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Rajputs, Jats and Gujjars

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If you can't have a civilised discussion then don't comment at all.

Read my first post again, there's more to it than that. And I was just pondering the subject, stop getting upset over it.

That's not the main argument. The main argument is that we unnecessarily attach ourselves to these identities when they don't denote a common ancestry. Janjuas and Chauhans have different origins, yet they're both Rajputs. This is one example.

Of course, you accuse me of being a fake Pakistani with multiple IDs.

Buzz off.
Answer me one question what is your lineage and cast then we can proceed to have a discussion
From what background? Will be interesting to know ...in our case we update it after marriage : like from which village the bride is from,her clan,her parents etc..after birth - like what is the name of new member, birthplace etc..after death : that this member has died and died at this place..other than that we also update where we are currently living as I updated my residence as a urban city while my father and last 3 generation residence is in my village and before that another big village which is a tehsil now..I have records of last 11 generation with all their names,whom they married or married off to..where they migrated and that..and before that the subdivision in clan decided our history as a division in clan is named after one person whom we all are decended from.
Oral or written record is kept of all Males from whom one is descendant,along with record of major migration.I have seen peoples having record upto 40 Generations with almost half of names which would sound quite odd.
Only Males are recorded.
To all our Punjab-hating, (self claimed) Pakistani posters (OP included): please stop posting such useless and stupid threads and comments (using multiple ids) ... We should give up identifying ourselves with our tribes and castes to distance ourselves from the Indians? ... Okay, but then the Pashtuns should also stop identifying themselves with their tribes and clans to distance themselves from the Afghanis ... And the Baloch should also do the same to distance themselves from Iranians... Only a class A idiot could have come up with such an idea ... !!
We did lmao

Come spend some time in Lahore, dine well and see the famous sites. Talk to the people in the street. You will learn so much about these clans, and this goes probably all over Pakistan.

Rajasthanis were in the process of Islamization under Mughals and even afterwards, hence they share a lot of similarities with Pakistanis culturally.

It was Ghandi’s ghar wapsi which eventually brought them back to Hinduism. Even now, BJP, RSS, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal are concentrating heavily on Rajastan to make it a breeding ground for Hindu extremism.
Will do
From what background? Will be interesting to know ...in our case we update it after marriage : like from which village the bride is from,her clan,her parents etc..after birth - like what is the name of new member, birthplace etc..after death : that this member has died and died at this place..other than that we also update where we are currently living as I updated my residence as a urban city while my father and last 3 generation residence is in my village and before that another big village which is a tehsil now..I have records of last 11 generation with all their names,whom they married or married off to..where they migrated and that..and before that the subdivision in clan decided our history as a division in clan is named after one person whom we all are decended from.
Funny thing about this lie is that only indian Hindu Rajputs follow gotra marriage tradition which is solely based on lineage and clan. It's only the Hindu Rajputs whose 300-400 years old lineage can be easily found as we preserve it in Haridwar and update it after death or birth of any member. What's more funny is that the Rajputs of Rajputana don't even consider Pakistani Rajputs as Rajputs.
It,s we the only Muslim rajput whose more than 600 years old lineage is available.A lot of detail is available in Distt gazetteer of India published in 1864.A detailed family tree is available which goes up to Beer Bikarama jeet and Ram Chander jee.etc
There was no cousin and outside gotra marriage before 1947.Till today very few people whom I know married outside the gotra.
Threads like these make it clear to me that I shouldn't raise my kids abroad.

God damn you guys are confused and have a severe identity crisis. I guess not being able to integrate into the wider society in which you were raised takes its toll on your mind.

Please don't force those insecurities on Pakistanis comfortable in their heritage and their skin.
Most pure castes are found in Muslim society .In west no one knows who is his true father and most of children are born due to extramarital relationship
Pakistani jets rajputs are only in name. After they were conquered by mughals or decided to convert for patronage during Mughal period they inter married with Muslims from the west and hence cannot be claiming themselves to be pure blood. This is fine because there is no need to explicitly break their connections with India. They just need to stop calling themselves these because they aren't really from these clans/ castes
So I really don't see a point to us using such titles.
What's your cast?
Why would someone hide or stop using his cast, are you ashamed of it?

What's more funny is that the Rajputs of Rajputana don't even consider Pakistani Rajputs as Rajputs.
Who cares.
Btw that's because we made alliance with the mughals and accepted Islam which was not acceptable to you hindu rajputs, and starts to disown the muslims rajputs and lived in denial.

Lol who told you that rajputs are fair skinned?
We were warriors dhoop ma larh larh k nasslen ke nasslen jallen parhen hn :lol:
akistani jets rajputs are only in name. After they were conquered by mughals or decided to convert for patronage during Mughal period they inter married with Muslims from the west and hence cannot be claiming themselves to be pure blood. This is fine because there is no need to explicitly break their connections with India. They just need to stop calling themselves these because they aren't really from these clans/ castes

Says darkies who claim Irani blood. Give us a break. Accept your Southern heritage.

Lol who told you that rajputs are fair skinned?
We were warriors dhoop ma larh larh k nasslen ke nasslen jallen parhen hn :lol:

It is an incidental trait of many Rajput clans and does not mean we are superior. We also tend to have curly hair in more abundance than other Punjabis, along with green eyes and brown hair. Mostly however we are known for our height and muscular build.

However even dark-skinned Pakistanis look very different compared to Indians, as we generally all have long noses, longer face, and tend to be more muscular, tall build.

We are totally different civilizations, racially and culturally.
Lol @ this thread. There might be some Rajputs in the Sindh-Rajasthan border areas in Pakistan. But that's about it. Ridiculous how Pakistanis can claim to be Rajputs otherwise though.
Who cares.
Btw that's because we made alliance with the mughals and accepted Islam which was not acceptable to you hindu rajputs, and starts to disown the muslims rajputs and lived in denial.

Actually it's the other way around..its the Rajasthani Rajputs who had much stronger alliance than any so-called muslim Rajputs .Most of the the time the Mughal army was led by an Rajasthani general even against Maharana Pratap ,Shivaji ,Afghan rebelllre and much more. When the Assamese faced Mughal army they dresses their Frontline soldiers as pandits as they knew it is considered a sin in Hindu Rajputs to kill a priest and they gain initial momentum and eventually won the ahom - Mughal wars.The Rajputs resistance to "islamic rule" is usually used by hindutva or Islamic right wingers who see everything from the eyes of religion. Most Rajputs Kings back then only concern was how to expand their kingdom,not religion.
It,s we the only Muslim rajput whose more than 600 years old lineage is available.A lot of detail is available in Distt gazetteer of India published in 1864.A detailed family tree is available which goes up to Beer Bikarama jeet and Ram Chander jee.etc
There was no cousin and outside gotra marriage before 1947.Till today very few people whom I know married outside the gotra.
You know one has to marry outside gotra in gotra marriage tradition? As a matter of fact you marry outside 3 gotra -- your own,your mother's and your grandmother's.This is done to avoid intermixing which leads to many diseases in offspringsas we can we in cousin marriage cases.
Oral or written record is kept of all Males from whom one is descendant,along with record of major migration.I have seen peoples having record upto 40 Generations with almost half of names which would sound quite odd.
Only Males are recorded.
Nice but you didn't told me your background. Baloch?
I've seen with my own two eyes Rajputs from Rajasthan embrace Pakistani ones as kin. Here in the UK we have many such events where Rajputs (Indian) gather and will invite along Pakistani Rajput friends.


Although I will agree there are some who don't see how you can be Rajput and not a follower of Sanatana Dharma, but I have found them in the minority. The other views are as follows;
-It's a bloodline and so therefore even non-Hindus ones are kin.
-They don't really care.
Not just they but even most modern Rajputs don't care but I had to tell that guy truth for whom Pakistani Rajputs are "the bravest,tallest,fairest etc etc Rajputs" .little do he realize Rajputs are known to have wheatish complexion, not fair.i don't care either even I treat daroga people as Rajputs .

Lol @ this thread. There might be some Rajputs in the Sindh-Rajasthan border areas in Pakistan. But that's about it. Ridiculous how Pakistanis can claim to be Rajputs otherwise though.
If it comes to real Rajputs, the rural conservative Rajputs of Rajasthan don't even consider half of indian Rajputs as Rajputs. They just laugh when they hear term like "Pakistani Rajputs".
Then you have no place in this thread as this thread by brother @Taimur Khurram is only concerned with Rajput, Jat, Gujjar identity in Pakistan.

See you later.
You are the first person who wrote " indian Hindu Rajputs" in this thread. Ban me all you want , but as I said you van get away with saying stuff like that only on PDF and Pakistan. Not a single Pakistani Rajput can prove your statement of being the real ,superior Rajputs.
You are the first person who wrote " indian Hindu Rajputs" in this thread. Ban me all you want , but as I said you van get away with saying stuff like that only on PDF and Pakistan. Not a single Pakistani Rajput can prove your statement of being the real ,superior Rajputs.

The point of this thread is to discuss tribal, clan identity among Pakistanis. Brother Taimoor has done a great job and I believe that its good for Pakistanis to discuss these topics among ourselves openly to have a more consolidated identity based on our heritage as sons/daughters of the IVC and Irani tribes which settled Pakistan.

You are not a part of this discussion.

I gain nothing from proving anything to you. Stop trolling here.
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