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India frustrated and left isolated in Afghanistan endgame with Pakistan on driving seat:

Unlike India, China has a border with Afghanistan which touches the Sinkiang region afflicted by the Uighur issue. The Chinese have a direct stake in seeing a stable Afghanistan which does not impact them. Indeed there are reports of Chinese troops in Wakhan corridor.

Charles Clover in Beijing February 26, 2017 Print this page 78

A mystery over recent sightings of Chinese military vehicles patrolling inside Afghanistan deepened last week as Beijing denied its troops were in Afghanistan but confirmed it was undertaking “joint counter-terrorism operations” with Kabul. The disclosure comes as China steps up its involvement with its western neighbour amid a gradual withdrawal by US forces from the war-ravaged country.

Major speculation by a junior analyst.

For example some time back, there was speculation of China-Canada military relations :

Nothing major came out of it.

Actually, China seemingly has found a very different solution to its problem in the east. By decimating the Uighur community itself. They are now being diluted and distributed and put to work in factories. Reminds me of the line from Animal Farm:

"God gave me tail to ward off flies, I will rather have no flies and no tail."
Major speculation by a junior analyst.
The fact is Afghanistan is Chinese neighbour and that places Afghanistan on Chinese policy radar. We can debate all we want but you can dismiss that Beijing has interest in the region.

Actually, China seemingly has found a very different solution to its problem in the east.
The problem is on it's west. And may I suggest their solution is inspired by North America.

Laughing out loud .....

"India has been written out of this entire script"

At 3:20

This article should give a background on what is happening and what are US plans in Afghanistan.

In summary,

1. War in Afghanistan was costing billions and more importantly was a monkey around US's neck. You know, once a soldier dies, you have to provide a lot of support to the next of the kins.

2. Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater had his eyes on this war for sometime. His solution: Remove troops from Afghanistan, let Blackwater in there and let them run the show including air support.

3. His two road-blocks McMaster and Mattis were managed out by Trump to make way for him and his business.

Now the private wars begin. And ofcourse it will be dirty.

This is not going to be the same diplomatic game. It is going to be pure financial game brutal and dirty game. Expect more refugees if you are bordering Afghanistan. If a region has rare earths, the region will be extracted and people living there will be managed out. It will bring more US corporates into Afghanistan.

"India has been written out of this entire script"
India was perhaps never in the script to begin with. They needed someone to fund the private forces or to provide man-power. India it looks like decided against it. So did Pakistan too.

Afghanistan is the hot potato that no one wants to burn their fingers with.

The fact is Afghanistan is Chinese neighbour and that places Afghanistan on Chinese policy radar. We can debate all we want but you can dismiss that Beijing has interest in the region.
Afghanistan shares a very small corridor with China. Mostly mountainous region. One of the tasks expected out of Pakistan by China is to ensure that Afghanis do not seep into China. It seems that Pakistan had been doing that decently enough. Remaining problem China is sorting in itself, expediently shall I say.

Beijing certainly has interests in the region but not now and not in the current form. It will let India, Iran, Pakistan sort out the mess and then it will come in. Remember, Beijing is not exactly interventionlist like USA, it is influencer. Plus, in Beijing, Party runs the military and military industrial complex, not the other way round. As I said, Beijing wants milk, not the cow. Thats for India, Iran, Pakistan or Afghan government to manage. The reason they are keeping in minimal and covert touch with Afghan government is to ensure that they remember, China is also a party and to keep a small enough channel open. So that when times are right, they will come back.

This article should give a background on what is happening and what are US plans in Afghanistan.

In summary,

1. War in Afghanistan was costing billions and more importantly was a monkey around US's neck. You know, once a soldier dies, you have to provide a lot of support to the next of the kins.

2. Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater had his eyes on this war for sometime. His solution: Remove troops from Afghanistan, let Blackwater in there and let them run the show including air support.

3. His two road-blocks McMaster and Mattis were managed out by Trump to make way for him and his business.

Now the private wars begin. And ofcourse it will be dirty.

This is not going to be the same diplomatic game. It is going to be pure financial game brutal and dirty game. Expect more refugees if you are bordering Afghanistan. If a region has rare earths, the region will be extracted and people living there will be managed out. It will bring more US corporates into Afghanistan.

India was perhaps never in the script to begin with. They needed someone to fund the private forces or to provide man-power. India it looks like decided against it. So did Pakistan too.

Afghanistan is the hot potato that no one wants to burn their fingers with.

how long till the atrocities anger the Afghans to demand the mercenaries leave. Also the mercenaries; 6000 "sergeants" as Prince describes them will be able to lead the Afghan forces, when they become demoralized by the atrocities. Turboprop CAS aircraft are more vulnerable to malfunction or attack at the lower altitudes they operate at. The margins are getting thinner, but the expectations are going higher, so the brutality will get worse.
how long till the atrocities anger the Afghans to demand the mercenaries leave. Also the mercenaries; 6000 "sergeants" as Prince describes them will be able to lead the Afghan forces, when they become demoralized by the atrocities. Turboprop CAS aircraft are more vulnerable to malfunction or attack at the lower altitudes they operate at. The margins are getting thinner, but the expectations are going higher, so the brutality will get worse.
Well, I don't know what goes inside Prince's head. But thats what has been happening for past 1 year or so. The NYTimes article has decently summarized the situation.
Again a Turkish guy identifies maulana rumi and chishti as Afghani, even though both were Persian. This must be some sickness.

Afganistan is no easy game!!! Folks from Afganistan fueled the Muslim onslaughts in different parts of the world!! For example, Horasan Erens (Horasan Saints) laid the foundation for the Islamic heritage in Anatolia, which gave rise to the Selchuk and Ottoman Empires!!! And, they did the same for the sub-continent!!! Both Jelaleddin Rumi (RA) and Moinuddin Chishti (RA) came from that place....
will usa allow China and russia to open a military base in mexico?
US certainly didn't gave a damn when China literally purchased Venezuela or got enough influence in Peru (or Argentina?) for lithium mines. Afghanistan is no Mexico for China, that will be North Korea or perhaps Mongolia. Its more like Peru or Venezuela for USA. China is never too happy when US makes moves even in South Korea. Try that in Mongolia and see how quickly regimes change in that country or how many articles GlobalTimes publishes.

Besides, US had been in Afghanistan for quite sometime now. There is a reason why neither US nor China opened a front in the region against each other there.
US certainly didn't gave a damn when China literally purchased Venezuela or got enough influence in Peru (or Argentina?) for lithium mines. Afghanistan is no Mexico for China, that will be North Korea or perhaps Mongolia. Its more like Peru or Venezuela for USA. China is never too happy when US makes moves even in South Korea. Try that in Mongolia and see how quickly regimes change in that country or how many articles GlobalTimes publishes.

Besides, US had been in Afghanistan for quite sometime now. There is a reason why neither US nor China opened a front in the region against each other there.
hmmm will usa gives a damn or not will discuss that when China/Russia opens a base in mexico .look how india panicked when China ask for a port in hambantota .
in 2001 usa is a solo superpower while now you like it or not China is a competitor and after recent tensioms at SCS us presence in Afghanistan is a threat .
plus usa is defeated and it the best time to bleed them .
in 2018 russia China Pakistan starts negotiations with Taliban in Moscow and all of the sudeen usa starts meaningful Talks and officially request Pakistani PM to bring Taliban on desk . why? feeling unsecure of something?
what usa did in 80's other countries could do that too and recent gain by Taliban shows they are pretty much doing it :) .
Iran got rid of black water terrorist death squads from Iraq. Lol......Iran killed them like dogs on the street......lol

US certainly didn't gave a damn when China literally purchased Venezuela or got enough influence in Peru (or Argentina?) for lithium mines. Afghanistan is no Mexico for China, that will be North Korea or perhaps Mongolia. Its more like Peru or Venezuela for USA. China is never too happy when US makes moves even in South Korea. Try that in Mongolia and see how quickly regimes change in that country or how many articles GlobalTimes publishes.

Besides, US had been in Afghanistan for quite sometime now. There is a reason why neither US nor China opened a front in the region against each other there.
The current Afghanistan government is tilting towards India, and India is using their Afghan soil to breed terrorists. See confession of Indian Navy official and Ehsan ullah Ehsan, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan spokes person was caught and he confessed to assistance from Indian and Afghan intelligence Agencies.
Ofcourse India will do its worst against Pakistan, they are you mortal enemies. What did you expect?

India feels increasingly threatened by China’s emerging economic and political influence in the area.
That region, Afghanistan is playground for many countries. China has its own agenda but that does not involve controlling Afghanistan right now. Besides they have Pakistan to do all that work for them.

As fears from India grow, the country has decided to deploy 700,000 troops to the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) in a desperate effort to stem worries
.India forces of murdering protestors, illegally incarcerating individuals and raping women in the region.The human right situation in IOK is dismal.
I want to understand one thing. How does this schizophrenic thinking works with people here?

Can someone please explain me this?

We have a perfectly decent and thinking person here who was talking about Afghanistan and all of a sudden he jumped into India and Kashmir meanwhile skipping Pakistan in between. How does that work? How does Afghanistan causes militarization of Kashmir or Indian atrocities in Kashmir? And how do you people manage to take such massive leaps in thoughts?

you worry about the Black water in Afghanistan ,you as indian , changing flags doesnt change your thinking . You should worry as conflicts along the LoC continue and World War 3 fears rise, both India and Pakistan have been accused of violating the ceasefire currently in place in the area.
Same as above this is another hallmark of this forum. Out of nowhere a person will stop being a rational one and will start yapping insults or start accusing you of being some kind of traitor or some kind of turncoat or something similar. How do you guys manage it? This is third time I have experienced it myself and I see this happening all too commonly here. You guys are more interested in slinging mud than actually discussing anything.

And pray tell how come you are able to come up with World War 3 and somehow workout "LoC" and leave it hanging like a poorly written novel?
hmmm will usa gives a damn or not will discuss that when China/Russia opens a base in mexico .look how india panicked when China ask for a port in hambantota .
in 2001 usa is a solo superpower while now you like it or not China is a competitor and after recent tensioms at SCS us presence in Afghanistan is a threat .
plus usa is defeated and it the best time to bleed them .
in 2018 russia China Pakistan starts negotiations with Taliban in Moscow and all of the sudeen usa starts meaningful Talks and officially request Pakistani PM to bring Taliban on desk . why? feeling unsecure of something?
what usa did in 80's other countries could do that too and recent gain by Taliban shows they are pretty much doing it :) .
From the US perspectives, Taliban under Pak >>>>> Taliban under anyone else
Well, I don't know what goes inside Prince's head. But thats what has been happening for past 1 year or so. The NYTimes article has decently summarized the situation.

If that's whats been happening with 14000 troops this year, why would it work with 2000 troops and 6000 mercenaries, and turboprop planes over the A-10 and F-16s?
You people are misreading what is happening in Afghanistan. US is pulling its regular forces and bringing in defence contractors. Its going to get much dirtier. Basically these contractors are goons for hire. Those who can pay them can make them do things one cann't even imagine. And they are well trained and equipped to boot.

US troops were off limits for other forces involved in Afghanistan, Defense contractor are a free game, Do you think ISI (example) will worry about shooting a US contractor as they would be in case of US army.
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