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For almost 40 years those seminary students have been ruling over Iran while all you "smart" and "educated" Iranians haven't managed to role these dumb religious fanatics back an inch. Go beg your Marine Buddies to come "save" Iran for you because god knows you gutless Geniuses are completely hopeless of doing it yourselves! I'm not even religious but I have more respect for those that have faith and are willing to put their lives on the line even if it means losing their lives for for their beliefs than some runaway Iranians bragging about how smart they are without having any balls to actually do anything with their smarts!
You love the Islamic Dictatorship so much that you move to Canada?

it is not easy to resist under a dictatorship, that's why it's called a dictatorship. everyone can see what this arab regime is doing every day to the intelligent iranians (now it is environmentalists turn to be accused of stupid conspiracies by people like you) that try to return to help or who speak against this regime.
You love the Islamic Dictatorship so much that you move to Canada?

it is not easy to resist under a dictatorship, that's why it's called a dictatorship. everyone can see what this arab regime is doing every day to the intelligent iranians (now it is environmentalists turn to be accused of stupid conspiracies by people like you) that try to return to help or who speak against this regime.

My parents moved to Canada in March of 1988 when i was 8, because they were very much Pro Shah as was I back then and that was during the "War of the Cities" days when Tehran was being hit with Al Husain missiles. As I grew up and actually studied Iran's history I realized what a weak and useless ruler Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was and I began to admired the courage of the revolutionaries that sacrificed their lives for their beliefs first during the revolution and then in the War years. I have no doubt in my mind that the Islamic republic will never be toppled from the inside because those in opposition are too busy coming up with excuses for their lack of commitment to actually doing something which involves risk to their own lives!

When it comes to "conspiracy theories" I wonder if you are familiar with the U.S.S Liberty? perhaps you believe the official story that the Israeli air force and navy attacked a U.S signals intelligence ship for over 40 minutes thinking they were attacking an Egyptian Cavalry Carrier. If anyone believes the official story then they must also believe that Israeli Air Force pilots are just as blind as Woody Allen not to have notice U.S.S Liberty stenciled on its sides and the large American flag flown by that ship! Do you know what Israel received from the U.S in the aftermath of the attack? They received $1 billion in military aid up until 1973 when it was increased to $5 billion. They have been receiving annual military aid to this very day. If one thinks that their is anything strange with this arrangement then they are labelled a kooky "Conspiracy theorists" and are automatically dismissed by the "Sane" and "educated" people such as yourself!
My parents moved to Canada in March of 1988 when i was 8, because they were very much Pro Shah as was I back then and that was during the "War of the Cities" days when Tehran was being hit with Al Husain missiles. As I grew up and actually studied Iran's history I realized what a weak and useless ruler Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was and I began to admired the courage of the revolutionaries that sacrificed their lives for their beliefs first during the revolution and then in the War years. I have no doubt in my mind that the Islamic republic will never be toppled from the inside because those in opposition are too busy coming up with excuses for their lack of commitment to actually doing something which involves risk to their own lives!

When it comes to "conspiracy theories" I wonder if you are familiar with the U.S.S Liberty? perhaps you believe the official story that the Israeli air force and navy attacked a U.S signals intelligence ship for over 40 minutes thinking they were attacking an Egyptian Cavalry Carrier. If anyone believes the official story then they must also believe that Israeli Air Force pilots are just as blind as Woody Allen not to have notice U.S.S Liberty stenciled on its sides and the large American flag flown by that ship! Do you know what Israel received from the U.S in the aftermath of the attack? They received $1 billion in military aid up until 1973 when it was increased to $5 billion. They have been receiving annual military aid to this very day. If one thinks that their is anything strange with this arrangement then they are labelled a kooky "Conspiracy theorists" and are automatically dismissed by the "Sane" and "educated" people such as yourself!
i like this kind of person
My parents moved to Canada in March of 1988 when i was 8, because they were very much Pro Shah as was I back then and that was during the "War of the Cities" days when Tehran was being hit with Al Husain missiles.
come on Tehran only get hit for 50 days ,other cities get bombed for 7 years , cities of Khuzestan and Ilam get shelled which is a lot scarier than missiles , dezful get more than 176 9K52 Luna-M and SCUD missile and 500 bomb and 5900 artillery shell while the city didn't even had 100000 population.(By the way in the calculation i didn't enter mortars )
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come on Tehran only get hit for 50 days ,other cities get bombed for 7 years , cities of Khuzestan and Ilam get shelled which is a lot scarier than missiles , dezful get more than 176 9K52 Luna-M and SCUD missile and 500 bomb and 5900 artillery shell while the city didn't even had 100000 population.(By the way in the calculation i didn't enter mortars )

Yeah we were spoiled in Tehran because up to that time we only had sporadic air raids and every time the Air raid warning sirens would sound and we would turn off the lights and take shelter or at least keep away from windows although I used to like watching the AAA tracers going up into the night sky. The Missiles though were different because there was no warning. I'll never forget the first one. I was in the washroom urinating when all of a sudden I heard a tremendous explosion and the ground shook. I thought it was a car bomb down the street or something. We all went up to the roof to see what had happened and on the horizon on the other side of the city I could see a small plume of smoke rising. Lucky for us Tehranis, in order to extend the range of the scud B( Al Hussein) in order to target Tehran, the Iraqis had to reduce the warhead weight from 1800lbs to about 400lbs! that first night we counted around 17-18 missile strikes. I recall hearing that a lot of people had left Tehran due to the missile scare and that some had been bitten by snakes and scorpions while camping outside of the city but I don't knows if it was true.
For almost 40 years those seminary students have been ruling over Iran while all you "smart" and "educated" Iranians haven't managed to role these dumb religious fanatics back an inch. Go beg your Marine Buddies to come "save" Iran for you because god knows you gutless Geniuses are completely hopeless of doing it yourselves! I'm not even religious but I have more respect for those that have faith and are willing to put their lives on the line even if it means losing their lives for for their beliefs than some runaway Iranians bragging about how smart they are without having any balls to actually do anything with their smarts!
Oh so you are an escapee who has never lived under the yolk of these fascists. Now it makes sense... a refugee who suddenly feels home sick and all righteous about fascism.
My parents moved to Canada in March of 1988 when i was 8, because they were very much Pro Shah as was I back then and that was during the "War of the Cities" days when Tehran was being hit with Al Husain missiles. As I grew up and actually studied Iran's history I realized what a weak and useless ruler Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was and I began to admired the courage of the revolutionaries that sacrificed their lives for their beliefs first during the revolution and then in the War years. I have no doubt in my mind that the Islamic republic will never be toppled from the inside because those in opposition are too busy coming up with excuses for their lack of commitment to actually doing something which involves risk to their own lives!

When it comes to "conspiracy theories" I wonder if you are familiar with the U.S.S Liberty? perhaps you believe the official story that the Israeli air force and navy attacked a U.S signals intelligence ship for over 40 minutes thinking they were attacking an Egyptian Cavalry Carrier. If anyone believes the official story then they must also believe that Israeli Air Force pilots are just as blind as Woody Allen not to have notice U.S.S Liberty stenciled on its sides and the large American flag flown by that ship! Do you know what Israel received from the U.S in the aftermath of the attack? They received $1 billion in military aid up until 1973 when it was increased to $5 billion. They have been receiving annual military aid to this very day. If one thinks that their is anything strange with this arrangement then they are labelled a kooky "Conspiracy theorists" and are automatically dismissed by the "Sane" and "educated" people such as yourself!
with how much you love people who sacrifice themselves for their causes you should like islamic state terrorists too yes?

USS liberty has nothing to do with the difficulties of resisting under the islamic dictatorship of iran. you don't know about the targeting of environmentalists now?


as for USS liberty, i don't know if it was a mistake or on purpose, but israel paid compensation for it. the US gives aid to many countries, that's not a conspiracy.
Oh so you are an escapee who has never lived under the yolk of these fascists. Now it makes sense... a refugee who suddenly feels home sick and all righteous about fascism.
Have some shame, I know you're not Iranian because even an Iranian Jew would have enough decency not to reply to that post in this manner. Iran has suffered and has made many mistakes along the way but we collectively can hold our head high because we're not occupiers nor killers of women and children. You will never get any respect for any of us regardless of our opinion of the IRI Regime.

Yeah we were spoiled in Tehran because up to that time we only had sporadic air raids and every time the Air raid warning sirens would sound and we would turn off the lights and take shelter or at least keep away from windows although I used to like watching the AAA tracers going up into the night sky. The Missiles though were different because there was no warning. I'll never forget the first one. I was in the washroom urinating when all of a sudden I heard a tremendous explosion and the ground shook. I thought it was a car bomb down the street or something. We all went up to the roof to see what had happened and on the horizon on the other side of the city I could see a small plume of smoke rising. Lucky for us Tehranis, in order to extend the range of the scud B( Al Hussein) in order to target Tehran, the Iraqis had to reduce the warhead weight from 1800lbs to about 400lbs! that first night we counted around 17-18 missile strikes. I recall hearing that a lot of people had left Tehran due to the missile scare and that some had been bitten by snakes and scorpions while camping outside of the city but I don't knows if it was true.
I don't understand the mass paranoia of everyone and everything not Iranian or none revolutionary. I am an Iranian, I don't like SA nor Israel. I also think we would be better off with a detente with the USA. I'm not advocating friendship just ceasing of hostility. It would bode well for both countries. But Persian Gulf has a point, this finger pointing and rumor mongering of Iranians from abroad is not good. Some of us wouldn't mind coming home and helping out but don't need the hassle of getting accused of some BS and jailed.
Have some shame, I know you're not Iranian because even an Iranian Jew would have enough decency not to reply to that post in this manner. Iran has suffered and has made many mistakes along the way but we collectively can hold our head high because we're not occupiers nor killers of women and children. You will never get any respect for any of us regardless of our opinion of the IRI Regime.

I don't understand the mass paranoia of everyone and everything not Iranian or none revolutionary. I am an Iranian, I don't like SA nor Israel. I also think we would be better off with a detente with the USA. I'm not advocating friendship just ceasing of hostility. It would bode well for both countries. But Persian Gulf has a point, this finger pointing and rumor mongering of Iranians from abroad is not good. Some of us wouldn't mind coming home and helping out but don't need the hassle of getting accused of some BS and jailed.

We've got WordsMatter where we wanted him. He finally exposed himself as the dumbass that he is. The more he lashes out like a subhuman rat the better.

Don't waste your time replying to him.
Have some shame, I know you're not Iranian because even an Iranian Jew would have enough decency not to reply to that post in this manner. Iran has suffered and has made many mistakes along the way but we collectively can hold our head high because we're not occupiers nor killers of women and children. You will never get any respect for any of us regardless of our opinion of the IRI Regime.

I don't understand the mass paranoia of everyone and everything not Iranian or none revolutionary. I am an Iranian, I don't like SA nor Israel. I also think we would be better off with a detente with the USA. I'm not advocating friendship just ceasing of hostility. It would bode well for both countries. But Persian Gulf has a point, this finger pointing and rumor mongering of Iranians from abroad is not good. Some of us wouldn't mind coming home and helping out but don't need the hassle of getting accused of some BS and jailed.
I am not looking for respect from you people... You are a bunch of fascist loving cowards, living in the west, defending the rape and destruction of IRN. You are a bunch of anti-Semitic, anti-Bahai, anti-women thugs and I really don't want your respect.
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I am not looking for respect from you people... You are a bunch of fascist loving cowards, living in the west, defending the rape and destruction of IRI. You are a bunch of anti-Semitic, anti-Bahai, anti-women thugs and I really don't want your respect.

About to send you my address gonna take me up on the offer?

I am not looking for respect from you people... You are a bunch of fascist loving cowards, living in the west, defending the rape and destruction of IRI. You are a bunch of anti-Semitic, anti-Bahai, anti-women thugs and I really don't want your respect.
If you don't then you're without a doubt the dickless coward bitch I always knew you were.
We've got WordsMatter where we wanted him. He finally exposed himself as the dumbass that he is. The more he lashes out like a subhuman rat the better.

Don't waste your time replying to him.
**We** :rofl: So you admit your cowardice... You are nothing by yourself, you seek the protection of your Basiji thug buddies.
**We** :rofl: So you admit your cowardice... You are nothing by yourself, you seek the protection of your Basiji thug buddies.
I don't hide behind any Basiji **** like you who hides behind your PDF account like a dog. TAKE ME UP ON MY OFFER YOU ****, LETS SEE IF YOU ARE 1/12TH THE MAN YOU CLAIM TO BE.
with how much you love people who sacrifice themselves for their causes you should like islamic state terrorists too yes?

Honestly this is the stupidest question I've seen yet! So because I admire IRANIAN revolutionaries sacrifice against all odds against the DICTATOR Mohamad Reza Pahlavi's Army and Savak, then I must admire ISIS who would love nothing more than to sever my head from my torso? So much for your "education"!

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