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India frustrated and left isolated in Afghanistan endgame with Pakistan on driving seat:

If that's whats been happening with 14000 troops this year, why would it work with 2000 troops and 6000 mercenaries, and turboprop planes over the A-10 and F-16s?
I believe the goals are different. US administration perhaps knew long back that it has lost the war in Afghanistan. Russia certainly knows that it is futile to fight a ground war in Afghanistan -- experience from the past. The ongoing and coming war perhaps -- and ofcourse I am just an amateur here -- is not about a political victory or military victory. Its perhaps about gaining enough foothold to exploit and extract resources. That what I currently believe. I don't know the entire game plan of likes of Erik. But their history suggests that they are evil and brutal.
India frustrated and left isolated in Afghanistan endgame with Pakistan on driving seat: Report
25 Dec, 2018


KABUL - India is reportedly frustrated and felt left out from the Afghanistan endgame.

In order to pacify Indian concerns, America’s special envoy for reconciliation in Afghanistan link will update Indian officials on talks with the Taliban link and the future of Delhi-Washington partnership.

After a swing trough tenregion, including Abu Dhabi, Pakistan link and Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad would visit India in early January, Indian media reported on Monday.

India has not been satisfied with US efforts for holding reconciliation meetings with the Taliban without consultations with New Delhi, the Economic Times said in a report that.

Khalilzad visited the region twice in the recent months for negotiations with the Taliban, but he avoided going to New Delhi both times. This time around, the envoy will attend India’s foreign policy dialogue, scheduled for January 8-10.

Last week, after a brief stay in Islamabad, Khalilzad flew to Kabul to brief senior Afghan leaders, including President Ashraf Ghani, on his meetings with Taliban in Abu Dhabi.
Total fake title by Times of Islamabad as usual who can't do anthing other than plagriasm and morohing titles.

Here's the original article copied by Times of Islamabad:

#fakeNews lord modi rules afghanistan from dehli not jusr afghanistan he rules moon as well as mars! indians are everywhere!

jay modi g ki!
You people are misreading what is happening in Afghanistan. US is pulling its regular forces and bringing in defence contractors. Its going to get much dirtier. Basically these contractors are goons for hire. Those who can pay them can make them do things one cann't even imagine. And they are well trained and equipped to boot.

Well atleast you can go in and bomb the contractors without hesitation if shit gets rough...
Ofcourse India will do its worst against Pakistan, they are you mortal enemies. What did you expect?

That region, Afghanistan is playground for many countries. China has its own agenda but that does not involve controlling Afghanistan right now. Besides they have Pakistan to do all that work for them.

I want to understand one thing. How does this schizophrenic thinking work with people here?

Can someone please explain me this?

We have a perfectly decent and thinking person here who was talking about Afghanistan and all of a sudden he jumped into India and Kashmir meanwhile skipping Pakistan in between. How does that work? How does Afghanistan causes militarization of Kashmir or Indian atrocities in Kashmir? And how do you people manage to take such massive leaps in thoughts?

Same as above this is another hallmark of this forum. Out of nowhere a person will stop being a rational one and will start yapping insults or start accusing you of being some kind of traitor or some kind of turncoat or something similar. How do you guys manage it? This is third time I have experienced it myself and I see this happening all too commonly here. You guys are more interested in slinging mud than actually discussing anything.

And pray tell how come you are able to come up with World War 3 and somehow workout "LoC" and leave it hanging like a poorly written novel?
We are also trying to understand why your thinking is tilt more towards cow ding, and asking dumb question pretended have no idea what is cooking in South Asia.Indian Lobby always Having successfully isolated the Kashmir issue and treating Afghanistan as stand-alone problem this is excatly what you are trying in your words here and leaving a smell of cow ding. What has somehow been lost in this discussion is the central role of Kashmir. When Obama was still on the campaign trail, he frequently called for a comprehensive regional solution linking Kashmir to problems on the AfPak border. But once in office, things changed. When Richard Holbrooke was appointed special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, it was notable that his brief did not include India or Kashmir. The reason for the change of heart, it turned out, was that India had intensively lobbied Washington to leave Kashmir off Holbrooke's agenda, incensed at the idea of outside interference. India's wishes have been realised: not once did the word "Kashmir" appear in Obama's Afghan strategy speech at the start of December. We as a Pakistani have knowledge that Kashmir remains priority number one for US and the main reason for its reluctance to commit fully support to the US effort in Afghanistan.We learn from west nothing is free so in exchange for participation in a stable political arrangement in Afghanistan, Pakistan has right can extract from the United States a promise to pressure India to negotiate over Kashmir issue which may increase tensions between India and Pakistan over the disputed Kashmir region could flare once US-led foreign troops leave Afghanistan next year. As fears from India grow and he @@@@ in his pants , you can smell right ?the country has decided to deploy 700,000 troops to the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) in a desperate effort to stem worries. We already see Ghandi lost his arms in 2019 The Economist front cover , don't ask a dumb question from us why Ghandi lost his arms , better ask from your western master who want to play new Great Game in South Asia.
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Another B!tch slap to self proclaimed bhooki nangi supa powa!!
Indians tend to forget USA didn't came to afg for india yes India did use USA occupation of afg as golden opportunity to use afg as proxy base of terror against pak
But afg war has proven very costly for USA and they r looking for way out which only Pakistan can provide
So unless indian r ready to commit trillions of $ and lakhs of troops to afg as USA did for 17 years and still failed they should just shut up :)
If India has to beg to get a seat on the table then it doesn't really have any hard bargaining power and wont be able to impact the final outcome. This seems like an election ploy to avoid an embarrassing situation which the opposition can exploit.
Hhahahaha what happened to the millions india was spending in Afghanistan? What happened to those cargo fruits that were send to Afghanistan via air???

Interesting times ahead. Pakistan has seen the worst , now the game begins for India.
India frustrated and left isolated in Afghanistan endgame with Pakistan on driving seat: Report
25 Dec, 2018


KABUL - India is reportedly frustrated and felt left out from the Afghanistan endgame.

In order to pacify Indian concerns, America’s special envoy for reconciliation in Afghanistan link will update Indian officials on talks with the Taliban link and the future of Delhi-Washington partnership.

After a swing trough tenregion, including Abu Dhabi, Pakistan link and Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad would visit India in early January, Indian media reported on Monday.

India has not been satisfied with US efforts for holding reconciliation meetings with the Taliban without consultations with New Delhi, the Economic Times said in a report that.

Khalilzad visited the region twice in the recent months for negotiations with the Taliban, but he avoided going to New Delhi both times. This time around, the envoy will attend India’s foreign policy dialogue, scheduled for January 8-10.

Last week, after a brief stay in Islamabad, Khalilzad flew to Kabul to brief senior Afghan leaders, including President Ashraf Ghani, on his meetings with Taliban in Abu Dhabi.

I think this bluffing has come to counter operationalizing of Chhabhar port . Afghanistan has expressed a big happiness on same. Fact of the matter is that Pakistan is Down and out in Afghanistan.
india CAN NEVER be part of the afghan endgame, peace process or a player in it's destiny LONG TERM and the americans KNOW IT. india does NOT share a border with afghanistan, it has nothing in common with afghans in terms of race, culture, heritage, religion, language, genetics etc. If the american superpower after 17 years cannot control afghanistan, there is NO WAY india, blackwater etc can ever hope to have a say in afghanistan. The americans are just coming to terms with this inevitable reality.

I think this bluffing has come to counter operationalizing of Chhabhar port . Afghanistan has expressed a big happiness on same. Fact of the matter is that Pakistan is Down and out in Afghanistan.

If that were true than the americans would not all of a sudden be planning to withdraw half it's troops from afghanistan and not keep it's major allies in the loop about this major development:

india CAN NEVER be part of the afghan endgame, peace process or a player in it's destiny LONG TERM and the americans KNOW IT. india does NOT share a border with afghanistan, it has nothing in common with afghans in terms of race, culture, heritage, religion, language, genetics etc. If the american superpower after 17 years cannot control afghanistan, there is NO WAY india, blackwater etc can ever hope to have a say in afghanistan. The americans are just coming to terms with this inevitable reality.

If that were true than the americans would not all of a sudden be planning to withdraw half it's troops from afghanistan and not keep it's major allies in the loop about this major development:


Wishful thinking.

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