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Birth anniversary of Hindu god Krishna marked in Dhaka, Bangladesh

For rebirth again, he must die first. If he die then how he create himself? When he was dead then who was controlling things?
And who was their father and mother?

In Hindu mythology, Gods take human form as required. Krishna is a human form of Vishnu. Before him, Ram was a human form of Vishnu.
Anyways, Hinduism is not an Abrahamic faith, nor is it a dogmatic faith. It has various schools of thought and is open to change and evolution.
Lord Krishna took birth in Dwapar Yug to establish Dharma and teach mankind the right path, He went when His work was done. Now it is believed the last manifestation Lord Kalki will come to establish Dharma again in the end of kal Yug and then again Satya Yug will begin.

Sounds very much like Abrahamic religions. Instead of Prophets you have God's reincarnations.
There is no version of Islam. Read Quran and both are stated that it is word of God. Practicing Islam is very easy and not need any rocket science. The difference are everywhere but these differences in opinions changes Islam. It stood right there where its stand and it is us who made mistakes to understand it. you have the book which didn't change for past 1400 years. Read it and understand it according yo your capacity
Your religion starts n ends with a book written by illiterate person? Am I wrong?
For Lord Krishna devotees He is Ishwar. Lord Krishna has stated

Yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati bharata ll

Abhythanamadharmasya tadatmanam srijamyaham ll

Paritranaya sadhunang vinashay cha dushkritam ll

Dharmasangsthapanarthay sambhabami yuge yuge ll

The meaning of these two slokas is—

Througout the ages whenever there is decay of righteousness,

And there is exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself (Meaning God in the form of a manifestation) come forth ;

For the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers,

For the sake of firmly establishing righteousness/Dharma, I am born from age to age.
Some in Arya Samaj would argue otherwise.
Tell me how can God become dead and rebirth again 8th times? who give birth to him? What is the concept if GOD himself die and rebirth again?
Read hindu mythology to understand that. I know what you are trying to do and its not pretty.
Tell me how can God become dead and rebirth again 8th times? who give birth to him? What is the concept if GOD himself die and rebirth again?
Why not? Anything created (if there is any) or exist dies eventually. That's the law of the universe. Stars, planets, humans and microorganisms, electrons, neutron, everything dies and is transformed into another form. Even the trio Brahma - Vishnu - Shiva dies.
Some in Arya Samaj would argue otherwise.
I guess they found their path. There are Hindus who absolutely reject the existence of God, they're nastikas there are sacred texts on it, i.e hymns in Rig Veda reject the existence of God. Or go through Upanishads which says, there's no god, where it's assumed as karma or action is the cause of your experience.
There's always room for argument.
I think that the mahabharata and the bhagavad gita are something that benefits all religions. I do not view religions as contradicting but as complimenting one another.

The story is not that different than the story of Jesus christ. Also some incarnation of God , a shepherd walking the earth.
This is the reason non Muslims have govt quota. Still then they enjoy both quota and open merit system in every department. Anyways those extra marks are negligible.
We also have quotas for minorities too but We don't give extra marks to students for learning any religious books. Religion is a personal matter, belief and should not be linked with education however Pakistan adopts and practices discriminatory policies towards its minorities that is Hindus, Sikhs and Christians.

PM: Everyone in this country will enjoy equal rights
Tribune Desk
  • Published at 09:44 pm August 28th, 2018

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addressing an event organized to exchange greetings with the members of the Hindu community at Ganabhaban in Dhaka on the occasion of Janmashtami on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 Focus Bangla
Sheikh Hasina has exchanged greetings with the members of the Hindu community on the occasion of Janmashtami at Ganabhaban

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said that all citizens of the country, irrespective of their religions, will enjoy their equal rights.

"You, the people of the Hindu community, will live here with your own rights. This soil also belongs to you... All citizens of Bangladesh have their own equal rights," she said while exchanging greetings with members of the Hindu community at Ganabhaban on the occasion of Janmashtami on Tuesday, reports UNB.

“In every sphere of life – socioeconomic, education, healthcare and religious rituals – all have equal rights," she said.

Hasina said as the head of the government it was her responsibility to ensure equal rights for all. "And we are performing our duty."

Referring to her administration’s philosophy of “religion is for individuals and festivals are for all,” she said the people of all faiths had fought shoulder-to-shoulder during the 1971 Liberation War under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and embraced martyrdom to free the country.


"So, this country belongs to the people of all religions," she added.

Giving importance to maintaining communal and religious harmony in the country, the prime minister said every religion preaches peace, fraternity and tolerance and it was the important aspect of religion.

She also urged the leaders of the Hindu community to work together for further development of Bangladesh.

Hasina said her government also enacted a law, similar to “heba law” of the Muslim community, for the Hindu community this to facilitate the transfer of property of a community member to their close relatives without paying any tax.

She said the government always tried to make sure that every festival of all religions was observed in a festive mood. "This is the beauty of Bangladesh where people from all religions participate in every religious festival."

She extended her greetings to the members of the Hindu community on the occasion of Janmashtami, saying Sri Krishna had preached the message of love, justice and affection which all should promote.

Religious Affairs Minister Matior Rahman, leaders of Bangladesh Puja Udjapan Committee, Janmashtami Udjapan Parishad and Mohanagar Sarbojonin Puja Committee also spoke on the occasion.


BIRTHDAY OF GOD. So how world was doing before his birth?

What I know about Hinduism is it believes God Brahman is universal God. He manifested in millions of avatars in the world through three main forms Brahma (god of Birth), Vishnu (god of Life) & Shiva (god of Death). These three are no three gods but 3 forms of one formless God Brahman. Brahman's first form Brahma, the birth god is not worshiped much, its the other two gods Vishnu & Shiva are worshiped and revered more.

Krishna is eighth avatar of god Vishnu. Vishnu, the god of life manifested in 10 main avatars. Among whom Krishna is the most revered avatar followed by Gautama Buddha, the 9th avatar of Vishnu. All these avatars are part of Brahman.
In Hindu mythology, Gods take human form as required. Krishna is a human form of Vishnu. Before him, Ram was a human form of Vishnu.
They have a name for it too... Avataar.

Now please don't post pictures of Avatar the last airbender or Legend of Korra. I have seen a lot of fights starting that way.
For His devotees Lord Krishna is Brahman (Supreme Truth/God) and Brahman is Lord Krishna. There is no hierarchy They are various aspects of the Supreme being or God.
but krishna is avatar of vishnu shouldn't he be superior? also i read somewhere brahma created universe which makeshim creator of all

Read hindu mythology to understand that. I know what you are trying to do and its not pretty.
suggest a book in english language i cant read hindi

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