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What Electronic Defenses can be procured by the PN to protect its ships


Its more than a 50/50 chance that the Indians will go for the F-21 as its is a French Torpedo. The alternative is a German system. India likes big package deals, so they will probably procure all things for their French Scorpene submarines from France, if only due to ease of maintenance and one supplier to blame when things go sour.

1-No, ZOKA for subs,

2- i think we dont have something like nulka.
Any plans to make something like the Nulka?
read again
To-shay, you are right. Fitted for the Black Shark torpedos, but considering the F-21 torpedos for other submarine projects. (if I under the article correctly)

We can train against the F-21 with Malaysia's consent (the Prime Minister may need to ask Dr. Mahatir Mohamad to help in this regard ask well). Aselsan may need to acquire the Black Sharks or at least their data to test against it. Turkey will have to take the lead to develop custom countermeasures based on specific threats to the PN ships.
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