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Not aware of any audit of F-16s in Pakistan, says Pentagon Read more at: http://timesofindia.india

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Seriously? Post any independent media. Or check out the latest asia times article. Writer is ex hindustan time writer

US media is siding with Pakistani narrative. Indian media came up with stories to counter US media. But we have not seen any US media corroborated with Indian media. That is where we are at.

Of course Indians here side with their own media. But no one in US is siding with this article.
Seriously? Post any independent media. Or check out the latest asia times article. Writer is ex hindustan time writer

This s latest. Pentagon does not know if there was indeed F16 inventory taken

‘Not aware’: Pentagon on Pak F-16 count after Feb aerial dogfight with IAF
The US government’s position appears to be in line with India, which in the backdrop of the attack, has reaffirmed its account of the downing of the Pakistani F-16, citing “electronic signature” as evidence.


PAF is smart. They used Jordan F16 for Balakot operation.

PAF acquires F-16s from Jordan

This s latest. Pentagon does not know if there was indeed F16 inventory taken

‘Not aware’: Pentagon on Pak F-16 count after Feb aerial dogfight with IAF
The US government’s position appears to be in line with India, which in the backdrop of the attack, has reaffirmed its account of the downing of the Pakistani F-16, citing “electronic signature” as evidence.


PAF is smart. They used Jordan F16 for Balakot operation.

PAF acquires F-16s from Jordan

Same Indian media, got some shame and same lies again and again @IndoCarib
Stop pulling BS from your own stupid miserable media sources .. Toi or hindustantimes are pieces of garbage...

Sharam nai ati jhoot bol bol k jahil logon...
Stop pulling BS from your own stupid miserable media sources .. Toi or hindustantimes are pieces of garbage...

Sharam nai ati jhoot bol bol k jahil logon...

You will wake up to the same news on international media tomorrow morning.
This s latest. Pentagon does not know if there was indeed F16 inventory taken

‘Not aware’: Pentagon on Pak F-16 count after Feb aerial dogfight with IAF
The US government’s position appears to be in line with India, which in the backdrop of the attack, has reaffirmed its account of the downing of the Pakistani F-16, citing “electronic signature” as evidence.


PAF is smart. They used Jordan F16 for Balakot operation.

PAF acquires F-16s from Jordan

Funny how a "pentagon official" who spoke to hindustan times or times of india ALSO doesn't have a name.

how typical indian of you to post a video link with the picture of a pentagon official in press conference and title saying "pentagon not aware of any investigation..." in an pathetic and crooked attempt to fool the viewer into thinking that the video is actually of a pentagon official is actually stating your wishful thinking when in reality, the video doesn't show any pentagon official speaking at all...:rolleyes:

are you reall so naive that you think no one would watch the video and would just take your word for it at face value? :disagree:

once again, an indian caught with his dhotti around his neck! :enjoy::lol:
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"Appears to be"
"Unaware of"
"Hence proven"
And every day there is a new story. From AMRAAM case till electronic signature, how much self respect Indians have to loose.

You will wake up to the same news on international media tomorrow morning.

Ok, ab so ja.
When iaf is going to crash an su 30 to make the count more logical :d
"Appears to be"
"Unaware of"
"Hence proven"
And every day there is a new story. From AMRAAM case till electronic signature, how much self respect Indians have to loose.

Ok, ab so ja.
When iaf is going to crash an su 30 to make the count more logical :d
indians need to have self respect to loose it in the first place. no such thing as the self respect chromosome in the indian dna! :lol:
Take this,write with marker ""F 16 "" on it,throw from roof and shout"""F 16 gir giya ,f 16 gir giyaa """at least that time it got some truth in indian statement
f 16 b.jpg
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