one in the Pakistan establishment is stupid enough to assume that the Pakhtoons of Pakistan want to join the Afghans. On the contrary we establish a rightful claim on the lands that the farsiwan are occupying.
Afghan must blame themselves and we Pakistanis should blame our part in the destruction and deaths in a neighborly Muslim country.

Nonsense. Everybody has the right to self-defence. Afghanistan as has been pointed out earlier in this thread sealed its fate in 1947, when it decided without any provocation to become hostile to a much stronger neighbor. For decades Pakistan tolerated abuse from the western border but thankfully that era has come to an end.
The best we could have done id not support any side especially barbaric Talibans. Pakistani militrary staff send their daughter to universities and many study abroad. But the same generals support Talibans that destroy schools that educate girls. These people who wants to impose Islamic law ignore the Hadith of our Prophet Muhammad “Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China” .
What nonsense are u talking abt? Are you high at the moment?

Nonsense. Everybody has the right to self-defence. Afghanistan as has been pointed out earlier in this thread sealed its fate in 1947, when it decided without any provocation to become hostile to a much stronger neighbor. For decades Pakistan tolerated abuse from the western border but thankfully that era has come to an end.
When we declared war on the British these farsiwan closed their borders and so our families could not seek refuge there. The men were busy fighting the Brits, but even after that, we forgave them. Then they backstabbed us repeatedly and enough is enough. The hate for them has reaches a boiling point.
What nonsense are u talking abt? Are you high at the moment?
No I am very rational may have gone on a tangent. Why do you bring in Tajiks in this conversation ? The "Farsiwans" that I met in Canada are more educated and rational than Afghan pakhtuns.
No I am very rational may have gone on a tangent. Why do you bring in Tajiks in this conversation ? The "Farsiwans" that I met in Canada are more educated and rational than Afghan pakhtuns.
There are no pakhtoons left in Afghanistan. Just because they speak pakhto does not make you a pakhtoon. That land is filled with farsiwan. A tajik is a tajik, not a farsiwan.
There are no pakhtoons left in Afghanistan. Just because they speak pakhto does not make you a pakhtoon. That land is filled with farsiwan. A tajik is a tajik, not a farsiwan.

Now you seems to high on something. Afghanistan has majority Pakhtun population. Afghan Tajiks are more educated and have professional jobs in Canada compared to Afghan Pakhtuns. They all our brothers and we need to make honorable peace with Afghanistan. Hopefully Imran Khan with majority government in KPK and senior Pakhtun ministers will be in better position for brotherly relations with our Muslim neighbor.
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