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After Syria’s partition, will Xinjiang be destabilized?

So you think you every nation should take China’s lead and send large numbers of their Muslim populations to re-education centers just in case their minds aren’t with the “mainstream” thought of their respective countries?
The biggest Muslim group in China is Hui, why never heard of them in any camps?
U are such a fool. Playing into the hands of west. China isn't the bad guy here.

Muslims should beaware before they make a mistake. If they support usa again like pakistan supported usa against russia . china could break and then all hell will break loose. Look at united states pakistan trusted them and what they did to pakistan.

Support people who say no to war and to seperatism. American government is very wrong and opressors .

God Almighty doesn't side with oppressors instead with the opressed even if they dont believe in Him and even if oppressor is a muslim or a jew.

If u are a muslim you should know better United States has evil plans like british and Japanese.

No you are a fool, because you are incompetent and a beggar hence you sell your loyalty to the highest bidder.

West Chinese 2 sides of the same coin.
U are such a fool. Playing into the hands of west. China isn't the bad guy here.

Muslims should beaware before they make a mistake. If they support usa again like pakistan supported usa against russia . china could break and then all hell will break loose. Look at united states pakistan trusted them and what they did to pakistan.

Support people who say no to war and to seperatism. American government is very wrong and opressors .

God Almighty doesn't side with oppressors instead with the opressed even if they dont believe in Him and even if oppressor is a muslim or a jew.

If u are a muslim you should know better United States has evil plans like british and Japanese.

Chinese we opressed to much and far too long. Chinese arw simple hard working and kind hearted people . Now they happen to be a super power and all those in illusion of the past will be sweapt off their feet.

Be turkish american or aliens from mars. Chinese and Muslim nations should be friends cuz they are natural and simply cant be oppressors.

Muslims should defnitely be allies of chinese people. I have lived with them for years . chinese are very good people simple humble and brotherly.

Getting my popcorn hot PDF fights here we come

No you are a fool, because you are incompetent and a beggar hence you sell your loyalty to the highest bidder.

West Chinese 2 sides of the same coin.

hmm I smell a troll fest coming up
The Chinese state has not yet to face a real international campaign. The terrorism of the Uighur region can creates a huge domino effect in all central Asia. I hope China can walk with a rational and on-site strategy. Islam is not a threat to China. However, the radicalization of Muslims by being manipulated by western operation network or crushed by the system can raises a problem that is large enough to disperse the international interest of China.

China is not syria, we have very strong goverment.
the international campaign? they already have one, from tibet to xinjiang.
Getting my popcorn hot PDF fights here we come

hmm I smell a troll fest coming up

No troll here bro an outspoken person of great heritage and history, not your beggar pakki who lacks self esteem and will bow down to anyone for money.
So you think you every nation should take China’s lead and send large numbers of their Muslim populations to re-education centers just in case their minds aren’t with the “mainstream” thought of their respective countries?

You’d make Netanyahu proud!

There are no re education camps are u nuts??? There are rehabilitation centers just like they habe for heroin and drug addicts to leave bad habbits and have a chance to be normal again.

Those rehabilitation centere are only for people and household who have had politically active or seperstist people in that house.

In kashmir indian army abducts and kills those people . in pakistan we bomb the heck out of them and kill them to kingdom come cuz they are a scum and attack innocent people.

China does something differnt some different approach they kill the terrorist or take them to coirt while the family of the terrorist explains the circumstances that led that person to be a terrorist and try to rehabilitate their lives . governemt offers them money and skill development so that even if the terrorist member of house is dead theh can earn livelihood and go back to normal life . let go of bad feelings and grivences. I dont know what usa does for families of terrorsits i know pakistan does not care and has no resoirces to visit and take care of families of terrorists. But to our good aid there is a fact that most terrorists in pakistan were foreigners mostly uzbek afghan central asians or uyghur from xinjiang so we need worry about their familes.

Chinese nip the evil in the bud. In their homes so dead terrorsits son or father or sister or mom doesnt become a terrorist after he has been killed.

Those are rehabilitation centers only for terrorist or seperatist related famies and people. Not every uyghur and Muslim in china is a terrorist. Small number of people are terrorists . unlike as reported in the west with word and fact twisting and numbers in millions!

Propaganda . thank God for internet people can talk and confirm for themselves. Otherwise like in 50s wars would breakout alot more often.

Those people sprrading these rumours something bad is coming for them im very sure!
Don’t worry every dog has his day, you will too, Great Wall if China didn’t help you from being conquered, large population didn’t help fend of the Japanese and not to forget slavery by the British.

East Turkistan will be free and we turco iranic people will support our kin and kith, what must go up must come down and surely you will be brought down.
till this second, the only dogs in this world is muslim country.
how many millions muslim being bomb to the pulp by US?
There are no re education camps are u nuts??? There are rehabilitation centers just like they habe for heroin and drug addicts to leave bad habbits and have a chance to be normal again.

Those rehabilitation centere are only for people and household who have had politically active or seperstist people in that house.

In kashmir indian army abducts and kills those people . in pakistan we bomb the heck out of them and kill them to kingdom come cuz they are a scum and attack innocent people.

China does something differnt some different approach they kill the terrorist or take them to coirt while the family of the terrorist explains the circumstances that led that person to be a terrorist and try to rehabilitate their lives . governemt offers them money and skill development so that even if the terrorist member of house is dead theh can earn livelihood and go back to normal life . let go of bad feelings and grivences. I dont know what usa does for families of terrorsits i know pakistan does not care and has no resoirces to visit and take care of families of terrorists. But to our good aid there is a fact that most terrorists in pakistan were foreigners mostly uzbek afghan central asians or uyghur from xinjiang so we need worry about their familes.

Chinese nip the evil in the bud. In their homes so dead terrorsits son or father or sister or mom doesnt become a terrorist after he has been killed.

Those are rehabilitation centers only for terrorist or seperatist related famies and people. Not every uyghur and Muslim in china is a terrorist. Small number of people are terrorists . unlike as reported in the west with word and fact twisting and numbers in millions!

Propaganda . thank God for internet people can talk and confirm for themselves. Otherwise like in 50s wars would breakout alot more often.

Those people sprrading these rumours something bad is coming for them im very sure!

Those who kill Pakistani civilians protected by a uniform are not scum that they kill their own citizens for US dollars?.

They are not scum that they handed that lady doctor to CIA?.

Its seems to be you are trying to do some damage control in whatever little capacity you can. You would hate for people to find out that the Mosques in Xinjiang are being forced to shut down by the chinese government and some have been converted into bars and pubs.

Once a Mosque in Kashgar, now a trendy "Uyghur" themed bar, thanks to the Chinese government.

Its seems to be you are trying to do some damage control in whatever little capacity you can. You would hate for people to find out that the Mosques in Xinjiang have been forced to shut down by the chinese vvand have been converted into bars and pubs.

Once a Mosque in Kashgar, now a trendy "Uyghur" themed bar, thanks to the Chinese government.


Worthless fake propaganda , just like Iraq having WMD.
No you are a fool, because you are incompetent and a beggar hence you sell your loyalty to the highest bidder.

West Chinese 2 sides of the same coin.

I don't beg and i pray atleast 3 times a day to God Almighty to keep me away from ever needing to ask for something to any of His created beings be it human or any other in this world and here after.

I think the begging part u refer to is because of imran khan going for aid package from china.

Well to that my friend my reply is. When u have money and u have kids to feed and a family to take care of . what do u do? Go rob a bank? Kill someone? Steal ?

Or do u go to ur mom ur dad ur elder brother ur sister and tell them the situation and trouble u are in. Especially if u loose money doing something stupid like lavish life style . spending carelessly or gambling.

U have to explain what happened and u need to assure ur family brothers that u wont do the same thing with this money they give u and u will spend it differently.

The thing is family hates to see family in pain and family always helps and even at times doesnt want the money to be a loan. They just call it a gift or grant.

Thats my understanding of that what u call begging to china.

I have lived in china since there was not even CPEC or anything.

I lived in xinjiang for 4 years then moved to other parts. See i know china and chinese people they are true friends and very good human brings.

Hence they are a power now.

I ain't no begger. And if my prime minister asked for help he asked his brothers and people he trusts. That doesnt make every pakistani a beggar.

Heck i bet if u were on sale i could buy u cuz Allah has given me money that very few have.

Its seems to be you are trying to do some damage control in whatever little capacity you can. You would hate for people to find out that the Mosques in Xinjiang are being forced to shut down by the chinese government and some have been converted into bars and pubs.

Once a Mosque in Kashgar, now a trendy "Uyghur" themed bar, thanks to
Those who kill Pakistani civilians protected by a uniform are not scum that they kill their own citizens for US dollars?.

They are not scum that they handed that lady doctor to CIA?.

Behns k agay kya been bajani. Behn chod jao marwao bund chinese say phir.

I can't talk with a troll like u. Just go attack china go fight them see what u get. I'll watch from sides while firmly on chinese side. Go prove me wrong. Go f uck with china and see what happens
I hate these useless PDF threads and Pakistanis fighting among themsleves

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