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Dear Chinese and Turkish members

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Should we not open and talk about the conditions of Muslim Turks of East Turkestan because the other side cannot defend their actions, instead go for retaliation to cover them?

Does it sound logical and fair to you?
Brother, no one on this forum can promise me any thread allowed for either of you (Chinese and Turks alike) wouldnt end up as a troll feast or as a means to insult the other...So, for now this is the way to go!

I would understand, ME and Far East section....but i'm talking about Turkish section.... If Chinese doesn't want to see us talking about Uyghurs they can stay in their section....

Okay, looks like it's not up for debate. Let's see how Turks are going to react. :)
Sorry bro...this was long due! you guys have been at each other's throats for months now!
Brother, no one on this forum can promise me any thread allowed for either of you (Chinese and Turks alike) wouldnt end up as a troll feast or as a means to insult the other...So, for now this is the way to go!

Sorry bro...this was long due! you guys have been at each other's throats for months now!

Honestly You cannot expect us Turks sit back and watch de-Islamization and Identification of Muslim Turks in East Turkestan, and say nothing. Would you stay silent and inaction for any family member of yours in de-islamization and identification camps?

It is against the nature of any living beings to watch such things to her family. Please do not want such thing from us.
For a number of weeks as punishment we are closing ANY thread that can even remotely be used as a platform for trolling between China and Turkey....But I will view the thread and ask the mod who closed it to decide. I wont undo it...

@waz @The Eagle

No because we dont have a free mod who goes around chasing either the Chinese nor the Turks around the forum and cleaning up threads after threads... like pooped diapers on a baby!

We have Cabatlı, to take care of Turkish section, we don't need your mods in the first place.

guilt is personal and overall punishment or censorship seems not the correct path to follow and clearly such a censorchip will mainly effect the Turkish section as @Sinan stated @cabatli_53 is more than capable to taking care of the business in Turkish section we kindly request you to re consider your decisions since simply your are telling us that no thread on Uyghur Turks will be allowed and you know it is unfair.
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Sorry bro...this was long due! you guys have been at each other's throats for months now!
Fine by me, you can even shut the Turkish section after this... What makes a forum is the content providers, i will just stop posting, until there are no restrictions on Turkish Users of PDF.

I request the same thing from my every countrymen, just stop posting.
Honestly You cannot expect us Turks sit back and watch de-Islamization and Identification of Muslim Turks in East Turkestan, and say nothing. Would you stay silent and inaction for any family member of yours in de-islamization and identification camps?
I wouldnt, but I wouldnt just take it to naming and shaming a whole nation for the doings of a few...

In addition to that, I would find a way to help not by sitting in front of a keyboard but by practical means...So if you are truly hurt, I wish you would be out there to do something not just by insulting whole nations!

Can you just honestly answer me this:
Does insulting Chinese over the internet help your Muslim Turk brothers in East Turkestan?
Fine by me, you can even shut the Turkish section after this... What makes a forum is the content providers, i will just stop posting, until there are no restrictions on Turkish Users of PDF.

I request the same thing from my every countrymen, just stop posting.

The reasonable solution must be found in any way, but in a civilized talk.
shut the Turkish section
We have no intentions of doing so! It would never happen no matter what anyone says!

no restrictions on Turkish Users of PDF.
You should know that is not how the real world works...Everything has consequences! No restrictions is a far cry considering there are even restrictions on Moderators on being biased!

You can not expect not to have consequences of your actions! If you ask of Pakistanis to be your brothers than we also ask you to be our brother and not cause war due to ego...Because can you honestly tell me just this much:

How much good is your foul language over the internet helping your Turk brothers in East Turkestan? How much of your fights with Chinese members on PDF helping your brothers?

If any of you can answer me this much:

How your bad mouthing Chinese members, their culture, govt, people helps your Turk brothers, we will reconsider this ban!
I wouldnt, but I wouldnt just take it to naming and shaming a whole nation for the doings of a few...

In addition to that, I would find a way to help not by sitting in front of a keyboard but by practical means...So if you are truly hurt, I wish you would be out there to do something not just by insulting whole nations!

Can you just honestly answer me this:
Does insulting Chinese over the internet help your Muslim Turk brothers in East Turkestan?

If not heard of the rest of the world, then the agressor goes more violant as seen in the past.

So, I do every thing for them; that includes airing their conditions in an international forum for solidarity with the rest of the world as human beings and/or Muslims.

The point of the forum is to interchange the conditions of others in related sections so members of different countries can keep it up with the rest of the world, like social media.

So, Why does it bother you that we use the forum in its creation purpose?
The reasonable solution must be found in any way, but in a civilized talk.

- We wanted a single thread that we could speak Turkish, they didn't accept and we fought for it.
- We wanted a Turkish mod after Deno, they didn't accept and we fought for it.
- We wanted that Safriz troll to be stopped, to not be allowed to post in the Turkish thread, they didn't accept and we for it.

But this something else, they are telling you what you can talk or not like they are telling to their dog. How humiliating this is for Turks ?

Do what you gonna do, i'm not posting after this one.
How your bad mouthing Chinese members, their culture, govt, people helps your Turk brothers, we will reconsider this ban!

We are talking about the Muslim Turks of East Turkestan; and you cannot hold us responsible for the Chinese policies!

How could that be logical to hold us responbile for Chinese actions when we only talk about them?
If someone opens a thread in ME section that has nothing to do with the ME section, BUT trolling and triggering Turkish members so don't be surprised if the Turkish members strike back.

Are there any Turks who used "ETIM" flags as Avatar pics? NO!
Are there any Turks who played down "ETIM" terrorists? NO!
But your Chinese friends did all of it with PKK.

They can post their "the life in "Xinjiang" is beautiful bs or whatever" in the Chinese section where it belongs, we don't need their brainwashed Fairytail propaganda, that is only for the purpose to provoking us.

Have a nice day.
it is unfair.
It is also unfair that this forum be used like a war chimney for firing and fueling hatred against each other!

Can you tell me how spreading hatred, calling foul words to Chinese members is going to help your Turkish Brothers in East Turkestan?

Are there any Turks who used "ETIM" flags as Avatar pics? NO!
Are there any Turks who played down "ETIM" terrorists? NO!
But your Chinese friends did all of it with PKK.
Yes that is why there is a ban on them too! We know it takes 2 to tango! :)

They can post their "the life in "Xinjiang" is beautiful bs or whatever" in the Chinese section where it belongs, we don't need their brainwashed Fairytail propaganda, that is only for the purpose to provoking us.
Such threads will be closed from now on...Anything on XINJIANG will be closed for the next few weeks to months until BOTH of you learn to behave!
It is also unfair that this forum be used like a war chimney for firing and fueling hatred against each other!

Can you tell me how spreading hatred, calling foul words to Chinese members is going to help your Turkish Brothers in East Turkestan?

You do not listen to our answers to your questions, please calm down and read them again.
You do not listen to our answers to your questions, please calm down and read them again.
Oh I am calm and I am reading everything that is posted here!

Do you know over the past few weeks the most number of threads closed were those opened by Chinese and Turkish members!

The most number of reports was from Chinese members - members reporting Turkish members who replied them with bad words AFTER Chinese members provoked them! Yes we see everything that is why the most hurt are actually the Pakistani moderators!
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